Dec. - NATO joined boycott of Cuba after US stopped military aid to 5 NATO nations for violating the boycott of Cuba imposed in October
May 22 - LBJ announced Great Society program in speech at Univ. of Michigan
June - LBJ ultimatum to Turkey prevented a war with Greece over Cyprus, but NATO was weakened by the conflict between 2 member nations.
July - OAS voted boycott of Cuba to prevent Cuba's export of arms into countries such as Venzuela for communist subversion
Aug. 5 - Gulf of Tonkin resolution began escalation in Vietnam
Aug. 11 - Congo intervention
Sept. 7 - Daisy Girl TV ad helped LBJ defeat Goldwater in Nov. 3 election
Oct. - Khru. ousted Oct. 15, China A-bomb oct. 16, Brit Labor Party victory over Conservatives
Nov. 13 - Kosygin met with Chou En-lai in China
Apr. 28 - Dominican Diversion
June - Pakistan sent tanks into Kashmir to expel Indian troops; LBJ imposed arms embargo on both sides and brought about a cease-fire by Sept.
Nov. 26 - DeGaulle launched Daimant rocket from Hammaguir in Africa to make France the third space power, having developed its own "force de frappe" nuclear capability in 1960
June 30 - Jesse Helms became 1st CIA agent to rise through the ranks to become Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) until 1972
July - Harold Wilson in Britain planned to withdraw troops from Germany unless the Ludwig Erhard government paid for their support, but John McCloy arranged to keep US and Brit troops in Germany "fully committed to NATO" by selling government bonds to Germany
April - Outer Space Treaty approved by Senate 88-0 to demilitarize the moon and prohibit weapons of mass destruction in space
June 5 - Six Day War in mideast began with pre-emptive Israeli attack on Egypt and occupation of the Sinai, Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Jerusalem
June 9 - U.S. intelligence-gathering ship Liberty was deliberately attacked by Israeli planes off the coast of Egypt, killing 34, in order to prevent U.S. from learning of Israeli plans to seize the Golan Heights from Syria; Russia broke diplomatic relations with Israel and Kosygin called LBJ on the hot line to urge him to stop Israel
June 11 - Israel agreed to ceasefire with Syria after it took the Golan Heights June 23-25 - Glassboro Summit with Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin in New Jersey, failed to prevent Russia from building antiballistic missle system
July - LBJ asked Congress for the Sentinel ABM system like that of the Russians, but debated until 1969
July 1 - Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty signed by US, USSR, Britain (later by 111 nations), but not France or China
Oct. 11 - Apollo 7 began 163 orbits by Wally Schirra, Donn Eisele, Walter Cunningham in the first major success of the $25 billion Apollo-SaturnV space program to land on the moon (done by Apollo 11 July 20, 1969)
Nov. 4 - Richard Nixon defeated Democrat Hubert Humphrey in the presidential election