Reagan 1981-1989

STS-1 landing

1st shuttle Columbia flew April 12, 1981

April 28 - Economic Recovery program speech proposed drastic cuts in domestic programs to stop the growing federal deficit. However, after the first year of the program, unemployment had risen to 10%, 17,000 businesses had failed, inflation remained high and the recession continued.

Shuttle Columbia

PATCO strikers
Sandra Day O'Connor 07/15/1981 (NLS-WHPO-C3015(7) ) from NA
1st Cabinet 02/04/1981 (NLS-WHPO-C487(2) ) from NA

Reagan fired PATCO strikers, called baseball strike "cultural terrorism"

Senate rejected 96-0 Reagan's proposed OASDI cuts (Old Age Survivors and Disability Insurance), but passed Social Secuirty tax (SS & Medicare were 27% of total federal budget, part of the "safety net" protected by Congress since FDR)

Reagan signed largest U.S. tax cut and took David Stockman to the "woodshed" but in 1982 he would raise taxes with the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFR). of 1982.

Poland martial law, Solidarity outlawed, Welesa imprisoned

Reagan responded with pipeline sanctions

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