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bomb shelter 1953
"balance of terror" "vulnerability"

Geneva Conference July 18-23, 1955

Khru. secret speech at 20th Congress Feb. 1956 Party Secretary Gomulka seeks independent Poland Oct. 20, 1956 - Nagy recognized as Prime Minister Oct. 29 but sought to leave the Warsaw Pact and Russian troops sent Nov. 3
Vostok rocket launched 1st ICBM Aug. 26, 1957
Lockheed's solid fuel Polaris, Raytheon's Hawk (Patriot)
Sputnik I launched Oct. 4, 1957 - 184 lbs - 1st satellite

Sputnik II launched Nov. 3 - 1120 lbs - Laika, not Checkers

Ike's 3rd stroke Nov. 26, 1957

LBJ's Preparedness subcommittee investigation Nov. 28

Vanguard explodes at Cape Canaveral in live TV Dec. 6

Explorer I launched Jan. 31, 1958 - 31 lbs

NASA created July 16, began Mercury project using Atlas

Rockefeller and Gaither Reports 11/57 - like NSC-68

Life mag. story "Crisis in Education"

1958 - Year of Great Tests - Hardtack series until Aug. 22

midterm elections won by Democrats

next - Kitchen Debate


revised 4/5/02 by Schoenherr | NSA | Cold War Policies