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Pepsi stand

Nixon's Trip to Moscow

July 23, 1959 - Nixon arrived in Russia July 24, 6 am - Nixon visit to Chaikovsky Street farmers market

July 24, 10 am - Nixon met Khrushchev at Kremlin

July 24, 12 noon Friday - start Sokolniki Park tour - 1

Impromptu debate took place in Pavilion; recorded on new Ampex color videotape - Telenews clip

debate continued at the free Pepsi stand, with Milton Eisenhower - 1

debate continued at the model home with GE electric kitchen

Nixon: "This is the newest model. This is the kind which is built in thousands of units for direct installation in the houses.... Our steel workers, as youb know, are on strike. But any steel worker could buy this house. They earn $3 an hour. This house costs about $100 a month to buy on a contract running 25 to 30 years."

Khrushchev: "The Americans have created their own image of the Soviet man and thinks he is as you want him to be. But he is not as you think. You think the Russian people will be dumfounded to see these things, but the fact is that newly built Russian houses have all this equipment right now. Moreover, all you have to do to get a house is to be born in the Soviet Union... Yet you say that we are slaves to communism."

July 24, 6pm - official opening ceremonies start second tour

July 24, 9pm - wine toasts end second tour

Khrushchev: "A good wine. To the elimination of all military bases on foreign lands."

Nixon: "I am for peace. We will drink to talking - as long as we are talking we are not fighting... One hundred years of life. I will drink to that."

Khrushchev: "When I reach 99 years, we will discuss the question of bases further."

Nixon: "You mean that at 99 you will still be in power? No free elections?"

July 25 - on 2nd day, Nixon toured Moscow

July 26 - on 3rd day, Nixon met with Khru at the Dacha July 27 - on 4th day, Nixon began tour of Russia Aug. 1 - on last 9th day, Nixon TV address from Moscow

Aug. 2 - Nixon trip to Poland

Aug. 5 - Nixon returned to U.S.

Sept 12 - Russian Luna II hit moon

Khrushchev Trip to the U.S.

Sept 15, 1959 - Khrushchev arrived in U.S. for 13 days

Dec. 4 1959 - Ike began 18-day goodwill trip to 11 countries by jet

Feb. 10, 1960 - De Gaulle tested first French A-bomb

Feb. 13- Russia-Cuba Trade Pact Feb. 25 - Ike began 10-day trip to South America

March 24, 1960 - Ike agreed to stop U.S. atomic tests

U-2 Crisis

April 9, 1960 - resumption of U-2 flights - possible ICBM site at Plesetsk April 16 - Sino-Soviet split made public

May 1 - Gary Powers' U-2 shot down by SAM-2 missile

May 3 - "weather plane" cover story released to press

May 6 - U.S. named Powers as pilot of the "weather plane"

May 7 - Ike learned from Malik slip that Powers was alive

May 11 - Khrushchev displayed U-2 remains in Moscow's "second U.S. Exhibition" May 14 - Ike trip to Paris Big Four summit on Air Force One jet May 15 - Khrushchev threat against U-2 bases; U.S. put on DefCon 3 alert

May 16 - Khrushchev cancelled Ike's Moscow visit; refused any summit agreements

May 19 - Ike left Paris after Khru shook fist

May 22 - Midas 2 launched -1st infrared spy satellite

July 1 - RB-47 shot down

Aug. 10, - Discoverer 13 launched

Aug. 18, 1960 - CORONA satellite launched - 1st photo spy satellite

Aug. 19, 1960 - Powers made confession during trial

Sep. 21- Khrushchev arrived in U.S. for 25 days

Nov. 4, 1960 - Kennedy defeated Nixon 34,227,096 to 34,108,546

revised 4/5/02 by Schoenherr | Kitchen Debate | Cold War Policies