War In Italy 1944
"The Slow Advance In Italy" in ILN 10/30/43 top - mid - bot - big
Cassino in ILN 6/03/44
Liberation of Italy 6/05/44 from FDRL - Images of Italy
Jan. 20 - Rapido crossing
- to break into Liri Valley, pave way for Anzio
- but failed by Jan. 21
Jan. 22 - Op. SHINGLE - Anzio
- "end run" around Gustav Line, to open the road to Rome
- cancelled by Ike Dec. 22, but re-newed by Churchill to support ANVIL
- The ANVIL plan was approved with OVERLORD after Teheran, and the invasion of southern France required a Central Med. Force to be kept in northern Italy and then transported to southern France
- Hitler reinforced Anzio defense with 70,000 German troops
- Anzio landing force only saved by naval gunfire
Feb. 15 - Monte Cassino bombed by 229 heavies
May 11 - Gustav Line breached
- Germans fell back to Adolph Hitler Line,
- then to the Gothic Line below Po Valley
June 4 - Rome fell
- Allies should have stopped here
- troops being transferred to England
Sept. 10 - Gothic Line attacked
- 262,000 U.S. troops
- Futa Pass diversion, main attack on Giogo Pass
March 8, 1945 - Operation Sunrise began in Switzerland
April 14, 1945 - Po Valley advance after "winter pause"
May 6, 1945 - Kesselring surrender
- "Action in Anzio," Universal 17-279 newsreel, 3/23/44 (2) on DVD53
- "Bombs fail to crack Cassino," Universal 17-283 newsreel, 4/6/44 (2) on DVD53
- "The Italian War Front," Universal 17-288 newsreel, 4/24/44 (4) on DVD53
- "Advance on Rome," Universal 17-298 newsreel, 5/29/44 on DV D53
- "Allies Close On Rome," Universal 17-299 newsreel, 6/1/44 on DV D53
- "First Pictures Of Rome's Capture," Universal 17-303 newsreel, 6/15/44 on DVD53
- "The Allies Take Elba," Universal 17-307 newsreel, 6/29/44 (2) on DVD53