Documentary film produced by the War Relocation Authority 1942, narrated by Milton Eisenhower.
Japanese-Americans await internment, NA 1942
Themes of the film:
fear of sabotage greatest
largest number of Japanese-Americans in Los Angeles
"evacuees cooperated wholeheartedly"
taken to assembly centers at racetracks, fairgrounds, e.g. Santa Anita Racetrack where they made camouflage nets for the U. S. Army
"final move began" to permanent relocation centers, met by Japanese-American guides, on land "full of opportunity" where they could "reclaim the desert"
schools, self-government, citations given to "diligent block leaders"
"immediately wanted to go to work" at Manzanar making guayule plants
irrigation at Parker
worked in sugar beet fields
Executive Order 9066 of Feb. 19, 1942, ordered the internment of all Japanese-Americans; 110,000 American citizens of Japanese ancestry in the 48 states, most in California, were moved to assembly centers and then to relocation camps.