Battle of the Atlantic

Coast Guardsmen on the deck of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter SPENCER watch the explosion of a depth charge which blasted a Nazi U-boatÕs hope of breaking into the center of a large convoy. Sinking of U-175. NA 1943/04/17

Launching of USS Robalo, May 9, 1943, at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Manitowoc, Wis. 5/9/1943 (Patch NA photo)

Sailor reading in his bunk aboard USS CAPELIN at submarine base New London, Conn.. NA 1943/08

Vought-Sikorsky VS300 helicopter used in Battle of Atlantic, or large image, from ILN, 1943/03/27

Coast Guard sub chasers, from ILN, 1943/05/15

Stimson gives 2nd medal of honor to Sgt. Maynard Smith who put out B-17 fire in St. Nazaire U-boat pen raid (to be saluted by every man in the army), from ILN, 1943/07/24

escort carrier - "baby" aircraft carrier - new light carriers in Atlantic, from ILN, 1943/07/31

escort carriers (Brit) Avenger and Biter in stormy weather, from ILN, 1943/11/13

carrier deck - jeep pulls torpedo bomber, from ILN, 1943/11/27

escort carrier USS Card - sank most U-boats, from ILN, 1943/12/18

German sub details with snorkel, from ILN, 1943/12/23 - large

Convoy at sunrise, from Naval Historical Center, Photographic Section

Destroyer at sea, from Naval Historical Center, Photographic Section

Dive bomber, from Naval Historical Center, Photographic Section

SS Lehigh sunk by German U-126 Oct. 19, 1941, off Africa
photo taken from lifeboat by Sam Hakam, copyright by Wendy Joseph,
from Naval Historical Center, Photographic Section

Images Source: Illustrated London News; and National Archives, Patch Collection; and Naval Historical Center, Photographic Section

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