Franklin D. Roosevelt
see also FDR & WWII Diplomacy picture pages
FDR sworn in at 2nd Inaugural, FDRL 1937/01/20
FDR and Cabinet, FDRL 1937/03/05
FDR speaks into a microphone sitting on back seat-top of car, FDRL 1937/07/05
FDR makes his Quarantine speech outdoors in Chicago, FDRL 1937/10/05
FDR makes his Quarantine speech outdoors in Chicago-CU, FDRL 1937/10/05
FDR and his 2nd Cabinet, at the regular Friday cabinet meeting, FDRL 1937/12/19
FDR speech to Congress, FDRL 1938/01/03
FDR speech to Congress-CU, FDRL 1938/01/03
FDR speech to Congress-CU2, FDRL 1938/01/03
FDR sits at swearing in of Joseph Kennedy as ambassador to England, FDRL 1938/02/18
FDR reviewing Fleet in San Francisco under barrel of big naval gun, FDRL 1938/07/14
FDR speech at San Francisco Civic Center to crowd of 25000 on return from world tour, FDRL 1938/07/14
FDR in auto in parade in Los Angeles before crowd of 1 million, FDRL 1938/07/16
FDR speaking with mic in hand in Los Angeles, FDRL 1938/07/16
FDR State of the Union speech to Congress, FDRL 1939/01/04
Sources: Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, NY ------- to next page
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