Visit of King George and Queen Elizabeth to FDR at Hyde Park (by Warneke and Cranston) published in NY Sun News 7/2/39 [from FDRL]
King George and Queen Elizabeth with FDR on USS Potomac presidential yacht [from FDRL]
FDR and King George of England pose for picture in Washington, D.C. [from FDRL]
FDR and King George of England pose for picture in Washington, D.C. [from FDRL]
FDR and King George of England pose for picture in Washington, D.C. [from FDRL]
King George of England and Queen at hot dog party by Eleanor Roosevelt at Hyde Park, NY [from FDRL]
FDR with "The first King and Queen of England to visit America" - in auto, from ILN 1939/06/17
ER with "The first King and Queen of England to visit America" - in auto, from ILN 1939/06/17