Occupation of Japan
- MacArthur appointed Supreme Commander of Allied Powers (SCAP) by Truman
- Mac was 2nd to Ike in popularity at end of war
- Aug. 19 - Japanese send 16-man delegation to Mac in Philippines
- Aug. 28 - Col. Charles Tench + 150 land at Atsugi in C-47, were 1st Americans in Japan
- Halsey sails into Sagami Bay with USS Missouri & land the 4th Marines
- Aug. 30 - Mac flies to Tokyo in C-54
- ordered troops to not eat local food, only own rations, canceled martial law
- refused to ban fraternization of Americans with Japanese women
- prison sentence if GI struck any Japanese
- SCAP General Order No. 1 was that Japanese disarm themselves
- 7 tons samurai swords to San Francisco
- Sept. 2, 9:25am - articles of capitulation signed on the Big Mo with 5 pens
- Mac set up army kitchens, ordered 3.5m tons food, would spend $1m per day
- $2B appropriated for occupation
- Allied Advisory Council ignored by Mac
- Mac became an absolute dictator who imposed freedom on a conquered nation
- HQ across from Palace in 6-story bldg = Dai Ichi (No. One)
- austere - worked 7 days week - no vacation - no tours - no $1m memoirs
- Mac didn't use telephone, secretary, assistants, no deputy, only face-to-face with men
- Seven-Point Plan:
1. women suffrage
2. disarm soldiers
3. send soldiers home
4. dismantle war industry
5. hold free elections
6. form labor unions
7. open instruction in schools
- Mac reduced size of occupation army to 152,000 U.S., 38,000 Brit
- Sept. 17, 1945 - Acheson offended - Wherry of Neb. voted no
- Stalin kept 376,000 Japan soldiers of Kwantung army, put in Siberian gulags
- Stalin refused to return 4 islands in the Kuriles that he called the Northern Territories, seized from Japan in the closing days of the war - no peace treaty signed between USSR and Japan
- Japan transformed - New Japan horrified at war crimes of Old Japan, but memory suppressed, crimes never acknowledged
- Mac dissolved police force & released political prisoners - including 16,000 communists
- Feb. 1 General strike planned, but ban imposed on strikes by public emplyees
- Mac lifted all restrictions on political, civil, religious freedoms
- 2m became Christian - Shinto no longer state religion
- Mac worked in coop with emperor
- Sept. 28, 1945 photo of two together when emperor made his1st visit to Mac
- played role in spiritual regeneration of Japan
- renounced his divinity
- emperor ordered stop to hara-kiri - Tojo defied order, but unsuccessful
- dissolved Zaibatsu industrial cartels
- but 1100 industrial plants not dismantled like E. Ger.
- Feb. 1946 - Mac rewrote constitution himself
- technically an amendment to Meiji constitution
- emperor only a symbol - could not even vote
- blend of U.S. and Brit - Diet with PM by upper house
- Article 9 - "no war" clause
- April - 1st free elections - 75% voted of 70m pop., including 14m women
- 700 laws formed legal code of the future
- written by SCAP & passed by Diet
- abolished hereditary nobility and class privileges
- divorce liberalized - elimination of sex discrimination
- women could enter any job, including police
- land reform - one of Mac's greatest achievements
- 89% came under ownership of farmers who worked it (1/2 population)
- 5m acres changed hands
- in contrast to collectivization of China farms after 1949
- public health programs - against TB, cholora, typhoid, diptheria
- saved 2m lives, more than war deaths
- increased life expectancy 8 yrs for men, 14 for women
- 1947 - allowed 100,000 man security force
- 1949 - "fall" of China - need for Security Treaty with Japan
- 1948 - Aug. 15 inauguration of Syngman Rhee in South Korea
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