Pearl Harbor on the Web
Articles on reserve:
- 1942 Shelling of California Coastline Stirred Conspiracy Fears from LAT, March 1, 1992
- Pearl Harbor Report from Congress 1995 from Jack McKillop, Jan. 3, 1996
- American cryptanalysts cracked Japanese Purple code from WORLD WAR II magazine, Nov. 1997
- A Tojo Battles History, for Grandpa and for Japan from NYT, April 22, 1999
- Pearl Harbor radio broadcast teletype auctioned from AP, June 23, 2000
- San Diego man, long vilified for radar blip decision from SD Union, Dec. 7, 2000.
- Pearl Harbor film premier on USS Stennis from Variety, March 22, 2001
- The battle over the legacy of Pearl Harbour rages on from the Guardian, May 25, 2001
- Japanese sub found at Pearl Harbor from Boston Globe, August 30, 2002
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