France-German border - west wall - bulge offensive, Time 12/44 - bg
France-German border - west wall - bulge offensive, Time 12/44
"The Big Push" to the Rhine on the western front, Time 11/26/44 - bg
"Air Tactics" against Bulge, Time 1/45
"Air Tactics" against Bulge, Time 1/45 - bg
"Counterattack Clipped" after Bulge battle, Time 1/8/45 - bg
map of proposed "Partition" of Poland by Russia, Time 12/44
Ike as Man of the Year, Time 1/1/45
Germany and central Europe map, ILN 12/30/44 - bg
Fort Driant, ILN 12/23/44
Strasborg liberated Nov. 23, ILN 11/23/44
Holland terrain map, ILN 11/25/44 - Saar & Strasbourg - Belfort Gap - Colmar
Belfort liberated Nov. 20 - French troops and tank, ILN 12/2/44
Metz liberated - German officer captured, ILN 12/2/44
Metz liberated - German officer captured, ILN 12/2/44
Tiger tank Mark IV wrecked in bomb crater near Hamich, Germany, ILN 12/2/44
"A U.S. Infantry anti-tank crew fires on Nazis who machine-gunned their vehicle, somewhere in Holland." by W. F. Stickle, 11/4/44, from Patch/NA
"Chow is served to American Infantrymen on their way to LaRoche, Belgium. 347th Infantry Regiment.Ó 1/13/45, from Patch/NA
"American soldiers, stripped of all equipment, lie dead, face down in the slush of a crossroads somewhere on the western front." Captured German photograph. Belgium, ca. 12/44, from Patch/NA
"We were getting our second wind now and started flattening out that bulge. We took 50,000 prisoners in December alone." American soldier with captured Germans. ca. 12/44 from Patch/NA
"A lanky GI, with hands clasped behind his head, leads afile of American prisoners marching along a road somewhere on thewestern front. Germans captured these American soldiers during the surprise enemy drive into Allied positions." Captured German photograph, ca. 12/44 from Patch/NA
"A Nazi soldier, heavily armed, carries ammunition boxes forward with companion in territory taken by their counteroffensive in this scene from captured German film.Ó Belgium, 12/44 from Patch/NA
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