
Eastern front and German gains, from ILN 1942/03/28 - bg
On June 22, 1941, Germany invaded Russia

Oct. 14, 1942 - bloodiest day at Stalingrad; Germans advanced to the Tractor Factory on the Volga

Nov. 19, 1942 - Stalin began his counterattack URANUS from Stalingrad

Jan. 1943 - Russia launched Caucasus offensive

Jan. 31, 1943 - Paulus became the 1st German Field Marshall to surrender an army

Feb. 8 - Russia advanced to Kursk

Feb. 22 - Manstein's German counteroffensive began from south; took Kharkov, encircled Russian troops in Kursk salient

July 12 - Russia launched attack that began the battle of Kursk; largest tank battle of the war (1800 tanks); Russia had amassed army of 5.7 million with 7800 tanks and 21,000 anti-tank guns to face a German army of 3 million with 2000 tanks and 8000 anti-tank guns

Aug. 3 - Russia struck Donets River line and broke through between Kursk and Kharkov, took Belgorod by Aug. 5, created 35-mile gap in German line

Aug. 21 - Russia took Kharkov, Germany retreated to Panther line

Sept. - Russia broke German line, cut off Manstein's Army Group South from Center, advance toward Kiev

Sept. 30 - Manstein retreated across Dneiper River; some Russian troops crossed the river at Dnepropetrovsk on the Steppe front

Oct. 9 - Russia launched major offensive in the Ukraine; took Melitopol by Oct. 25

Nov. 3 - Russia reached the Black Sea and entered Crimea

Nov. 6 - Gen. Vatutin took Kiev, Stalin made special radio broadcast in commemoration of the liberation of the third major city from the Germans.

June 22, 1944- Stalin began BAGRATION offensive into Poland; in 6 weeks advanced 300 mi. to the Vistula

On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Red Army in Berlin.


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