The Darwinian Revolution

Charles Darwin
I. Before Darwin.

II. The Revolution.

A. Influences:

  1. Jean Lamarck Natural History of Animals with Vertebrae 1822
  2. Thomas Malthus An Essay on the Principle of Population ... 6th ed., 1826
  3. Charles Lyell Principles of Geology 1830 ("he completely wrecked the Garden of Eden")
  4. Robert Chambers Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation 1844
  5. Hermann von Helmholtz On the Conservation of Force 1847
  6. Rudolf Virchow Cellular Pathology 1858
  7. A. R. Wallace paper on evolution 1858 causes Darwin to write book

B. Charles Darwin:

III. After Darwin.

A. Sudden Impact:

B. Rise of the Experimental Sciences:

  1. anthropology
  2. paleontology
  3. sociology
  4. psychology

C. Social Darwinism

  1. Herbert Spencer - analogies
  2. William Graham Sumner

D. Marxism

  1. Karl Marx Das Kapital 1867 - a materialistic history

E. Pragmatism

  1. William James

F. Eugenics

  1. Francis Galton's famous families 1869 - "nature and nurture"
  2. Richard Dugdale's Jukes and Henry Goddard's Kallikaks
  3. Charles Davenport 1904


revised 11/10/01 by Schoenherr | Imperialism