gun drill for steel breech-loader
constructed at Brooklyn Naval Yard
Chet Arthur 1881-5
appoints Wm. Chandler, Rodgers Board
Navy Act of 1883 - ABCD ships
Gun Foundry Board 1883
Navy Act of 1885 - 30 new steel ships
Naval War College
by Stephen Luce at Newport 1884
A.T. Mahan - capital ship theory
Naval War College
Benjamin Harrison 1889-93
"Billion $ Congress" - T. Reed, N. Aldrich
appointed Benjamin Tracy - "Blue Water" admirals
crises: Chile, Italy, Samoa
Tracy idea to name battleships after states and cruisers after cities, to gain popular support for the Big Navy
Squadron of Evolution sent around world
First Annual Report Dec. 1889 - "a fighting force"
Eugene Hale and Charles Boutelle on Maine, Lodge of MA, Joseph Hawley of CT ("you cannot negotiate without a gun")
Navy Act of 1890 - from Boutelle's House Naval Affairs Committee, to build 3 "first-class" battleships with range of 5000 miles
"sea-going coast-line battleships" of 10,000 tons:
Indiana, Massachusetts, Oregon
2 fleets to replace "distant stations"
Grover Cleveland 1893-96
pro-Mahan strategy of Hilary Herbert
political reasons