2. Brazilian naval revolution 1893

  • James G. Blaine treaty with Salvador de Mendonca
  • unpopular reciprocity treaty 1891 reduced Europe trade
  • Adm. Mello led coup against pro-U.S. Peixoto govt.
  • Rio harbor & customs closed; Britain helped rebels
  • minister Thomas Thompson & SOC sought help for Peixoto
  • but Gresham ordered neutrality if U.S. ships allowed access
  • British aid to rebels grew, protected by ships of Adm. da Gama
  • Gresham at urging of corrupt New York shippper and arms dealer Charles R. Flint sent Adm. Benham, 3 cruisers Jan. 1894
  • USS Detroit fired at da Gama Jan. 29, broke blockade
  • Gresham reluctant to use Navy, but pro-trade
  • Yet reciprocity treaty failed to increase trade, expired 1894

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