7. James Madison
- "father" of the Constitution
- born 1751, grew up at Montpelier after 1760
- married Dolley Payne Todd 1794
- aristocrat and scholar, not soldier
- graduated 1771 from College of New Jersey
- helped write 1776 VA state constitution
- Annapolis Convention of 1786 and report
- only 6 states sent delegates
- was a secret conference, desperate times
- postwar depression, wages declined 20%, excess of paper money, debtor prisons full, farmers in rebellion
- decision to call the conference a failure and issued a call for another conference in Philadelphia, centrally located, the largest city
- Congress meeting in New York at same time
- Madison known for his boldness of thought
- "Madison's Vices" 1787 critical of states
- power vs. freedom
- 55 delegates met in Phil. summer 1787
- "men of property" were conservative, according to Charles Beard thesis
- Washington stayed in home of Robert Morris
- May 25 took chair as conference chairman
- Madison took notes
- Rules Committee: secrecy, repeat votes
- May 29 Charles Pinckney radical plan
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