
Read in Chapter 13 "The Impending Crisis" - Fredonia, Tejanos, Narcissa Whitman, McCormick Reaper Company, James K. Polk, John Slidell, Zachary Taylor, Nicholas Trist, Stephen Kearny, Free-Soil Party, Stephen Douglas, Ostend Manifesto, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Pottawatomie Massacre, John C. Calhoun, James Buchanan, Lecompton, Harpers Ferry, 1860 election.

Manifest Destiny

  1. Paths of Empire
  2. Oregon Fever
  3. Bowie Knife
  4. Gateways to Empire
  5. Maritime Frontier
  6. Christian Panoply
U.S.-Mexican War
  1. Polk vs. Clay 1844
  2. Texas Annexation 1845
  3. Year of Destiny 1846
  4. Year of Victory 1847
  5. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1848

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