Sending Text-Only E-Mail

  1. Write your message in a word processor such as Microsoft Word, included on all USD lab computers as part of Microsoft Office. Do not use any special formatting commands such as italics or underline or footnotes or margin settings. Use double quote marks for titles of articles, and all-caps for titles of books.
  2. Save you message by pulling down the "File" top menu and select the "Save as" command. At the bottom of the dialog box that appears, select "Text Only" as in the "Format:" window. Check the box for "Append file extension" and type the name of your message in the "Name:" window. For example, if you type the name "mymessage" you should see the ".txt" file extension added to the name, appearing as "mymessage.txt"
  3. Before you click the "Save" button, select in the top window of the dialog box the directory where you want the message saved, such as the Documents folder on your Desktop.
  4. Click "Save" and click "Yes to save your message without formatting.
  5. After you have saved the text-only message, and it is still visible as an open document in Microsoft Word, select the entire message and copy it to memory. Use the Edit top menu and pull down to click on "Select all" and pull down again to select "copy"
  6. Open your e-mail program such as Eudora, and select New Message, click the cursor in the empty body area for the new message, and from the Edit top menu click on "Paste" to put your message into the body of the e-mail.
  7. Type your full name at the end of the message and send.