U.S. Mass Media History

History 379
Fall 2005
MWF 2:30-3:25
PJ 215
Dr. Steven Schoenherr
Home Page: http://home.sandiego.edu/~ses/
Office: PJ 266 x4042
Office Hours: MWF 10-11, MW 1-2
Email: ses@sandiego.edu

Course Description:

A seminar on the history of the mass media in the United States from 1492 to present.

Required books:


Quizzes on readings plus writing & e-mail assignments (33%); commentaries (67%). The commentary for each week must be at least 500 words and include a summary of the class discussions and media shown in class that week, followed by a personal comment on the significance of those classes. The personal comment must be inductive, referring to specific examples to support the analysis, and may be comparative using contemporary examples. The commentaries must be e-mailed each week to ses@sandiego.edu with HIST379 as the Subject Header. There will be a 3-point penalty for any commentary turned in late after the weekly deadlines. Web page commentaries may be topical if approved by instructor in advance and must be published by the end of each month.

Extra Credit:

The final grade is based on a 12-point GPA scale and and may be raised by as much as 1.5 GPA (e.g., from B to A-) with the completion of one or two or three extra book or film reports of 900 words each. Titles may be selected from the class book or film lists. Additional credit may be earned by web page projects approved in advance by e-mail by instructor. All extra credit reports must be submitted by e-mail and approved by reply e-mail on or before Dec. 9. Each report must include citations of sources used to write the report. See the following guides to help write reports:


All students are required to attend class. Any absence must be excused by e-mail prior to the missed class. There will be a grade deduction of .5 GPA for each unexcused absence including tardiness and leaving the classroom before the end of the scheduled period. No makeup quizzes or exams are permitted for unexcused absences.


This class does not require that you own a computer. However, you are required to have access to the Internet, using your student computer account (free with ID in Serra 205) or using a commercial account, and must be able to send and receive e-mail. Every e-mail message must be text-only and have a valid reply address and must include "HIST379" in the Subject Header. The body of the message must include your full name at the start or end of the body of the message. Do not send attachments; include the entire text of your message or report or quiz answer in the body of the e-mail message. All students must be able to access the class page at http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/classes/media/379.html

Schedule: see the class page at http://history.sandiego.edu/gen/classes/media/379.html

Revised 8/31/05 by Schoenherr