How to Publish with Netscape Composer to a History Account

A. Prepare web files on your local computer:

1. Create a folder in your My Documents folder (e.g. a folder called MySite) to store all web page files.

2. Use Microsoft Word to open word processing files, such as syllabi, and save a copy of each file as a HTML web page by selecting Save As Web Page from the top File menu, or select HTML Web Page as the file type in the Save window.

3. Place a copy of any pictures you want displayed on the web page, inside the MySite folder as .JPG or .GIF files.

B. Enable your web site on the History server:

1. See Dr. Schoenherr in IPJ 266 to create a user account on the History server with a username and a password.

2. Using a Mac computer with OS X, you may mount this account on your desktop from the Mac top menu: Go>Connect to Server> and enter in the Server Address window:

3. Click "connect" and the User volume will mount on your desktop, allowing you to open your Sites folder and read and write files, including entire folders by dragging and dropping.

C. Publish a Web Page Using Netscape Composer:

1. Download the free Netscape 7.1 browser from

2. Run Netscape 7.1 and pull down top menu Window>Composer

3. Type your text on the blank page, or Open>Open File to edit an existing web page.

4. When finished, File>Save As and enter a filename (e.g. index.html for your home page, or another name for additional pages, e.g. page1.htm), and save to a folder (e.g. MySite).

5. To edit a web page, run the program Netscape 7.1, pull down Windows>Composer, File>Open File to open and file in your MySite folder, put the cursor where you want to add text and type; to change a link select with your mouse the words or phrase and click the Link button and enter the new address in the box; to add a picture put your cursor at the location on the page for the picture, click the Image button, enter the name of the jpg or gif in your MySite folder.

6. Click on the Publish button, click on the Settings tab, and enter