Adams Chronicles: A Student Guide by Regina Janes for the Coast Community College District, and published by Educational Associates, a division of Little, Brown & Co. Designed especially for use in college-level courses, the student guide will integrate the video portions and the Rothman anthology.
The Adams Chronicles: Four Generations of Greatness by Jack Shepherd. Introduction by Daniel J. Boorstin. Little, Brown & Co. This book is a beautifully illustrated history of four generations of the Adams family, told largely through the family's own words, letters, and diaries. Hardcover, color and black and white illustrations and photographs, 480 pp.
The Book of Abigail and John. Selected Letters of the Adams Family 1762-1784. Edited and with an introduction by L. H. Butterfield,
Marc Friedlaender and Mary-Jo Kline. Hardcover, illustrated. Published by the Harvard University Press, 411 pages.
Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1918.
Adams, Henry. History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison; (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York; 1891) is an extensive nine-volume study; strongly anti-Jefferson.
Adams, Henry. Letters, 1858-1891. ed. by W. C. Ford, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1930.
Adams, James Truslow: The Adams Family; (The Literary Guild, New York; 1930), 351 pgs. -- a collection of biographies covering four generations of Adams; excellent resource material.
Bemis, Samuel Flagg: John Quincy Adams; (Alfred A. Knopf, New York; 1956), 572 pgs. -- an excellent study of the career of J. Q. Adams.
Bremer, Howard F.: John Adams 1735-1826; (Oceana Publications, Inc., New York; 1967), 78 pgs. -- a brief chronology of Adams' life and his more important writings.
Butterfield, L. H., Marc Friedlaender and Mary-Jo Kline. Edited and with an introduction by. The Book of Abigail and John. Selected Let-ter-s of the Adams Family 1762-1784. Harvard Univ. Press. 411 pp.
Chinard, Gilbert: Honest John Adams; (Little, Brown and Co., Boston; 1961) 346 pgs. -- an excellent one-volume biography of John Adams.
Clark, Fred. John Quincy Adams. N.J.: MacMillan Publ., Co., Inc. 1966.
Jones, Kenneth V.: John Quincy Adams 1767-1848; (Oceana Publications, Inc., New York; 1970), 73 pgs. -- contains a brief chronology of Adams' life and edited versions of his most important documents.
Kurtz, Stephen G.: The Presidency of John Adams; (University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia; 1957), 408 pgs. -- a solid study on the politics of John Adams; 1795-1800.
Samuels, Ernest (ed.): History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison by Henry Adams; (University of Chicago Press, Chicago; 1967), 417 pgs. -- an excellent one-volume edition of Adams' classic work.
Smith, Page. John Adams. New York, 1962. 2 vols.
Wells, William V.: The Life and Public Services of Samuel Adams; (Little, Brown and Co., Boston; 1865), 2 vols. -- a very extensive biography of Sam Adams; good resource material.