The Caribbean Empire
1. Panama = "as if sovereign"
- Text of the Panama Treaty of 1903
2. Cuba = "pacification"
- Teller: "no sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island except for the pacification thereof."
- Foraker: "no permanent economic concessions to be granted by army."
- McKinley: "get the Cubans on their feet"
- Gen. John Brooke 1898-1899
- but passive, not reform, much corruption
- Michael Dady sewer contract; bribery
- Estes Rathbone postal fraud; $300,000
- Gen. Leonard Wood 1899-1902
- Harvard physician, Medal of Honor, Moro gov.
- Rough Rider, helped Shafter clean up Santiago
- progressive reformer, benevolent proconsul
- Neely v. Henkel 1901 - Cuba was a foreign country
- order and stability
- replace corrupt warlords, unlike Brit colonialism
- Gomez defeated Cerro group; army pay
- Cuban police; Rurales - not U.S. Army
- Root's civil-only Division of Insular Affairs
- Major Pitcher: "10 days or $10"
- Frank Steinhart's 24 clerks - no more 3-day week
- Americanization program
- elections, 82 municipalities, 21 judicialities
- "Barracks into Schools" - 3000 for 256,000 kids
- English required - 1000 Cubans sent to Harvard
- 39 hospitals, 6 nursing schools, 4 vocational
- asylums= 12 orphan, 6 aged, 1 insane
- rebuilding infrastructure
- streets, roads, telephone, harbor
- Havana to be a showplace
- economic prosperity
- Col. Tasker Bliss and customs service
- revocable permits to bypass Foraker
- Grenville Dodge's Union Pacific Co.
- reciprocity treaty 1903 helps sugar export
- Havemeyer buys out Oxnard's beets
- U.S. consumption 62 to 119 lbs
- Cuban sugar tops Hamburg export by 1910
- but latifundia, dependency increased
- constitution of 1901 - order and stability
- Platt amendment attached
- no treaties
- no debt
- right of intervention
- sanitation
- Guantanamo base
- Palma government 1902-1909
- Isle of Pine returned to Cuba
- 300 Americans lost land
- but debt grew; lack of income, capital
- political factions cause instability
- 1906 revolution ¯ Taft, 5600 marines sent
- Charles Magoon 1906-1908
- new elections 1908 - Gomez until 1920
- Zayas, Machado until Batista 1933
3. Virgin Islands = defense
- threat of Germany
- treaty proposed 1902
4. Venezuela = arbitration
- allies vs. Cipriano Castro
- TR's 1901 letter = "spank"
- 1902 allied blockade ¯ to Hague
- Drago Doctrine
- Germany destroys San Carlos
- public opinion inflamed
- Hague arbitration 1904
5. Dominican Republic = "police power"
- Improvement Co. 1893 - issue bonds
- Heaureaux killed 1899 - revolution
- Morales promises Samana base
- Roosevelt acts:
- appoints Thomas Dawson
- letter to Elihu Root May 20
- "Roosevelt Corollary"
- navy sent - "stop any revolutions"
- Co. takes over customs
- 1905 agreement
- transition to Dollar Diplomacy
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