William Seward and Mexico
- War of Reform 1858-61 after Santa Anna lost leadership of Liberals to Benito Juarez
- Juarez (liberal, republican, anti-clerical) vs. Conservatives (monarchy, Catholic)
- McLane-Ocampo Treaty 1859 gave U.S. right of intervention and transit across Tehuantepec in return for $4m. loan to Conservatives, but rejected by Senate May 1860
- Juarez victorious Jan. 11, 1861, and recognized by Lincoln government
- Juarez suspended foreign debt payments July 17 - Mexico broke
- London Convention Oct. 31, 1861 - France, Brit, Spain to intervene to collect debts
- Spanish troops land in Dec., French and Brit in Jan. 1862
- Brit and Spain withdraw troops Apr. 8, 1862 - only 36,000 French under Gen. Forey remained
- French troops occupy Mexico City June 7, 1863
- Conservatives invite Archdule Ferdinand Maximilian to become emperor
- Convention of Miramar Apr. 10, 1864
- Max. arrived June 1864 but Juarez fights on: "Show me the highest and driest mountain and I will go to the top of it and die there" rather than give up the Republic
- Seward refused any recognition of Max. but unable to act due to Civil War
- Seward opposed resolution of Sen. James McDougall of California Jan. 11, 1864, to declare war on France unless troops pulled out
- Charles Sumner, Chairman of Senate Foreign Relation Committee, gave a "smashing speech" in oppostion to emperor Max.
- William Dayton, U.S. Minister to France, rejected the Apr. 4 resolution passed by the House to not acknowledge the Max. monarchy in Mexico, but this was not "Seward's apology"
- after Appomattox Apr. 9, 1865, Lincoln allowed arms sale to Juarez
- Lincoln shot Apr. 14 and Seward wounded - long physical rehabilitation
- Congress Dec. 4 began political conflict with Andrew Johnson over Reconstruction policy
- Seward took action in 1866 - Feb. 12 sent Gen. Schofield to Paris to request "definitive information" on the date of French withdrawal, and sent Gen Sheridan to the Texas border with 50,000 troops
- Napoleon announced Feb. 22 decision to withdraw over 19 months
- Max. executed by Juarez June 19, 1867
- Juarez would rule until 1872 death, but unable to implement liberal reforms, and Profiro Diaz from his rebel base in the U.S. would drive VP Lerdo from power 1876.