History of the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920In November 1910, Francisco Madero officially launched the revolution by crossing into the border town of Piedras Negras, Coahuila. This ignited uprisings in various border states and throughout the republic. "By April of 1911, an estimated 17,000 people had taken arms against Porfirio Diaz and his government." In May, Francisco Madero and his forces that included Francisco Pancho Villa took over Ciudad Juarez, the event that marked the first major victory for the insurgents. "TheTreaty of Juarez" provided an end to hostilities and the resignation of Porfirio Diaz. Francisco Madero was later elected president in the fall. Soon after his election, Francisco Madero was assassinated and the constitutionalist Venustiano Carranza took over the presidency. Francisco Pancho Villa meanwhile remained a military genius and continued to build up his forces. Carranza and Villa became enemies. Villa continued for years to wage war with Carranza's government, but finally in 1920 Villa made peace with the newly-elected president Adolfo de la Huerta.(1) Mexican Nationalism and Fighting in the RevolutionBoth the middle and upper class, as well as the lower class had their own objective to fighting in the Mexican revolution. In the upper and middle sectors of society, political disaffection from President Porfirio Diaz and his regime prompted many to form or join organizations that propounded revolution, while others assumed the leadership positions on the battle field. Among the lower class, lack of education and confusion over the precise objectives of the revolution, made it difficult to know the meaning of their own involvement in the conflict. Other factors that lead to the majority of the lower class to become apart of the fighting were: low wages, substandard working conditiones, inflation, bad housing, and deficient social services. Overall the feelings of the lower and working classes throughout Mexico, was that there was widespread cheating and exploitation by the rich, which was aided by the government. These conditions created a ripe environment for embracing revolutionary ideas and fighting for them. Weither it was true nationalism or not, thousands of peasants (campesinos) and workers (obreros) decided to fight in the Mexican revolution. Countless died (see photo of casualties) without understanding the nature of the struggle, but many knew from the begging that the revolution presented a long-awaited opportunity to address the wrongs inflicted on the entire republic by abusive functionaries of the old regime. Mexican Migration to the United StatesThe United States for many was a stable and safe alternative to staying in Mexico during certain periods of unrest. "An estimated 890,371 legal Mexicans immigrants came to the United States between July 1910 and July 1920." The Mexicans were either legal immigrants, temporary workers, refugees or illegal aliens. Other factors can be noted to why there was a huge migration to the United States during the years of the Mexican revolution. Besides escaping the social and economic disorganization in Mexico, the immigrants looked to the United States as a place to find stable employment and a place to seek adventure and opportunity. The Mexicans did find work opportunities primarily in railroad construction and maintenance.(2) The U.S. Reaction to Migration and Immigration LawsMexican migration to the United States became problematic with the Immigration Act of 1917. The Immigration Act imposed a literacy test, an $8.00 head tax and also reiterated the prohibition against contract labor. Mexicans not understanding the new regulations or fearful of exclusion began to immigrate illegally in to the United States. "An estimated 60,000 illegal immigrants had entered the United States in 1920 alone." The Mexicans were desperate for money, food and badly needed a job. The problem became so severe that a new smuggling industry was created to get the Mexican aliens across the frontier. Illegal immigration caused bad feelings among the Americans and the Mexicans. Overall Mexican migration during the Revolution had a significant impact on the United States. Many Americans felt that immigration was beneficial and necessary to the economy and were critical of the laws that were restricting the free flow of Mexicans northward. Mexicans were seen as people with good character and their migration meant they would be both producers and consumers in society and help economic growth in the United States. After traveling south of the border, (see photo on the right) many Americans were also left with the feeling that the United States simply could not turn their backs on the Mexican people simply because the quality of life that they had in Mexico was minimal. (3) |
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