Comfort Women
During World War II

comfort women

    The comfort women, which is a translation of  the Japanese euphemism, jugun ianfu, (military comfort women), categorically refers to women of various ethnic and national backgrounds and social circumstances who became sexual laborers for the Japanese troops before and during the Second World War. Countless women had to labor as comfort women in the military brothels found throughout the vast Asia Pacific region occupied by the Japanese forces. There is no way to determine precisely how many women were forced to serve as comfort women. The estimate ranges between 80,000 and 200,000, about 80 % of whom, it is believed, were Korean. Japanese women and women of other occupied territories (such as Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Burma and the Pacific islands) were also used as comfort women.

Comfort Women and Forced Prostitution
Comfort Women in Burma
Report on Taiwanese Comfort Women
Testimony from Former "Comfort Women"
The Continuing Debate
Map of China
Map of Myanmar (formerly Burma)
Map of Japan

Revised 11/20/02 by Kellie Johnson