There are many controversies today over Auschwitz. Because the Germans spent so much effort to conceal their actions only some of what is know is solid fact, most is estimated.

One of the common areas of dispute is how many people actually died at Auschwitz. It has been calculated by scholars based on the numbers of arrivals and deportation lists the minimum number of people to have died at Auschwitz was 1,100,00, and the maximum is placed at 1,500,000. Total loss of Jewish life during the entire Holocaust is estimated to be between 5,596,000-6,000,000, 90% of all Jews in Europe. The reason so much controversy surrounds this is that Kommandant Höss originally testified that 4.5 million people were killed at Auschwitz. This is known now to be an over estimation, but some take this number to be proof that Höss was forced to lie about the function of Auschwitz in the war, most of the current estimates are trusted, but the controversy remains.

Presently there is a museum at Auschwitz. It has exhibits of original objects, records, art, and photographs. They offer tours and school children are taken there yearly to learn about the Holocaust. Memorials are set up in many places around the campsite to honor those dead and alive.

There are those who wish to deny the evil that took place at Auschwitz. Some claim that the Nazis were justified in their actions, and others try to prove that the camp was really like a resort for the inmates. Some try to simply deny the actions of the Final Solution, they don't deny that people died, but they don't accept that people were taken to Auschwitz to simply be killed. These people are known as revisionists, they want to deny the existence of the Holocaust in spite of the proof and survivors. Some of these people are Neo-Nazi, but not all.

Revisionist Web sites:



This Page by Michele Frazer. Last edited 12/05/02