Crescent of Crisis
Why U.S. involvment after WWI:
1. Allies
2. zionism
3. oil companies
- 1907 treaty ends the Great Game - 1936
- Britain and Russia withdraw from Tibet & Afghanistan, partition Persia
- civil war 1908-1925
- Qajar vs. Pahlevi
- Britain supported Qajar government due to Wm. D'Arcy's Burmah Oil Co. 1901 concession that led to the great 1908 gusher at Masjid-i-Sulaiman and formation of 1909 Anglo-Persian Oil Co.
- Howard Baskerville trained Pahlevi militia
- Wilson supported Britain at Versailles - no more aid
- Reza Pahlevi like Kemal - Republic of Iran
- Brit occupation 1914-20 - Sir Percy Cox
- Al-Sabah rule in Kuwait vs. Baath party 1963
- Hussein's Great Revolt 1916 with T.E. Lawrence
- 3 sons lead armies against Turks - Ali to Medina, Abdullah to Transjordan, Faisal to Syria
- "road to Damascus leads through London & Paris"
- Hussein-McMahon letters 1915 promise Arab indep.
- but Sykes-Picot 1916 carves red & blue mandates
- Faisal attends Versailles for Arabs
- Balfour Declaration 1917 document; Wilson-Brandeis 1918 and joint resolution of Congress led by Lodge 1922
- Faisal-Weizmann agreement 1919 - immigration
- Mandate 1920-48
San Remo Treaty May 5, 1920
- Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine
Sevres Treaty August 10, 1920
- final partition of Ottoman empire - San Remo affirmed
- begin suppression of Arab independents