Neutrality 1914

Serbian Relief Committee - reserve

Denmark, Holland declared neutrality Aug. 1, Italy on Aug. 3, U. S., Japan, Switzerland, Brazil on Aug. 4, Cuba, Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina, Chile on Aug. 5, China on Aug. 6, Spain, Haiti on Aug. 7, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Venezeula on Aug. 8, Guatemala on Aug. 12, Ecuador on Aug. 17, Peru on Aug. 21, Greece on Aug. 31, Colombia on Sep. 1.

Woodrow Wilson's Declaration of Neutrality Aug. 19, 1914: "The United States must be neutral in fact, as well as in name, during these days that are to try men's souls. We must be impartial in thought, as well as action, must put a curb upon our sentiments, as well as upon every transaction that might be construed as a preference of one party to the struggle before another."

Americans volunteered in the French Foreign Legion, Lafayette Escadrille, Ambulance Corps

Red Cross sent mercy ship to Europe on Sept. 12, 1914

Hyphenates supported relief committees, refugees helped by Herber Hoover

Czech lobby of Edward Benes and Thomas Masaryk, financed by American industrialist Charles R. Crane.

New weapons of the dirigible and airplane were considered a violation of international law, especially 1907 Hague convention that prohibited bombing of undefended places by any means.

"Merchants of death" Remington, Savage, DuPont sold arms to European belligerents.

Britain on Aug. 20 adopted modified Declaration of London, prohibited shipping of contraband, began blockade, sought loans from U. S., used propaganda, to influence American public opinion.

Dacia case in August, but Grey opposed McAdoo plan to buy German ships that would restore neutral trade with Germany.

W. R. Hearst and Henry Ford and Robert La Follette opposed the war.

H. C. Lodge, Theodore Roosevelt supported the war.

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