Place Value
Multiplication & Decimals
Metric Conversion
Multiple-Topic Practice
Division & Decimals
Variables and Expressions - including Order of Operations (PEMDAS)
Long Multiplication - fact practice Fun for the Brain Area Models
Factors & Multiples
Adding & Subtracting Decimals
Length, Perimeter & Area
Graphs & Data Collection
Solving and Writing Equations
Test Prep
Topic 9 Tutorials:
Measurement Conversion
CCSS.Math.Content.5 Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.
◦CCSS.Math.Content.5.MD.A.1 Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.
Categorize & Classify 2D Shapes
The Common Core breaks Math into six different strands.
Click here to see a list of “I Can” Statements for the 5th grade Common Core Math Standards.
Click on each of the headings to the right to learn more about the expectations for each area.
Use the links below to help you practice the skills necessary for mastery.
Click on the enVision Math textbook above to go to skill practice from the enVision website.
Click on the link above to go to the EngageNY curriculum website, being piloted by MHUSD this year.
General Help with Common Core Math
Click here to go to the Learn Zillion 5th Grade Common Core Library for video lessons on each standard. Click on a file of the standard you need help with to be taken to a specific lesson, such as the one above.
Math Interactives website - pick subject area from the drop-down menu on the left.
Read, Write, and Compare Decimals
Click here to go to Oakdale’s 5th Grade support site for video lessons on most Engage NY lessons. Click on the Module we are on, then the lesson number, such as the one above.
Line Plots (with fractions)
Line Plots