Good Neighbor Policy
South America
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world depression 1929-41
declining trade and European competition
revolutionary nationalism in Latin America
German threat to hemisphere security
Components of the new policy
mutual defense
promote trade
Machado, declining sugar price cause revolt 1933
Sumner Welles sent by FDR
Cespedes overthrown by nationalistic revolution
Ramon Grau San Martin, Batista
nonrecognition, no sugar purchase agreement
Welles and navy support Mendieta
Platt amendment ended; no nationalization
1934 Jones-Costigan Act
result: stability but also dependency and dictatorship
Montevideo Conference 1933
Hull and Welles visit delegations first
Hull signs Argentine anti-war pact
Hull endorses Calvo Doctrine - absolute immunity
Hull proposes 4-point economic plan
Peace of Tipitapa. in 1927
Pres. Sacasa vs. Gen. Somoza vs. Sandino
Welles overrules Arthur Lane
Sandino betrayed; Somoza unpunished
troops withdrawn; National Guard trained
1931 revolt; "responsible' Arias elected president
Arias to U.S.; FDR to Panama on USS Houston 1934
Welles negotiates new treaty 1936
War Department, Borah, Johnson delay it until 1939
Article 27 of 1917 Constitution
Dwight Morrow affirms pre-1917 ownership in 1928
Cardenas nationalizes oil 1938
U.S. companies seek access, not compensation
Mexico shifts exports to Germany, ltaly, Japan
U.S. stops loans; Mexico rejects 50-year deal
Cooke-Zevada accord in 1941 for *40 million
Ickes vs. companies and State Department
refinery delayed; no 1944 loan
Trade Promoted
1934 ExIm Bank; Brazil
1934 Silver Purchase Act; Peru, Mexico
1934 Reciprocal Trade Act; 22 treaties
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller 1908-79
grew up at Kykuit house in Pocantico Hills, NY
brothers: JDR 3rd, Laurence, Winthrop, David
1930 married Mary Todd - world honeymoon
1932 Rodney born; trustee of MOMA
1935 Creole Petroleum - takes Spanish lessons
Bolivia seizes Standard Oil Co. property in 1937
Cardenas nationalizes oil in Mexico March 18, 1938
fears communism, Germans
Creole's reforms in Venezuela - Berlitz teachers
1940 Venezuela Basic Economy Co.
June 1940 "Group" proposes new policy
Joe Rovensky of Chase Bank; Beardsley Ruml
June 14 memo to Hopkins - U.S. must act immediately
July 1940 - Rocky becomes coordinator of OIAA
1940 Rovensky Plan - Brit turn over holdings
Juan-Trippe and Pan Am since 1927 - Flying Boats
Info Div. - radio, films, En Guardia magazine
sponsored Doug Fairbanks visit to Vargas
but Argentina pro-German under Juan Peron 1943
Pan-Amer. ideal of unity helped by war
Mutual Defense
1938 Kingston speech in Canada - defend Canadian soil
1938 Declaration of Lima - common action
1939 Declaration of Panama - safety belt
1940 Act of Havana - joint administration of colonies
1945 Act of Chapultepec - regional alliance
Great Buildings Collection
Rockefeller Center
Cradle Will Rock film
Radio City Music Hall restored
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