Richard Olney

Jan. 19 - overthrow of Queen Lil
Feb. 15 - annexation treaty sent to Senate
May 27 - Debs conviction upheld
May 28 - Gresham died
June 10 - Olney took office, began work on note to Venezuela
June 15 - Olney demanded Spain pay claims
- $1.5m. claim of Cuban Mora who became U.S. citizen
or U.S. would "resort to such other means" necessary
to collect debt - 8 days later Spain agreed to pay
July 1 - 2 U.S. citizens jailed in Cuba, Olney sent USS Atlanta, and sent warships to Constantinople to protect missionaries in Armenia
July 17 - Cleveland left DC for Buzzard's Bay on Cape Cod for the summer
July 20 - Olney sent draft of his "20-inch gun" note to Ambassador Thomas Bayard in London to give to the new Conservative PM Salisbury

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