Gilded Age 1876-1900
- the "dark underside" of capitalism
- "the tramp comes with the locomotive" (Henry George)
- wage dependence, unstable cycles, mechanization
- sharecroppers, women and child labor, domestic servants
Labor Theory of Value
- neighborhood cultures, church, ethnic mutual assistance
- saloon was a "central institution of working class culture
- spiritual evangelical ideology, brotherhood of man, justice for all, republicanism, dignity of labor
- boycotts, parades, songs, strikes
- Mary Sterling's "labor feminism" for broad reform
- Patrick McCarthy's "business unionism" for wages and working conditions
- Solidarity, IWW, Molly Maguires
Class conflict
Acquisitive individualism
- Horatio Alger's grit, Carnegie's Gospel of Wealth
Insular cultures
Corporate consolidation
Symbols of the Age
revised 2/1/03 by Schoenherr