
Contents | Chronology of Events | Major Players | Challenges of Construction | Sources

Monograph Sources:

Coates, Kenneth, and Morrison, William. The Alaska Highway in World War Two:

The U.S. Army of Occupation in Canada’s Northwest. University of Oklahoma

Press, 1992.

Lanks, Herbert. Highway to Alaska. New York: D. Appleton Company, 1974.

Twichell, Heath. Northwest Epic: The Building of the Alaska Highway. New York: St.

Martin’s Press, 1992.

Journal Sources:

Coates, Kenneth and Morrison, William. “The Army of Occupation”. Journal of the

West. Oct 1993. Volume 32, Issue 4. p 9-18.

Krakauer, Jon. “Ice, Mosquitoes, and Muskeg – building the road to Alaska”.

Smithsonian. July 1992. Volume 23, Issue 4. p 102-110.

Internet Links:

"Alaska Highway"

last visited 3 May, 2001

"History of Alaska Highway"

Copyright 1998

last visited 1 May, 2001

"Miles to Go"

last visited 3 May, 2001

Contents | Chronology of Events | Major Players | Challenges of Construction | Sources