Palm City
USGS map of 1943
Palm City 1884-1930Palm City began as a strategic crossroad on the road south to Mexico and the road west to Coronado. After the war with Mexico in 1848, Santiago Arguello lost title to his Rancho Melijo, and American farmers began to settle on the public domain in the 1860s. Monument City was developed on the road west in 1869 and later became South San Diego and Imperial Beach. The area south of this road and east of National Avenue rose in elevation and was known as the Highland District. Palm City gained a railroad station in 1887 and a post office in 1914. Another railroad station was located a half-mile south and became the town of Nestor with a post office in 1890.1884/10/21 - first mention of Palm City in the San Diego newspaper. ( The San Diego Union, Oct. 21, 1884 ) 1884 - John H. Folks, stock raiser, is a native of Ohio and was born in 1837, reared in the agricultural profession and had a fair education. At the age of eighteen he began teaching school, at which he continued four years, and in the meantime was reading medicine. He joined the army in August 1861, Twenty-sixth Illinois Infantry, Company F, was mustered out in September, 1864; joined as Orderly and was promoted to Captain. He then returned to Ohio, where he was in the drug business until 1869, at which time he came to Oswego, Kan., where he engaged in the dry goods and real estate business, in which he continued one year. He then went to Oxford, Sumner County, and was a member of the Oxford Town Company and financial agent of the company one year. He then went into the newspaper business and continued at Oxford one year. In 1873he came to Wellington, where he continued the newspaper business until 1881. He then went to Colorado for his health and has since been looking after his private business and improving his property. In 1875 he was elected Secretary of the Senate of Kansas for two years; in 1877 was elected Coroner and re-elected to the same office in 1879, and held the first legal inquest ever held in the county; is a stockholder in the Wellington Bank and aided in organizing the same; owns a 160 acre farm adjoining the city of Wellington, and block of ground, on which he has a beautiful dwelling, surrounded with trees, shrubbery, etc. Built and owns a fine business block, with marble trimmings, and owns a sixth in an addition to Colwell of 120 acres; is a Mason, Chapter and Blue Lodge, and Knights of Honor. In 1875 was married to Miss Frances A. Norton, Of Topeka, and has two children, Francis E. and Carl R. Mr. and Mrs. Folks are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ( Biographical Sketches, William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas. )
Sketch of home of John Folks near Palm City (The Great Southwest, Dec. 1890)
1884 - Mrs. Frances A. Folks, 84, died [1937], widow of pioneer Kansas editor and early resident of Nestor Capt. John H. Folks. She was the mother of Mrs. Weldon Evans, 56 F St and aunt of Willis Folks, 181 E St, local real estate broker. She came to Tijuana valley in early 1890s. In 1903 they moved to LA, and Capt. Folks died there Oct. 11, 1937, at age 81. She returned to CV about a year ago. Capt. Folks was born Aug. 3, 1837 in Ohio, ran drugstore, moved to Illinois 1858, enlisted in Co. F of 26th Illinois, chosen captain, returned to illinois after the war, in 1867 moved to Kansas, drugstore in Oswego, became newspaper editor in Sumner County Kansas, became secretary of the state senate, married Frances A. Norton. ( Chula Vista Star, Apr. 16, 1937. ) 1884 - Beverly Folks Parker is the great great great niece of Captain John H. Folks who was a founding editor of the Sumner County Press. He and her great grandfather Willis K. Folks were well-respected men of the community. He emigrated to California , South of San Diego and was very entrepreneurial here in agriculture and politics. ( Beverly Folks Parker, ) 1886 - Luther Johnson came to San Diego county in 1886 and bought 200 acres in Otay, was one of the first settlers of Nestor. Later he moved to San Diego and retired and died Jan. 30, 1911. He married Sarah J. Tatham who still resides in the Nestor house. Had 7 children: George A Johnson manages the home ranch, started a large dairy 1893, plants most of his acres in grain and alfalfa. (Black, pp. 303-304.) 1886 - Charlotte Kover, 92 nurse, was well-versed in San Diego history. As early as age 12, Charlotte Johnson Kover drove a horse-drawn milk wagon from her family's Palm City dairy farm to customers in San Ysidro and Tijuana. It was her way of carrying on the legacy of her paternal grandparents [Luther Johnson], who abandoned their Midwestern roots to farm 240 acres of South Bay soil in 1886. In 1916, when a storm unleashed up to 30 inches of rain in San Diego County over six days, causing widespread flooding, the vegetable crops on the family farm were destroyed.... ( San Diego Union-Tribune, Nov. 9, 2000. ) 1887/06/15 - June 15 was official opening day of NC&O Motor Railroad. The route followed the Jamul Stage Route, later called the Campo Road, that Kimball said crossed his Ranch from east to west. From CV it went south down 3rd veering a little east to reach Otay City (much of the land owned by E. D. Perry). The railroad went on to Tia Juana (Tijuana) that was a town on both sides of the border, with the Agua Caliente Hot Springs on the Mexican side. From Tia Juana, the railroad ran north to the ranch of Nestor A. Young that became the town of Nestor June 9, 1890. Next it stopped at Fruitland that was the transfer point to the Coronado Belt Line. NC&O went to South San Diego that was founded 1869 and had a post office 1888-1902. Next the railroad went to Oneonta, then by stage to border monument. Fare was 10c NC to SD and 15c NC to CV. ( Phillips, 1959. ) 1888/08/23 - new school district of Highland expected to open school in Captain Folks store building. ( Otay Press, 1888/08/23 ) - The Highland District School taught by Miss Katie Stone has an attendance of about 20 scholars. ( Otay Press, 1889/04/25 ) 1888/09/15 - Babcock wrote that W. G. Evans was agent for Babcock in South San Diego, arranged purchase of lumber. ( Vol. 2, Bound Correspondence, Hotel del Coronado Records, San Diego State University Special Collections. ) 1889 - Lee Tavin settled near Palm City. ( San Ysidro Border Press, Nov. 7, 1930 ) 1889/06/13 - A. L Peabody in the Highland District has his 40-foot well completed with 14 feet water in it. The windmill and tank are up and ready for irrigating from 8-10 acres. ( Otay Press, 1889/06/13 ) 1889/10/17 - "Highland-Where is Highland?", people asked when they heard that a group of progressive ranchers were studying a possible solution for the water problem on Otay Mesa. The answer as in the National City Record for Oct. 17, 1889 "For Those Who Wish to Know More About Highland" "Highland lies between the Tia Juana and Otay River Valleys where they are closest together. It is 2 miles long and 1 3/4 miles wide and is surrounded by 4 towns: Otay, Tia Juana, South San Diego and Oneonta. We have a Horticultural Society. Col. Jones is our President and has been represented at all Fairs. It is one of the smallest school districts and has been organized for one year." The orchards and vegetable gardens were so productive the new National City & Otay Railroad ran a side line from Tibbets Station in Tia Juana Heights to Highland. On March 5, 1890 they petitioned Washington for a Post Office to be known as 'Juanita' with Wm. Brady as Postmaster. Their request was refused, "There are too many Post Offices in the area now." The school was opened on June 5, 1890. The School District had been carved from Tia Juana, Monument and Otay Districts. Mr. Stearns was the first teacher. They were a prosperous community. "The Idylwilde Ranch of Charlie Cook, a conductor on the N.C.& 0 is one of the finest in the South Bay area." Their life span was of short duration as the settlement was wiped out in the Tia Juana River flood of Feb. 28, 1891. The women of Highland formed their own group in the San Diego Chamber of Commerce Women's Annex. They were concerned over the safety of the American Tia Juana and believed a channel should be dredged to care for river run-off in case of a cloud-burst upstream. They had one dance in the International House at Tia Juana and had hired the Bower's Dredging Company to do the work when the storm of Feb. 28, 1891, swept the ground clean. one ranch which lost all their grain and top soil was Schussler's later the land was subdivided and became part of Nestor. ( "San Diego Notes," compiled by Irene Phillips, California Room, San Diego Public Library. ) 1890 - Two other small communities commercial centers became established in the northeast portion of the valley: Nestor, where a post office was established in June 1890, and nearby Palm City, where postal service opened in January 1914. Located on the main highway and railroad line between San Diego and the border crossing, Nestor would become the main center of business for the region. The Tia Juana Post Office closed in February 1904 and its service was also moved to Nestor (Frickstad 1955). The post office at Oneonta suffered the same fate (Davidson 1939). The Monument and Oneonta School Districts still served residents of the valley's east end. The number of students at Monument School ranged from a low of 24 to a high of 26 between 1893 and 1910. Households with school age children were located in Sections 1,2,3,4, and 5, of Township 19 South Range 2 West (School Census Marshall's Reports 1893 -1910). The 1904 U.S.G.S. 30 minute San Diego Quadrangle shows a number of houses in these sections. Two are shown in Section 5, on the north side of Monument Road, within the current boundaries of Border Field State Park, just to the north of the mouth of Goat Canyon (Figure 2) (USGS 1904). These buildings also are shown on an 1898 road survey of a portion of Monument Road (Road Survey No. 146 1898). San Diego County Tax Factor Plat Maps for 1895 and 1896 show the owner of the parcel where these houses were located as John Long (Tax Factor Plats 1895, 1896). Three other buildings are shown in Section Five on the 1904 USGS topographic map. One along the east boundary of the section line, and two others on the north side of a branch of the estuary. Another building is shown on the south side of this same estuary branch in Section 6 (USGS 1904). Families living in Section 5 which had children attending Monument School included the households of G. Yorba in 1901, N. Mejillas in 1899, and J.A. Manisir [Mansir] in 1901 (School Census Marshall's Reports 1899 -1901). Households attending Oneonta School lived in Sections 26,28,32, and 33 of Township 18 South, Range 2 West. Between 1891 and 1901, attendance ranged from a low of 26 pupils to a high of fifty-one. Many of the households in this school district are listed as residing in Section 32, which presently includes Ream Field and a portion of the Tijuana Estuary. On the 1904 USGS map, five houses are shown in section 32 between branches of the estuary, along present Sunset Avenue (USGS 1904). Land owners in this area on the 1895 San Diego County Tax Factor Map include J. Jackson, Mr. Mar, C.B. Barton, and J.H. and C. J. Ferry (Tax Factor Plats 1895). Households living in Section 32 with children attending Oneonta School between 1897 and 1901 included F. J. Davies, J. R. Duncan, J. W. Dury, R. Harpham, W. H. Holderness, R. Harpham, G. N. Huey, F. C. Ingersoll, E. J. Kerns, L. Lazzaretto, J. R. Lynch, J. A. McCann, C. J. Miller, E. C. Olmstead, J. P. Patterson, J. Semenza, C. E. Smith, R. B. Smith, C. A. Utterberg, and W. H. Ward (School Census Marshall's Reports 1891-1901). ( Van Wormer, Stephen R. "A Land Use History of the Tia Juana River Valley," California State Parks, Southern Service Center, June 2005. ) 1890 - Unlike the boom towns which were promoted in the 1880's, the homes of Nestor and Palm City were mostly built by people who planned on being permanent residents. They built comfortable homes for themselves rather than as prospective resales. Later on, around WWII, quite a number of shacks were moved in or erected to accomodate the influx of people. These places have largely been torn down or brought up to standard. After the land boom of the 1880's, farmers began settling here and numerous farm crops were grown as well as grapes, lemons, grapefruit and walnuts. There were several dairies in the South Bay and a great deal of hay was grown. In recent years, celery, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus, green beans, corn and strawberries have been grown here tho some areas have become unusable except as pastureland. Old timers in the area told of prize herds of cattle being driven thru South Bay from lower California to San Diego markets. Many farmers and grove owners suffered damage to their crops and trees as the herds milled through. In the early 1900's most of the available young people in the area were employed at a lemon packing plant in Palm City. The freeze of 1913 and the 1916 flood ruined many groves. The H. G. Fenton Materials Company has been in business there for more than half a century. Nearby is the Western Salt Works which gave some employment. (Elliot, p58.) 1890 - David L. Kretsinger moved to the Highland district in 1889 and built his home on Palm Avenue in 1890. He was born 1844 Indiana, served in Civil War Home in 1860: Palmyra, Douglas, Kansas Territory 1861 Pvt. David Kretsinger,o. A, 10th Regt, Kansas Vol Home in 1870: Perry, Jefferson, Kansas 1871 Marriage to Susan Brass (b. 1847 Pennsylvania) 1879 built home in Winfield = 1st mention of D. L. Kretsinger, 35; spouse, Sue, 33. in Wortman Archive; was local editor for the Winfield Telegram; Mrs. Kretsinger has moved her millinery store to Main street Home in 1880: Winfield, Cowley, Kansas - Spouse's Name: Susan E. Kretsinger, 33 - son: W. Lemon Kretsinger, 8 - Occupation: Editor (Daily Telegram.) 1880/06/17 - A large number of the young Republicans of Winfield met in the COURIER office Monday, and completed the organization of a Young Men's Republican club. DL Kretsinger was elected VP 1883/03/22 - Captain of new militia company 1884/01/31 - appointed Chief Fire Marshal 1884/02/21 - Superintendent of Winfield Water Company 1884/05/29 - Superintendent of Cowley County Fair 1885/07/16 - also Secretary of the Southern Kansas Fair Circuit, returned yesterday from a visit with the Santa Fe and Southern Kansas Railroad companies regarding special rates of passenger and freight fare Feb. 1886 - D. L. Kretsinger is starting a newspaper at Richfield, Kansas County, called the "Leader." in southwestern Kansas (Two newspapers in Morton county competed for priority. The Frisco Pioneer, by Euphrates Boucher, appeared January 6, and the Richfield Leader, by D. L. Kretsinger, January 9, 1886. The Pioneer was Republican and the Leader Democratic in politics.) April 15, 1886.=last mention of Kretsinger in the Wortman Archive 1886-87 - Richfield Leader was published ( Wortman Archive, Cowley County Historical Society ) 1890 - The David Louis and Susan E. Kretsinger House - Applicant: Owner represented by Legacy 106, Inc. Location: 2539 Palm Avenue, 92156, Otay Mesa-Nestor Community, Council District 8 (1330 7-B) Description: Consider the designation of the property located at 2539 Palm Avenue as a historical resource. Today's Action: Designate the property as a historical resource under adopted designation criteria, or do not designate. Staff Recommendation: Designate the David Louis and Susan E. Kretsinger House located at 2539 Palm Avenue as a historical resource with a period of significance of 1896 under HRB Criteria A and C excluding the detached rear yard garage and the 1928 kitchen addition. Report Number: HRB-12-020 A historical resource research was prepared by Legacy 106, Inc. which concludes that the resource is significant under HRB Criteria A and C and staff concurs. 1. The resource is a special element of the San Diego's citrus orchard agricultural industry development and retains integrity. Specifically, the resource contributes to the understanding of the citrus orchard economic development of South San Diego after the completion of the National City and Otay Railroad in 1887 and the Sweetwater Dam in 1888. 2. The resource embodies the distinctive characteristics through the retention of character defining features of Queen Ann Free Classic and retains a good level of architectural integrity from its 1896 period of significance. Specifically, the resource retains its hipped roof with intersecting gables, gabled dormers, a centrally located tower, full-width front porch, two decorative chimneys, and a widow's walk just behind the tower. The exterior also retains its wood lap siding and wood shingles. With the introduction of the National City and Otay Railroad in 1887, Nestor and Palm City developed as agricultural areas. The "frostless" environment of the area was considered ideal for growing fruits and vegetables. Additionally, the slightly elevated highland soils above the floodplain provided proper drainage and did not have issues with root rot that made for an ideal citrus growing climate. The rail line made several stops and allowed citrus growers to easily transport their products. It is estimated that in 1901 ten million pounds of lemons and 2.5 millions of oranges were transported by the railroad. The rail line eventually became known as the San Diego & Arizona Railroad. The completion of the Sweetwater Dam in 1888 and the Otay Reservoir enabled the formation of water districts to finance water delivery systems to the agricultural orchards further allowing the expansion of the citrus orchards. In 1916 the Hatfield Flood destroyed nearly all of the homes constructed in Palm City. The flood destroyed the rail line and agricultural fields in the low lying areas. The Kretsinger House was spared only by its location above the floodplain. Despite the destructive flood, the citrus orchards continued to thrive well into the 1930s. The Kretsinger House is significant as one of the few remaining examples of the citrus orchard agricultural farmhouses in the South Bay. It contributes to the understanding of the citrus orchard economic development of South San Diego after the completion of the National City and Otay Railroad in 1887 and the Sweetwater Dam in 1888, therefore staff recommends designation of 2539 Palm Avenue under Criterion A. ( Item 17, HRB-12-020, Agenda, San Diego Historical Resources Board, March 22, 2012 ) 1890/01/16 - Cap. Folks is clearing his 40-acre tract of land in the Highland District - Owing to the late rains several teams have been stuck attempting to cross the Tijuana River. ( Otay Press, 1890/01/16 ) 1890/01/30 - "The adjoining Highland District, with its productive lands, fine location and new school house, is now fast settling up with an energetic population. Last week, Cap. Folks, an extensive landowner and rancher in this district, sold 30 acres of his estate to three differenct parties, who intend to subdivide the same into 10-acre tracts. These parties represent 3 different families now living in SD, namely: Mr. J. C. Long, of the Cuyamaca RR, Mr. Kretsinger, an old newspaper man, and Mrs. S. E. Bailey, MD. They propose to build and improve their purchase at once, and lumber is now on the ground and the work of building is going on. The purchase price paid was $100 per acre, with the understanding that they should improve the same. Besides this sale, the Captain has two or three other parties who are looking and talking of buying 10 acre tracts, to plant to citrus fruits, and expects to complete the sale of one or more this week. It is estimated that there are now over 6,000 lemon and orange trees thriving in the Highland district, and that number, it is expected, will be more that doubled this season, as their Horticultural Society has mad an order for 3,000 trees and many are intending to plant. Cap. Folks, Wm, Funk, Shipley and others have a splendid showing of young trees in their orchards, and as a sample of their prolific growth, one of the 40 navel oranges that grew on a 3-year old tree can be seen at this office, measuring more than a foot in circumference. A company is organizing for the purpose of laying a 4-inch pipe from Highland to the Sweetwater main, a distance of about two miles, and $1,000 has been secured to forward this means of irrigation, which is expected to cost about $3000." ( Otay Press 1890/01/30 ) 1890/01/30 - The Highland District is fast settling up. Cap. Folks sold his lands for $100 per acre. Now there are over 6000 lemon and orange trees in the district and this number will be doubled this season. A company will lay a 4-inch pipe from Highland to the Sweetwater main, a distance of 2 miles. Tibbits Station here, on the NC&O railroad is to have a switch for the benefit of shippers. ( Otay Press, 1890/01/30 ) 1890/02/20 - Mr. J. C. Long's new residence how being built by Peavy in the Highland District is under completion. It is located in a sightly place overlooking the surrounding country to the ocean, and may be seen assuming shape from the Otay. ( Otay Press, 1890/02/20 ) 1890/02/27 - A petition is out for a Post Office in the Highland district, known by the name of Wauneta. Office to be located at Mr. Bray's new store. ( Otay Press, 1890/02/27 ) 1890/03/13 - Highland Items: The Highland Horticultural Club has ordered $2000 orange and lemon trees for planting in that district - This week Conductory C. H. Cook moved from Tijuana inot his new house, just completed on his 10-acre tract where he can overlook the valley. - Mr. Reynolds 10 acres finished his cottage - Mr. J. Kretsinger finished his house - J. C. Long and Kretsinger and others intend to pipe the Otay mineral water from the Coronado system for domestic use, and arrangements are also in progress for having 4-inch pipes to the Sweetwater main and distance of about 2 miles. ( Otay Press, 1890/03/13 ) 1890/06/05 - South of Palm City is a little community ~ named Nestor. It was named for Nestor A. Young. Biographies of Mr. Young say he never lived in the vicinity, but there are enough references to Mr. Young in the South Bay paper to indicate he was closely associated with the town. The Otay Press mentions various times when Mr. Nestor dropped into their office and at one time it said the Otay Railroad was to pass near the ranch of Nestor Young. The little community grew and soon applied for a Post Office, naming it for the popular friend, Nestor Young. He was properly impressed with the honor and the Otay Press informed its readers on September 18, 1889, "Nestor Young, for whom the Nestor Post Office in the Highland District has been named, contemplates presenting this locality with an American emblem in honor of his home, and his country." The Post Office was opened on June 5, 1890. On February 12, 1891, Mr. Young fulfilled his promise. "The flag raising will take place on Saturday at the Highland School. .. The next statement in the Press concerning Mr. Young was that he was trying to corral the Democratic votes. Mr. Young was working in San Diego at that time as a wharfinger but he must have had many friends among the county officials, for on June 18, 1893, it was noted, "The County Board of Supervisors has changed the State Assembly Districts in the South Bay area; National City, Otay, Jamul, Oneonta, and Tia Juana, also the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 8th Wards in San Diego will be in the re-apportioned District. .. The Tia Juana mentioned was all that remained of the original town which was located on both sides of the International Border but was washed away in the 1891 Tia Juana Valley flood. Nestor, of course, was in the area. Mr. Young was elected to represent his district as state assemblyman in 1894. The Otay Press aJd it was the first gerrymandering in San Diego County. The paper was alert and noticed another of the "firsts" in the area. On April 16, 1891, this heading was printed, "First Motor Driven Sewing Machine. John Boal has just fIXed up a motor-driven se\ving machine for his wife using a $15 water motor. The speed of the machine is regulated by foot power." John Boal was the father of Mrs. Coburn (Marion) Maddox. The Dray Press faced discouraging years after the Otay Watch Factory closed its doors but carried on, valiantly, until July 26, 1900, when "The Chula Vista Press, formerly the Otay Press, issued its first paper." (Union.) Written by Irene Phillips for National City Star News, Thursday, February 18, 1960. ( Family, Friends, and Homes, 1991. ) 1890/06/22 - Tia Juana Ranches: D. L. Kretsinger has 10 acres in lemons; he located on the mesa last February, has built a house; has water from the Otay well; his Waukesha ranch takes its name from the water with which it is irrigated. ( The San Diego Union, )
Highland School was built in 1890, now the site of Southwest Middle School.
1890/08/14 - C. S. Stearns has been engaged to teach the Highland school another term. ( Otay Press, 1890/08/14, clipping in "Otay Valley" folder, County Historian Office ) 1890/12 - photo of Nestor home of Capt. John H. Folks, came from Kansas where he was one of th early settlers, edited a paper, held office, came to Highland district of San Diego. On Nov. 4 Captain Folks was elected Sheriff on the Republican ticket defeating the popular James Duffey, his Democratic opponent. Sheriff Folks is a new man in county politics. ( The Great Southwest, Dec. 1890, p. 32. ) 1890/12/18 - Captain Folks moved from Nestor to 1814 G Street in San Diego ( The San Diego Union ) 1891/01/01 - The Otay Valley, barely two years in settlement, has a population of about 400, mostly engaged in agricultural pursuits, who are makIng fine villa homes, plantlng orchards of grapes, oranges, lemons, guavas, figs and other fruits; and the vegetable gardens yield a great proftt by thelr ceaseless productlon the whole year round. In the valley during the past season 100,000 gallons of wine were made, and 3,000 tons of hay have been exported, and quantItIes of grain, and 100 tons of wood have been clipped, and 400,000 tons of salt have been gathered, besides many hundred tons of mineral water have been shipped to different parts of the Union by the Coronado Company. Between the valley and the ocean is located South San Diego, whose five and ten acre tracts are now rapidly being settled up. joining the valley on the south is the Highland district, whose fine lands are rapidly being bought under cultivation and planted to citrus fruits, and partially irrigated by water pumped from the Otay wells by the Coronado system. Joining Highland on the south is the Oneonta, Tia Juana, and Monument districts, which border the Mexican line and are making steady growth. The town of Otay is beautifully located, encouched between the mountains and the sea, and rapidly building and settling up with an Industrious population augmented by the establishment of a large watch factory capable of employing 300 hands, which has turned out about 1,000 of the best watches extant, and now suspended for the want of capital to push the great enterprise, but hopes are entertained for a resumption of the work. Despite the cessation of the watch works, there are but few vacant houses in the town, and newcomers are constantly arrlvlng with a view of settlement upon our beautiful lands. Over forty houses and and many fine villa homes have been built during the past year, and our fine school building, as well as those of the surrounding districts would do honor to the old and cultured sections of the East, and Otay is now well supplied with public buildings, including a church and large public hall. This southside section so favorably located with its superior climate, land and water, is being fast settled up, and those seeking homes would do well to visit this section and secure a home whiIe land can be obtained at reasonable prices. (San Diego Union, January 1, 1891.) ( Jenkins, A.L. "Valley of the Otay," San Diego Union, January 1, 1891. ) 1892 - John H. Folks property is in the NE quarter of Section 33 ( 1892 Range map ) 1892/01/01 - (long article) "The Otay Country - This great region fully described for the first time. A tract of 45,000 acres at the head of the bay recently formed into an Irrigation District - election on Nov. 28, 1891, organized the Otay Irrigation district by a vote of 181 for to 47 against the proposition. The water will be brought from the Cottonwood creek (which is a north branch of the Tia Juana river) through Dalzura pass to the district. . . Otay has a fine school house, costing about $3000, a church and public hall. There is also a school house in the valley about two and a half miles above the village . . . there about 350 people in this portion of the district, of whom about 85 are voters . . Head-of-the-Bay region, subdivided into Tia Juana at the southeastern corner; Highlands, Oneonta and South San Diego. This, with the exception of the lower portion of the Otay Valley, is the most populous and best improved portion of the district, containing about 120 voters, and a total population of perhaps 500.. . find here four good school buildings - the Tia Juana, Highlands, Oneonta and South San Diego, the last two costing $3000 to $4000 each. There is also at Oneonta a fine large building originally constructed for a hotel, but has since been converted into a sanitarium. . . There are six post offices in the district - Siempreviva, Tia Juana, Nestor, Oneonta, South San Diego, and Otay. Otay has three stores, two blacksmiths and wagon shops. Otay and Head-of-the-Bay and Tia Juana are connected with the city by telephone and railroad. (SD Union 7886) ( San Diego Union, 1892/01/01 clipping in "Otay Valley" folder, County Historian Office ) 1893/11/21 - D. L. Kretsinger is superintendant of fumigation, says lemon tree of George Hannah in Sweetwater Valley is largest in county, is 19 years old, produces 25 boxes of lemons ( The San Diego Union, ) 1895 - There are several people in this area that remember the Oneonta Village; among those living today that attended the school and can tell about the village from personal experience is Hollis Newell Peavy. He was born about 1900 and actually lived there for several years as a child with his brothers Alvin and George and sister Pansy. They lived with their mother in a house owned by his grandfather Hollis Monroe Peavy, who first came to the area in 1895 and owned land between Oneonta and the Mexican Border. Later, the house they had lived in was sold to the Sniff family who lived there for many years. The Peavy home in Oneonta was a two story house with living room, kitchen, bedroom and a lean-to on the ground floor and two bedrooms upstairs. There was a dug well with a windmill to pump the water. All toilet facilities were outside. Water for laundry was boiled in a large, black iron pot in the back yard. Clothes were rubbed on a rub board, boiled in the black pot then rinsed in large galvanized tubs. These same tubs were used for Saturday night baths. The children attended the Oneonta school for a few years then moved back to their father's ranch in the Tia Juana Valley. Peavy recalls that when he was a child, the sanitarium was still there as well as several homes and a vacant house or two. There was Davis house, Holderness house and Kern house, among others. Hollis Peavy lives with his wife Pansy, in a modern home a few blocks from the old town. He still owns 80 acres in the Tie Juana Valley where he has some cattle. The water has become too salty for many crops. The Peavys have children, grand-children and great grandchildren who have attended schools in the South Bay Union School District. Peavy tells of a subdivision called Banta which was situated west of Oneonta. The water company built a four inch pipe from Coronado Avenue, Imperial Beach to Banta subdivision to furnish it with water. Only one house has ever been built there. Many people came after WWI inquiring about the town and looking for the lots they had bought in the subdivision. Newell J. Peavy, father of H. H. Peavy, is said to have hauled cement and lumber for the first house built in 1903 at the end of First Street, Imperial Beach, by subdivider and builder Frank J. Cullen. Peavy was always interested in mechanical things. He built a Wave Motor Machine about 1910 and frequently would go to watch the Edwards Wave Motor Machine that was installed on the old Imperial Beach pier. The Edwards machine was supposed to produce enough power for lighting all Imperial Beach but it was not successful. H. J. Peavy owned a 115 acre ranch in the valley and in addition, he leased several hundred acres on which he raised alfalfa hay, com, sugar beets, barley, oats and cattle. With the assistance of his boys, the produce was hauled by mule drawn wagons to markets in Old Town, San Diego. Later on, trucks were used for this. The road through Palm City into town was not paved until after 1930. A sideline of the Peavy family was a government contract for patroling the Mexican- American Border fence, to make sure that it had not been cut. H. N. Peavy tells that he would take turns with his brother at checking the fence. He would ride horseback along the fence from the ocean to the Otay mountain. This had to be done at least once each month, the contract paid five dollars a month. Mt. Olivet cemetery established 1899, is situated a short distance from Oneonta. Hollis Monroe Peavy, along with several others, paid for lots at ten dollars each land got together $400 to purchase two acres of land for the cemetery. H. M. Peavy took care of the cemetery until his death then his son, M. J. Peavy was in charge until he died. Now, Hollis N. Peavy is trying to get the cemetery cared for when he is no longer able to care for it. The cemetery has been fenced to prevent vandalism; some persons had been picnicing there and leaving behind their trash. ( Elliot, pp. 50-52 ) 1896 - D. L. Kretsinger is deputy sheriff (Capt. John Folks was elected sheriff in 1890-91) ( The San Diego Union, ) 1896 - Nestor was established in 1896 and was named for Nestor A. Young who represented San Diego in the state assembly and who was the harbormaster for Sen Diego in 1889. It never became a large community before the 1950's. Palm City and Nestor are only a half-mile apart and both have now been annexed to the city of San Diego. They are interwoven thru their churches, schools, clubs and organizations and have many of the same ties with Imperial Beach, They remained stable during the sleepy days at the turn of the century when other towns in the South Bay faded away. Nestor received a boost when the Charles E. Smith store and the postoffice were moved there from Oneonta Village and a rural route established from the Nestor postofflee. Oneonta continued to have a branch postoffice until March 1900. Palm City postoffice was established 1913 and the rural route was then changed from Nestor to Palm. Today, the Palm City postoffice has been combined with the Imperial Beach postoffice at Emory Street and Donax Avenue in Imperial Beach. The Nestor postoffice is still in use today and is one of the oldest in continuous use in California. The old Smith store is still open for business at Hollister Street and Coronado Avenue. It has been remodeled several times and is currently called "The Smokehouse". (Elliot, , p58 ) 1896 - David Louis and Susan E. Kretsinger house is landmark no. 1046 (photo of plaque) 1899/04/24 - D. L. Kretsinger has disposed of his nestor ranch to a Chicago party ( The San Diego Union, ) 1900 - BELOW-Home of Charles L. and Sarah Ecroyd Smith on the hill in Palm City, built shortly after 1900 and still in use. Smiths were grandparents of Ralph W. Evans. (Elliot, History of Imperial Beach. 1976, p55) 1900 - 1900 census Otay: (These pp. 4 -5 prob Highland district) hs55 - Wm Shipley, 65, widow, with d. Jessie Sanborn, 36, and son-in-law Charles A. Sanborn, 41, customs inspector hs58 - Robert N. Tibbetts, 52, and wife Christina hs59 - James P. Patterson, 29, and wife Angela, 29 1900 census Otay p. 5 hs70 - John Folks, 62, and wife Francis 1900 census Otay p. 6 hs88 - Luther Johnson, 66, and wife Sarah 1900 United States Federal Census Name: John H Folks Home in 1900: Otay, San Diego, California Age: 62 Birth Date: Aug 1837 Birthplace: Ohio Race: White Ethnicity: American Gender: Male Relationship to Head of House: Head Father's Birthplace: Maryland Mother's Birthplace: Maryland Spouse's Name: Francis A Marriage year: 1875 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 25 Residence : Otay Township, San Diego, California Household Members: John H Folks 62 Francis A Folks 47 Edna T Folks 23 Leah M Folks 14 Ruth Folks 11 Raulin L M Luce 21 ( 1900 Census ) 1900 - The David Louis And Susan E. Kretsinger House: Constructed in 1896, the house was built in the Queen Anne Free Classic style. The house has a hipped roof with several intersecting gables, gabled dormers and a centrally located tower. The roof form features two decorative chimneys and a widow's walk just behind the tower. The exterior of the house is sheathed predominantly with wood lap siding and wood shingles in select areas. The majority of windows spaced evenly on each elevation are single light wood sash. The north elevation features a full width shed and gable roof porch supported by turned spindle posts on top of a low wall. The wall has decorative turned spindles and corner balustrades. The west elevation features a bay window on the two story gable end. This elevation also features a one story shed roof addition that houses the 1928 kitchen addition. The south elevation features the rear of the shed roof kitchen addition and the gable roofed portion of the historic house with a small shed roof porch at the southwest corner. The west elevation features a bay window on a two story gable roof similar to the west elevation. There have been some modifications to the property over the years, which include the rear kitchen addition, a stucco coat on the on the originally exposed brick chimney, a slightly higher railing around the widow's walk, a new detached garage, a slight grade change at the front of the house, and the introduction of new material at the front steps and sidewalks. There is also some question on the northeast corner of the front porch. The historic photo shows something within the front porch area, which could be a pair of windows however it is not clear. Overall, the modifications do not detract from the historic character of property and the house retains its character defining features. The house continues to convey the historic significance of the Queen Ann Free Classic architecture by embodying the historic characteristics associated with the style. Additionally, it is significant as one of the few examples of the style remaining. ( Item 17, HRB-12-020, Agenda, San Diego Historical Resources Board, March 22, 2012 ) 1902 - In the early 1950's, the building of the freeway thru the heart of Nestor and Palm City and the widening of Palm Avenue took several of the older buildings. Numerous large beautiful palm trees were removed and taken elsewhere to be replant- ed. Palm City was not incorporated and neither was Imperial Beach. There was no organization with enough money and foresight to save the trees for our area. Several of the Palm City merchants built new businesses nearby. Again, the freeway was being enlarged in the 1970's and the Palm City-Nestor area lost more buildings. A few of the lovely old homes are still on the hill in Palm City. One of these was the home of Charles L. and Sarah Ecroyd Smith who came here in 1902 from Milford, Nebraska, with their grandson Charles S. King and their widowed dautfiter, Gertrude Smith King. In 1905, Mrs. King married Record Dale Evans. Gone is the old Nestor Hall at the corner of Hollister Street and Coronado Avenue where the Nestor's Nifty Nudgers played for Saturday night dances under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce. Here, too, was held the golden anniversary banquet of Weldon G and Amanda Record Evans who came to Nestor in 1897 from Pleasanton, Kansas. they were the grandparents of Ralph W. Evans who was born and reared in this area and great grandparents of Elton Ralph Evans who works at the Imperial Beach post office. (photo) Below-Home of Charles L. and Sarah Ecroyd Smith on the hill in Palm City-built shortly after 1900 and still in use. Smiths were grandparents of Ralph W. Evans. (Elliot, p58) ) 1902/03/24 - E. A. Thearle who purchased the Kretsinger ranch at Nestor, with his neighbor C. L. Smith from Nebraska, will get their water from the Mapson well. ( The San Diego Union, ) 1903/02/03 - To Limit Number Of San Diego Saloons! An Ordinance Introduced In City Council Last Evening By Delegate Kretsinger. According to it No More Licenses Than Are Now in Effect Will Be Granted‹Primary Election Called‹Other Council Business. If the movement started last night at the city council takes the form of a city ordinance, it will limit the number of saloons in the city of San Diego, as long as it is in force, to fifty. That is the present number of the saloons in the city, and the idea seems to be that not only is it well to keep the number from growing but that it might befor the nrroteetion of those already in the saloon business to stop others from coming during the season when business is supposed to be reasonably good in that line, and then leaving when the busy season is past. The ordinance was introduced by Delegate Kretsinger and was referred by both boards to the committee on health and morals. ( San Diego Union, ) 1908 - Weldon G. Evans served for a time as superintendent of the National City and Otay Railway which had a branch line through Palm City to Tia Juana. Gone too, for many years, is the old "Palm Station" which stood at the corner of Hollister street and Palm Avenue where the trains used to stop several times daily. The building next to the Smokehouse is gone too, where once John D. Weatherbie, father of Pansy Weatherbie Peavy, worked as wagonmaster and blacksmith. John D. land Annabell Weatherbie came by covered wagon from Prince Edward Island, Canada to southern California in 1908. The old Weatherbie home was torn down several years ago to make room for the new Southwest High School which was built in 1975. The Nestor Methodist Church is the oldest church building in the area. Many retired people make their homes in the area. It is near freeways, clinics, churches, hospitals, parks, schools and shopping centers. It is only a few miles from the beaches. Today, in 1976, the area is rapidly being covered with modern homes, schools and stores. Soon the remaining farms will be gone; the land mill be covered. There is little remaining open space. Gone are the big eucalyptus trees and groves of fruit trees. There are several lovely parks in the vicinity. (photo) Above - Dairy farm of Record Dale Evans, father of Ralph, at Nestor,CA near Southwest Jr High School on Iris Ave. S.D. (photo) Below - R. D. Evans of Nestor with mule drawn milk wagon at U.S.-Mexican Border, 1915 (Elliot, p58) ) 1910 - Mr. Claude Lindgren: A resident of Otay since 1910. We lived on a ten-acre ranch on a hilI by Palm City near the reservoir. The house was built In 1885. My dad bought It when It was twenty-five years old. It was, and still is, a great big beautiful house. We sold the house to a Mr. Stream, who sold It to the Bowman family. They sold the house to the present owner, a doctor. (Historic Homes, Contributed by Lisa Gutierrez and Yolanda Ochotorena.) ( "The Young Historians Student Booklet Otay and Otay Mesa," Montgomery School, n. d. [1983] ) 1910 ca - John Schussler and his wife have divided their 100-acre ranch into lots at Nestor that was the site of the town of Highland, lost in the Feb. 28, 1891 Tia Juana River Valley flood. Mr. Ray Schussler was the first engineer to take a San Diego and Arizona RR train over the line. Schnell's Dairy is next to the old Schussler place. Members of the Otay Irrigation District met at Highland to make the first plans for Morena Dam, this caused someone to write in the NC Record "Highland, Where is Highland?" ( "San Diego Notes," compiled by Irene Phillips, California Room, San Diego Public Library ) 1910/12/01 - Moore's subdivision in Sec. 21 of Otay, filed Dec. 1, 1910 by Lincoln Moore, on east side is National Ave., on south side is F Street and Nestor, on north side is Palmview Tract (map 1539) - Moore's would develop in Palm City. ( Subdivision Maps, Engineering Department, City of Chula Vista. ) 1910/12/05 - David L. Kretsinger, 66, died Dec. 4, husband of Susan E. Kretsinger, father of W. Lev Kretsinger of LA; was a native of Indiana, Civil War vet -- was injured in a fall 1903/04/17 ( The San Diego Union, ) 1913/05/19 - Palm City Braves baseball team ( The San Diego Union, ) 1913/05/29 - W. G. Evans 50th anniv, came to Palm City 1887 from Mass.; worked for Coronado Lumber Co., then for NC&O railroad, became large rancher at time of the gold excitement of Alamo and was interested in Tia Juana. Son W. B. Evans is deputy collector and inspector of customs at Tijuana. Younger son R. D. Evans has a large ranch in Tijuana River Valley. At the celebration in Moore Hall, those who spoke incl Mrs. Kretsinger, Weldon Evans, Mr. Holderness, C. C. Park, Leroy Cross ( San Diego Union, ) 1915 - Emory PTA orgd 1915 at Highland and Palm City, oldest in the county ( Chula Vista Star, Dec. 30, 1932 ) 1915 - Palm City post office established during Woodrow Wilson first term by PM Gen. Burleson, and at that time took on the name "Palm City" ( Palm City Vertical File, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1915 - By 1915 the number of Japanese farmers had risen to over fifty, the majority of whom were concentrated in the South Bay. In Palm City two of the first Japanese to farm were Kiyotaro Iguchi and Sataro Owashi. The Iguchi brothers (Kiyotaro and Kumataro) were working seventy acres in Palm City by 1915, poss since 1905. ( Estes, Donald H. "South Bay Monogatari: Tales of the South Bay Nikkei Community," in Chula Vista Historical Society. Chula Vista, the Early Years. Vol. 5. San Diego CA: Tecolote Publications, 1996. ) 1915 - Emory PTA is oldest in county, organized 1915, when the school at Highland and Palm City was just a one-room frame bldg. ( Chula Vista Star, Dec. 30, 1932. ) 1915 - Henry Putnam house ( photo, San Diego History Center ) 1915 - Possibly the Lindgreen house in Palm City or Nestor ( photo, San Diego History Center ) 1916 - Otay road and bridge "road to Palm City" prob after reconstruction following flood ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1916 - Photo Number CENT 0275 Title San Diego and Arizona Railway Track After the 1916 Flood Creator Averett Photo Date Created 1916 Subject (Topic) Floods; Railroad tracks Form/Genre Photograph Physical Description 1 black and white photographic print; 7.75 x 9.75 in. Subject (Place) Near Palm City, California Description This view was taken on the high ground between the south bank of the Otay River and Palm Station. File Name 1916 Flood Scrapbook #26 ( Historical Photos Digital Collection, CVPL. ) 1916 - Palm City Palm City Border Camp: a border patrol camp established by the Army at Palm City during the Mexican Revolutionary period 1916-1920. ( Hinds, "San Diego's Military Sites," mss, 1986. ) 1916/01 - St. Rose of Lima Church In the second decade of this century, the seeds of Catholic faith were planted by Monsignor Henry Eummelin, who erected a chapel in the "dry" Otay River bottom near the railroad overpass of what is now Main Street and Hollister. Built in 1913 of sturdy concrete, the little chapel, which may have known as St. Francis of Assisi, fell to the rush of water which swept through Otay when the Lower Otay Dam collapsed in 1916. One of the frequent guest pastors at the chapel had been Father Edmond LaPointe, who also served the Indians throughout the county, as well as establishing parishes for the pioneering families of emerging townships. He is lauded as a worthy successor to the padres who had established the missions. When the original chapel in Otay washed away, Father La Pointe built a new one on higher ground, in Palm City. But the population was shifting from Otay, which once was considered to be the commercial center of the South Bay, to Chula Vista. Reverend Michael Egan, of St. Anthony's parish in National City, arranged to have the Palm City structure moved to Third Avenue and Alvarado in Chula Vista, where it was renovated by L.C. Seltzer, who stuccoed the wooden building and built an accompanying pastoral residence. The new parish was dedicated on May 18, 1921, and was called St. Rose of Lima. I ( Chula Vista, the Early Years. Vol. 6, 1997, p. 27. ) 1916/01/27 - Newspaper story on Lawrence Downs who remembers the 1916 flood, when the pipewalker in Otay warned of the flood, walked every day the 36-inch aqueduct pipe to Palm City. Some of the big Dineri wine casks washed into the bay, with wine still inside, were towed by small boats back up the bay. Downs was born 1900 and raised on an Otay lemon ranch. ( Chula Vista Star, Mar. 2, 1980. ) 1916/02 - Edward Loustalet, 85, died in Bonita June, 29, 1997 - Hopes and dreams drowned in the great flood of 1916, a disaster that threatened to uproot Edward Loustalet's family from their expansive Otay River Valley dairy farm. All that was left of the home and dairy were the six loaves of bread salvaged by one of his sisters. But Mr. Loustalet would help the family rebuild their dairy ranch on higher ground in Palm City, which today is a neighborhood in South San Diego. He would deliver milk to South Bay families and develop several businesses on more than 200 acres of farmland that he bought from his father. His businesses ranged from mobile home parks and a golf driving range to strip malls and a drive-through restaurant, Mel's Root Beer Barrel -- all along Palm Avenue. Mr. Loustalet died of cancer June 29 in his Bonita home. He was 85. A native San Diegan and a Sweetwater High School graduate, Mr. Loustalet grew up on the ranch where his French Canadian parents had settled in the late 1800s. The lessons of the 1916 flood, which historians say was hastened by a self-styled rainmaker, were not lost on Mr. Loustalet's children. "We all bought homes on hills," said son George Loustalet of Bonita. As a young man, Mr. Loustalet worked for the U.S. Forest Service and the Civilian Conservation Corps. He built roads and fire breaks in San Diego County's backcountry mountains. Later, he worked for Consolidated Aircraft, the forerunner of General Dynamics. During World War II, he operated heavy equipment, building airstrips on San Clemente Island and North Island. After investing in several South Bay business ventures, Mr. Loustalet settled in 1963 in Bonita, where he continued to manage his remaining holdings. In 1966, he served on the county grand jury. Mr. Loustalet was an active Mason for more than 50 years and served as a flag bearer in the Al Bahr Shrine Temple Guard. He contributed to Shriners Hospital for Children, band scholarships at Hilltop High School, Special Olympics and the San Diego Symphony. In recent years, his favorite charity was Bonita Equestrian Therapy for the Handicapped, a nonprofit program in the South Bay that involves the use of horses in assisting the disabled. In addition to Reynolds, who lives in Chula Vista, he is survived by his wife of 61 years, Maxine [Maxine Cord was the daughter of Ed and Ruth Cord who moved to Chula Vista in 1924 from Sioux City, Iowa, and lived in the two-story gray house at 24 F Street surrounded by lemon trees, across the street from the Starkey House]; daughter, Patricia Rohlf, of Milan, Italy; two sons, George Loustalet, of Bonita, and Steven Loustalet, of El Cajon; a sister, Jeannette Campbell, of Bozeman, Mont.; eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. ( San Diego Union-Tribune, Jul 10, 1997. ) 1916/02/01 - Otay railroads damaged by flood, "SD&A and SD&SE crossing near Palm City ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1916/02/01 - (photo) looking up otay valley from Palm Cty, from SD&S-E Ry tracks ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1916/02/01 - (photo) Otay valley northwest from Palm City, from SD&S-E Ry tracks ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1916/02/01 - (photo) railroad overpass at Palm City after flood ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1916/02/01 - Photo Number CENT 0276 Title San Diego and Southeastern Railway Tracks Creator Averrett Photo Date Created 1916 February 1 Subject (Topic) Floods; Railroad tracks Form/Genre Photograph Physical Description 1 black and white photographic print; Subject (Place) Northwest from Palm City, California Description After the 1916 flood. File Name 1916 Flood Scrapbook #29 ( Historical Photos Digital Collection, CVPL. ) 1916/02/01 - Photo Number CCHU_201 Title San Diego & Southeastern Railway Crossing Creator Averrett Date Created 1916, February 1 Subject (Topic) Floods; Railroad crossings Form/Genre Photograph Physical Description 1 black and white photographic print; 7.75 x 9.75 in. Subject (Place) near Palm City, Ca. Description Flood damage where the main line of the Southern Division emerges, on its way to Tijuana, from the Otay Valley. Filename 301.jpg ( Historical Photos Digital Collection, CVPL. ) 1916/07/27 - Oregon Troops Going to Imperial Beach. The Third Oregon Infantry stationed at Palm City will move Imperial Beach this week. It Is understood that the move will be made in order to secure a target range. At Palm City there is no range for rifle practice. Members of the supply company aro preparing the camp grounds and getting the camp kitchens In readiness. . The kitchens, it is said, will be built of wood Instead of being on the ground under a canvas fly as they now are at Palm City. Even the Individual squad tents will be floored. From all Indications it looks as though the troops will be stationed on the border for some time. One hundred and twenty mules arrived In San Diego last night and will be delivered at Palm City Immediately. The troops are being drilled daily. On Saturday an Inspection of the regiment will be made on the drill grounds in the big field just south of Palm City. ( San Diego Union, ) 1920 - SDI-12024. Recorded in 1990 as a 1920s one-story farm house, the site is south of Otay River and northeast of the Palm City trolley station. It was still standing in 1990. The current status of this site is not known because it is located outside the area proposed for trail construction. This site would not be impacted by the trails project because it is outside the trail construction and use area. (Hector, Susan M. "Cultural Resources Survey) -- [ prob Ewald house ] ( Hector, Susan M. "Cultural Resources Survey for the Otay Valley Regional Park Trails Project West of Interstate 5 to Interstate 805, San Diego. California," San Diego, CA: Richard Barrett Wallace Roberts & Todd, February 2006. ) 1920 - (photo) first St. Rose of Lima church moved from Palm city 1920 ( Chula Vista Star-News, August 19, 1965. ) 1920 - Pedro Badillo listed living near Roe Carroll, William Conner, C. P. Paularena, Ruiah Bennerr, John Cattron, Emil Erickson, R. J. Jaeger, Herman Boensch, T. J. Scrivner, Emma Tracy, Albert Arnold ( census ) 1921 - John Grothe moved from Montana to California in 1919 with the Turbeville family. They all settled in the sparsely populated area known as Palm City. John worked for the Turbevilles until 1921 when he married Stella Griffith. At that time he began work for the County of San Diego building roads and later went on to work for H.G. Fenton at the gravel pit in Otay River bed. In 1929 the old wooden buildings in Palm City housed a cafe and pool hall, barber shop, post office, grocery, and service station. Somewhere about this time, the Grothes rented the cafe and pool hall from Mr. Ward, and John's Place came into being. Adding to the local trade were the horse trainers and jockeys from Caliente as this was the main road to Tia Juana then. The customers also came because Stella was a good cook. During the mid-thirties John purchased the grocery located in the two-story building on the corner of Palm Avenue and Industrial Boulevard. The Grothes were in the grocery business until 1943. In the thirties, Palm City was home to the 80th District Congressman, Charles W. Stream, who brought the governor of California, Frank W. Merriam into town. The stage was decorated in red, white, and blue bunting, and the Southwest Junior High band played to greet the dignitaries. Although the crowd was not large, most of the families were represented. Once a fIre in the gasoline storage tank area caused an evacuation of the community. As the smaller barrels exploded, all would shudder thinking the next explosion would be one of the three large tanks. Luck was with this small town, for when the fire was extinguished, the tanks had buckled from the heat, but were intact. All went to their homes to talk of what would have been lost-and marvel, too, at how Palm City made front-page news in the San Diego green sheet that evening. John, along with so many others, worked in the aircraft plants. The work gave those who moved here from the midwest in the thirties a chance to buy land and build their homes. This was the beginning of growth in the South Bay. Contributed by Lucille Randall. ( Family, Friends, and Homes, 1991. ) 1922 - Palm City "Sutherland Stage Office" and Barber Shop. note telephone in front, outhouse in back ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1922 - Palm City block, post office, Sutherland Stage Office ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1922 ca - Palm City sign for social and concert ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1922 ca - Palm City ( photo, San Diego History Center ) 1923/12/23 - "Say Big Oil Strata Here . . Geologist Claims 800-foot Strata Runs Through City." was the headline in 1923. Star ran series of stories in 1923 and 1924 on oil drilling in Palm City. The next mention of oil in the Star was Nov. 6, 1931 with headline "Oil Assured On Otay Mesa" but failure after two months. Another flare was in 1951 but short-lived ( Chula Vista Star Feb. 23, 1969. ) 1924 - Commodore Clifford A. Perkins has assumed duty as Navy intelligence officer for Eleventh Naval District in 1945, been on active duty since 1940, in naval reserve since 1936. He entered border service in 1911 and was stationed at El Paso, and became inspector in charge of the U. S. Immigration service in San Ysidro. He is 65, was born in Wisconsin, he and Mrs. Palmer reside in Palm City. His son, Lt. C. A. Perkins, Jr., is serving in the Pacific. Daughter Kathryn Seacord has husband Lt. W. R. Seacord based on the east coast. ( Chula Vista Star, Friday, June 15, 1945. ) 1924 - Palm City oil well located in Sec. 22, T. 18S., R. 2W. Promoted by the National City Oil Co. Drilling started in 1924. Hole abandoned at 2625 ft. Very good showings of oil and gas were encountered in this well, but the inflow of water prevented deeper exploration. ( Doc File: Oil Well Drilling, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1925 - Wirt G. Bowman, 75, died 1949 in Tucson, was the father of Mrs. W. J. Cavanaugh of 89 Country Club Drive. He was a financier who lived at one time in Palm City (about 1925), was one of the three original owners of Agua Caliente spa in Tijuana, and owned the famed Foreign Club in Tijuana. ( Chula Vista Star, Friday, Apr. 22, 1949. ) 1925 ca - San Miguel Mountain beacon Light "SM" ( photo, San Diego History Center ) 1926 - James Fergus and Pauline Faulkner Lathers - pt. 1 bought their Palm City home situated on four and a half acres at 2350 Palm Avenue in October 1926, from the Bell family. Settling there permanently in November of 1929 with their sons, James Faulkner Lathers born June 3, 1924, who was born in their original home of Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania, and Joseph Robert Lathers, born July 15, 1929, in Wilkensburg, Pennsylvania where their family was engaged in coal mining. the Lathers found the Southern California climate attractive and the country land next to the railroad tracks full of valuable possibilities. Located across the street from Palm City's gas station, post office, grocery store, and restaurant, the Lathers engaged in growing vegetables and ran the Silver Strand Dairy, which served customer in Imperial Beach, Coronado, and the Silver Strand area. There was also a Greyhound Bus Station that ran from San Diego to the border. M r . Lathers remembers over the years Palm City held their Woman's Club at the Citrus Avenue Hall, and the residents of Palm City were very active in the PTA held at Emory School, which featured public speakers and social events. Among the stores in downtown Palm City over the years were McBride's Bakery (the store owner's son, Howard, died in an airplane crash in World War II becoming the first Palm City war casualty), Jesse's Beauty Shop, and Teyssier Clothing line, which occupied the buildings on Hollister, where doctor offices are today.. Mrs. Lathers belongs to the Nestor Methodist Church where she taught Sunday School for kindergarteners for many years. On August II, 1990, she became 95 years of age, the oldest member of the church. Today, when you see the red San Diego trolley pull into the Northeast corner station at Palm and Hollister in Palm City, inside the blue pitched roof house with the well-manicured yard and roses blooming will be Pauline Lathers, who has seen fIrsthand the transformation of Palm City. The house built in 1976 replaced the original house to accommodate the widening of Palm Avenue, and the grey retaining wall was built when Cal Trans took the rest of the property for the trolley station. ( Family, Friends, and Homes, 1991. ) 1926/03/02 - Palm City block, 2 cars in street, Chesebro's Grocery, Office Imperial Beach Stage Express ( photo, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1928 - Rancho Las Palmas was built in 1928 by Wirt G. Bowman, one of the infamous "Border Barons" who built Agua Caliente and casinos in Tijuana during Prohibition. The house was bought by Ben Hulse who served the 80th District in the California Assembly as state senator from 1933 to 1958. It was a farm with tomatoes and cucumbers on 10 acres on the south side of Palm Ave. west of the Highland Reservoir in Quarter Section 27. The farm was bought in 1952 by Dr. Michael David Bajo who was training at Mercy Hospital while stationed in San Diego by the Navy after the war. He had graduated from Loyola Medical School in Chicago in 1944 and served as a naval officer in the Pacific on the destroyer USS Dobbins. He met Sarah Warn, a nurse at Mercy, and were married in 1946. They moved to San Ysidro in 1948 and for many years Dr. Bajo was the only physician in the area south of Chula Vista. Michael and Sarah Bajo raised their family of 15 children at Rancho Las Palmas, attended St. Charles Catholic Church in Imperial Beach, until Michael retired in 2000 after 52 years medical practice, and died 2008. Sarah still lives in the house, was born in 1922 in Milan, Indiana, daughter of Hary and Caroline Warn. She remembers when Palm Avenue was a narrow two-lane road, dipping lower down the hill from the reservoir more steeply and known as "Suicide Hill" until the road was widened in 1973. The yellow house at the front of the lot was moved from the north side of Palm Avenue when Midway Baptist Church moved from its original 1947 site "mid-way between Imperial Beach and Palm City" to 2460 Palm Avenue in October 1977. This house was owned by Mrs. Moore in the 1950s and 1960s and was at one time a commune in the 1960s. The gray house on the next lot at 2539 Palm Ave. is occupied by Miss Ocheltree. The house on the back west side at 840 Desty street was purchased 20 years ago by the Thompsons from the Bajos, possibly was owned before that by Pauline McBrayer. The green house at 832 Desty next to the Thompsons is occupied by a renter for the last 6 months who said it is own by the Brewers in San Francisco. It was probably built by Vance McBurney and was the only house in the area before the Bajos. It was possibly occupied by Maud Maywood who is listed in the 1930 census. Sam Vener owned a farm in the area in the 1950s and 1960s. There was a thoroughbred horse ranch south of the Bajos, possible the horsE ranch of James N. Crofton, another "Border Baron" from the 1920s. The 4 acres at the south end of the Bajo property was taken by the city of San Diego in the 1960s for Sunnyslope Park. Across the street on the north side of Palm Avenue was a house owned by Harry Harrison 1967-74, the science fiction writer who had just published his novel "Make Room! Make Room!" in 1966 that would be made into the movie "Soylent Green" in 1973. According to an email from Harry Harrison, "I did indeed live on Palm Ave at this time. I think the address was 2492. Right at the bottom of Suicide Hill right across from Vance McBurney. When the freeway connection came through [i.e., widening of Palm Avenue 1973-74] the city bought my house, sawed it in half and took it to TJ to sell; filled in my pool." ( Warren, Sarah, interview at Palm Avenue home, Nov. 17, 2009. ) 1928/08/05 - The subject of beacon lights for airways to Insure the safety of night flights cross country was given considerable attention at the meeting of the California Development association held yesterday at the Alexandria hotel, Los Angeles, according to reports received here. The reports from the companies operating airlines as well as from individual pilots as to the great value and utility of the new Standard Oil beacons resulted in the passage of the following resolution: "The Aviation committee recommends that two commendatory resolutions again be prepared, one to go to the Standard on Company of California,, heartily commending their beacon lighting program, a program that already has resulted In the erection of two major lighting beacons, conforming to the department oF commerce regulations These beacons have demonstrated tneir great value . . . FAVOR SAN MIGUEL SITE The advantages of having the new standard Oil company beacon placed ion San Miguel San Diego were brought out thoroughly and this location, already approved by the department of commerce representatives, received favorable consideration. The San Miguel beacon would be the first step to supplement the San Diego beacon, on the tower of the San Diego Trust and Savings Bank building, and would serve to light the low elevation route from San Diego to the Imperial Valley. It is hoped that another beacon on this route would be established acton sear Jacumba. The San Miguel beacon also would prove invaluable in serving to light one of the first international airways leading down into Baja California and would be visible for a great distance below the line. A more ideal location for this great beacon could not be found, in the opinion of fliers constantly using the California Airways. San Diego will be particularly fortunate aviation experts say, in having a well-lighted landing field, with its own lighting, a beacon, on one of the city's tallest buildings and another great light pointing to the low elevation route east from San Diego via San MlgueL The aviation committee of the California Development association pointed out that high beacon lights on a municipal airport would be a constant source of danger, and that there was no more reason nor necessity for placing them, there than there would be of having the Point Loma lighthouse at the end of the San Diego municipal pier. Representatives of the Western Arr Express present at the meeting pointed out that a tremendous impetus has been given the air mall by the new rate of five cents for the first ounce. More tTn»n 663 pounds of mall left Los Angeles by plane for Salt Lake City Friday morning, t h e average last month having been about 450 pounds, indicating an increase of more than 50 percent. The aviation committee of the association went on record as favoring the use of the new slogan "Send all mall, air mail.** Believing that air transport in the present and future will be Justified by the time-saving provided, it was recommended that In the case of cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles, where it Is impossible to have airports within a short distance of the business centers, landing fields be connected with the business centers by highspeed boulevards which will permit traffic of pa.vtf"ige*s and express CQBW signed to aircraft cr corning from aircraft, to reach its destination without sacrifice of time. It was pointed; out that an airport was nothing mors nor less than another transportation terminal, and it was exceedingly i m portant that no delays be entailed l a getting passengers and express from these air terminals to the business centers of t h e larger California cities. it was the plan of the aeronautics committee t o acquaint city «TM< county officials with the nature of this recommendation, and t o ejp-operate in every way possible to procure) adequate boulevards from, congested areas to the various municipal airports. local port close ix this is a problem that fortunatejy does not effect san diego, €which, haa i an airport located nearer to the center of the municipality than the airport of any city of the same or greater size anywhere in the world. it was pointed, out that the san diego municipal airport was m & distinct class by itself. so far as location was concerned. the conference of the california development association was attended by william hart, former president of the san diego county development; association; john bargar of fnnnrm, member of the highway committee or the association and t. c macaulay. chairman of the aeronautics committee of the association. a. beolloway. chairman of the industrial committee, and sam porter, vice chairman of tha highway committee^ wero unahla t o attend t h e conference. ( san diego union, ) 1928/08/19 - Richfield aviation beacon illustrated. When plans now under way through the Richfleld Oil organization are compjeted, service stations such as the one pictured belov. with its aviation guide beacon will dot the Pacific coast at 50-mile intervals. What at first seemed a Utopian dream‹establishment of a stringot Neon beacon towers from Mexico to Canada along Pacific highways‹is rapidly becoming a reality. It won't be long now before this countryside "Great White Way" for motorists and fliers will be in operation. This was disclosed in the announcement just made here by officials of the Richfield Oil company, one of the backers of the project, that framework is now actually being fabricated for 36 of the monster beacon towers which are to be spotted at 50-mile intervals. Involved in the plan, as already announced by press dispatches is the establishment of ideal villages at each of the sites of the beacon towers. Locations for the towers, and model service stations which will be built at the base of the beacons, are being selected ;by William Cotrel of the Richfield company, and Paul D. Howse. president of Electrical Products Corporation. The next move will be purchase of sites. It is anticipated that, by September 1. all 36 of the brilliant towers of Claud Neon light, each surmounted by a special aviator's guide, will be blazing a Mexlco-to-Canada path for aviators and autoists. The first unit which in its entirety, embraces a hotel, gas station and aerial beacon, will cover two acres of ground, directly on the Roosevelt highway, and in the heart of the Caplstrano Beach development. ( San Diego Union, ) 1928/10/06 - Henry Myers of Palm City, was one of the charter members of the South Bay Chamber of Commerce founded by Charles W. Stream of Palm City. Other charter members were George W. Downs, Dale Evans, A. L. Boyce, Charles Ward. Stream served as first president, followed by John Dorr of Nestor, Paul L. Smith, D. A. Rees, and A. H. Bard of Otay. Accomplishments included street lighting, street naming, house numbering, bus service to San Diego, expanding fire protection district. ( San Ysidro Border Press, Nov. 5, 1953 ) 1928/11/18 - Log Cabin Cafe in Palm City 1st mention - under new management - but no more mentions after this -- later, same name for cafe in other cities, Alpine (since 1916 with oak tree growing thru middle, closed 1979), Mission Beach Archibald "Art" Cloninger died, formerly owned the old Log Cabin Cafe in Tijuana ( The San Diego Union ) 1928/12/18 - Richfield beacon dedication but discontinued Mr. 1, 1931. Eighteen fighting planes of squadron VF-2. aircraft squadrons, battle fleet, under t h e coramand of lit. H. M. Martin. thrilled several hundred spectators at the dedication of the Richfield Oil company's aerial beacon at 3 o'clock: yesterday afternoon. While the fighting planes were maneuvering above the big beacon, two commercial planes, one of them carrying Rear Adm. Ashley Robertson, district commandant; Pres. James Talbott of the Richfield OU company. SiaJ. Theodore Macauley. chairman aviation committee chamber of commerce: Lou Blodgett. vice president of the chamber of commerce and president of the San Diego chapter National Aeronautic association, circled overhead. Later Admiral Robertson. Macauley. Talbott and Blodgett flew to Los Angeles where they participated in the dedication radio program s e n t o u t over the Paciflo networfc. from'3 to 9 o'clock. Participation of Lieutenant Martin's crack squadron of fighting planes In yesterday's spectacular aviation program wa3 made possible through the courtesy of Rear Adm. J. M. Reeves, fleet air force commander . Eight traffic officers mobilized at Palm City during the afternoon to keep the highway clear of the hundreds of automobiles that were parked adjacent to the aerial beacon. The Richfield aerial lighthouse dedicated yesterday Is one of a chain of 40 beacons and service stations that is being erected from San Diego to the Canadian border. Five other beacons also were dedicated yesterday. ( San Diego Union, ) 1929/05/05 - (photo) ad Ford's Wayside Inn at Palm City Now Open for Business. Drive 12 miles out National Ave. to Ford's Wayside Inn, next to Richfield Oil Beacon at Palm City. Having opened its doors last night, Ford's Wayside Inn, located at Palm City on the main highway just 12 miles from this city, presents one of the finest to dine and dance places in Southern California. In addition to the very commodious main dining room there are numerous private booths, designed to please those desiring individual accommodation. The Inn, according to Mr. Ford, will serve only the best quality foods obtainable, thus assuring the most delectable cuisine possible. The excellent work on this fine building was completed by the following contractors and builders: Hersum Lumber Co., Chula Vista James English, Contractor, Palm City C. E. Stream, Real Estate, Palm City Chula Vista Electric Co., Chula Vista J. O. Whitt, Plumbing, Chula Vista Barton's Ginger Ale and Grape Ale Foster-Barker Music Co., Orchestrope, 402 B St. C. N. Woodworth, Insurance, 730 E St. ( San Diego Union, ) 1929/05/19 - Richfield Aviation Beacons Reflect Spanish Atmosphere. In the photo below Is shown Miss Venice of 1929. In Spanish costume, with her Rlchfield-Ethyl-powered Hudson coach at the Spanish service station at Caplstrano Beach. This service station is only one of the many Richfield air beacons located along the Pacific coast. Declared by artists and architects to be one of the most perfect examples of Spanish design and general treatment. the Spanish-California service stations of the Richfield Canada-to-Mexico highway-airway beacon chain are attracting much attention from lovers of the beautiful. White stucco walls and red mission tile roots; the graceful Roman arches characteristic of Spanish design; a modernized drinking fountain in an "olla" design; strings of red pepners hanging from t h e walls; grill wort on windows and doors and smoky old Spanish lanterns concealing the electric glow within . . . such, to a paragraph, is t h e "spirit of Spanish-America" which designers of these stations have caught and built Into the beacon towered comfortservice structures. located approximately 50 miles apart on all main highways, these Spanish design stations‹exclusively in California‹will stand at the base of the gigantic Richfield neon beacon towers which flash a crimson greeting nightly to motorists and aviators. Across the California-Oregon border, for the rest of the "Three-Flag" route between Mexico and Canada, the sta-tions will have a Norman-English design, it is anounced by Richfield officials. The stations which have been finished to date are located at the following points: Palm City. Caplstrano Beach, Beaumont, Merced. Livermore. Santa Rosa, Chual&r. Santa Maria and at the toll gate of the new San Pranclsco bay bridge near San Mateo. At each of these points the blazing beacon towers, bearing Richfield in ruddy letters from the base to tip, and with an aviator's beacon at the top, are now In operation. ( San Diego Union, ) 1929/07/28 - "LOBSTER INN" AUCTION SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 3 P. M. Between Nestor and Palm City on the Main Highway to Tijuana. Restaurant and all Equipment to Go "As Is" One-Acre Lot ‹ Five-Room Home. One of the greatest business opportunities of the year. George Beech, owner of the famous "George's Place" on the Coast Highway just south of Cardiff, is the owner, also, of "Lobster Inn." He will sell the "Inn" to devote his entire time to "George's Place." THE RESTAURANT Seats 68 in comfortable chairs; tables near windows which afford views of Mexico's mountains. Borders highway to Tijuana; 200-foot frontage. One acre of rich soil. Ideal place for auto camp for visitors to Imperial Beach, Coronado Beach and Tijuana. Dining room 45x17 feet; concrete floor throughout; baseboard outlets for pretty lighU a t each table: cash register rings from; one to *68: radio; Ackerman tt Lowe piano: Baker Ice Plant 7%x 7Vi and 10-foot celling, heavily Insulated on an sides and top: Ingle oil burner range 4%x3; Johnson diah-wasber; stock of cigars, Two ladles' rest rooms, and one gentlemen's and cigarettes; big electric sign out front. THE HOME Five-room bungalow, in rear of restaurant, for proprietor or help to live in; bath; kitchen; decorated woodwork; double garage on lot; flowers; shrubs; fruit trees; plenty of garden space. Five minutes to grammar school. Free bus service to high school, YOU SHOULD KNOW That the Tijuana Boulevard is one of the heaviest traveled roads in the state. More money and more luxurious automobiles pass the "Lobster Inn" on their way to Tijuana than any other highway west of Chicago. An auto camp here would be only 20 minutes, or less, from the south beaches and San Diego, and 10 minutes from Tijuana. This part of the county is prospering, and has a great future in store. The new railroad station at Palm City, fruit packing houses, gentlemen's estates nearby and the Richfield aviation field are evidences of prosperity. Buy now, and reap the harvest of riches. DIRECTIONS‹Take the main Tijuana highway to Palm City; property just south of Richfield aviation beacon. ( San Diego Union ) 1929/07/28 - Richfield aviation beacons map (photo). The map in the accompanying layout shown locations of beacon towers and service stations of the projected border-to-border chain of Richfield traits as they were covered in a Marmon recently sent out from the establishment of John Moynahan, Marmon and Roosevelt dealer. A dozen of the stations nestle at the beacon tower bases in California, while work of raising the towers and building the stations is now going on in Washington and Oregon. Views in the layout are described as follows: Upper left‹This is the type of station to be built in Washington and Oregon. Upper right‹The station and tower at Beaumont, precisely like the ones near San Diego at Palm City or Capistrano Beach. Left center‹View of the transbay bridge at San Francisco, showing beacon towers in center. Center‹A Harmon model from John Moynahan, Marmon and Roosevelt dealer. Below‹One of the most dramatic units is that of the new San Francisco bay toll bridge. The Richfield beacon, towers stand at-the bridge center, while the service station is beside the entrance on the San Mateo side of the seven-mile bridge. This shows the entrance. At right‹Spanish girl beside iron latticed window, characteristic of the Mediterranean design of the California stations. Bottom‹Artist's conception of how the Richfield highway-airway "ideal village" will appear when later units are added to the present nucleus of service comfort stations and towers. At each location enough land has, been acquired so that a hotel, restaurant, garage, and similar units such as the architect has pictured, will rise in beautiful design. This is the California type of structure. ( San Diego Union, ) 1929/07/28 - Coast Road. By HARRY E. MACPHERSON Offering a most diversified array of scenic attractions, picturesque to a high, degree and approaching a point of perfection In Its unbroken stretch of continuous pavement, the great "Three-Flag" highway between Mexico and Canada through California, Oregon and Washington has been declared the "world's most colorful international highway." Now, making It even more colorful, more picturesque. and adding Immeasurably to the comfort, convenience and safety of motorists and fliers, this great road Is being lined at approximately 50-mile intervals with monster beacon towers. At the base of each tower, stands an Ideal comfort-service station. Each of these units, it is anticipated, will form the nucleus for an ideal village catering to the comfort of the motor traveler. San Dlegans are familiar with the southern units of the monster chain, for these units nearest the Mexican border were the first ones finished. They have seen the huge 125-foot beacon towers flashing their beacons to night filers at Palm City, at Capistrano Beach, at Imperial airport, or at Beaumont. Driving south toward the border at night, they have seen the glowing word "Richfield," in vertical letters on the tall tower, staining the dark with its crimson neon lettering. They have marked, too, the striking Spanish design of the stations‹the Mexican oila drinking fountain, the grilled Spanish windows, the smoky Spanish lanterns within the station, the completeness of the advance design comfort stations. To the motorists who start northward, however, for a trip to San Francisco, or beyond Into Oregon and Washington. It will come as a surprise how many of these units have been completed in the short tune since the immense project was launched. Practically all the projected California stations and towers are finished and doing business. Work on those north of the California line, it is reported, is advancing rapidly. While the stations of California are of the uniform Spanish-American design noted In the stations near San Diego, these of Washington and Oregon are to be of Norman-English design, it Is announced. This Is a tribute to the different atmosphere, traditions and more rugged beauty of the northwest states as contrasted with seml-tropical southern California. What is probably the most striking of all the units Is that which has been Installed at the approach and on the center of the new seven-mile bridge across San Francisco bay. This bridge, considered truly one of the "wonders of the world." crosses the bay from a point near Hayward to San Mateo, thus linking mainland and peninsula. The Richfleld beacons, with directional lights and neon lettering, rise atop the center structure of the bridge while the Richfield station, conforming in design to the bridge structure, stands at the San Mateo side entrance to the toll gates. Plans for the added units‹for the hotels, garages avd other structures which will form the "villages"‹are being made by Highway Communities, Inc., an organization entirely separate from Richfield and working In conjunction wtth the oil company's plan. ( San Diego Union, ) 1929/09/14 - Richfield-Paim City Airway beacon established Sept. 1. 1929. about one-fourth mile south of Palm City on San Diego-Tijuana highway and about 10 miles south of 'San Diego. Longitude II" degrees 5 minutes W". Latitude 33 degrees. 34 minutes. 30 seconds N. Light is flashing white every 30 seconds, flash about 6 seconds duration, of about S.000.000 candlepower. 165 feet above water and main b.-arr. of light elevated 1 degree above horizon. Light at times may be observed from seaward. It Is maintained by the Richfield Oil company of California. Light List. Pacific coast. 1929. p. 10. Local Light List, Calif. & Oregon. 1329. p. 10. CALIFORNIA ‹ RIchfieM Caplstrano Airway beacon established one-half mile southeast of Serra on Lcs Angeles-San Diego highway and about 500 feet west of Caplstrano airport. Longitude 117 degrees. 41 minutes. 30 seconds W . Latitude 32 degrees. 2S minutes N. -Light is flashing white every 30 seconds, flash about 6 seconds duration, of about S.000.000 candlepower. 145 feet above water and main hr-am of light elevated 1 degree above horizon. Light nt times mar beobserverl from seaward. It is maintained by the Richfield Oil company of California. Light Xist. Pacific coast. 1S29. p. 10. Local Light List. Calif. & Oregon. 1929. p. 10. H. W. RHODES. Superintendent of Lighthouses. ( San Diego Union, ) 1929/10 - Silver Strand Dairy was operated by James Fergus and Pauline Faulkner Lathers who bought 4.5 acres in Palm City in October 1929 and built home at 2350 Palm Avenue. Located across the street was the Palm City gas station, post office, grocery store, restaurant, and Greyhound bus station. ( Family, Friends, and Homes, 1991. ) 1929/10/22 - Pedro Badillo murder CHALLENGE THEORY OF DEFENSE AT MURDER TRIAL IN S.D.COURT. Pedro Badlllo, Palm City resident who was slain in an impromptu pistol duel before his home with a neighbor, Aug. 23, fired only in self-defense, daughters of the slain man testified in superior court yesterday at trial of the neighbor. Frank Carrlllo, on a charge of murder. This testimony directly challenges the theory of Attorney Fred Noon, for the defense that Carrlllo himself fired only in self-defense. The daughters who testified were Angelina Badlllo, 18, and her younger sister, Mary Jane. The elder girl sobbed while telling the jury of six women and six men what she saw; the younger girl was more composed. In substance they related that Carrlllo precipitated the duel by approaching Badlllo at the latter's home. Badlllo Invited his neighbor into the house to talk it over, but Carrlllo demurred, the daughters of Badlllo said. When Badlllo put on his coat and went to meet Carrlllo. "they talked about five or 10 minutes." Angelina said. "Then Carrlllo took out his gun and fired at my father. My father drew his, fired, backed up and then fell. Carrlllo was going toward him. We screamed. I ran down to where my father was lying. He was beside the fence. I thought he was going to die. I ran and then they told me be was dead." Earlier, Coroner S. C. Kelly testified Badillo'was killed almost instantly. Carrlllo was unscathed. He surrendered after the battle, and has been held in' county Jail since. Mrs. Carrlllo, Jointly charged with her husband at first for allegedly Inciting the slaying, was dismissed by Justice Eugene Daney. Jr.. in township court. Judge Vaughn N. Thompson of Imperial county is presiding, ( San Diego Union ) 1929/10/24 - Pedro Badillo murder Guard Against Weapons in Court As Murder Trial Nears End Here. (photo) When Pedro Badillo, Palm City deputy constable and border Inspector, was called to his front gate Aug. 23 by Frank Carrillo, next-door neighbor, his wife and three daughters witnessed the impromptu duel that followed and saw him fall, mortally wounded. Left to right‹Stella, Mrs. Badillo, Mary Jane and Angelina. Sensing an undercurrent of bad feeling, between two interested factions among' spectators at trial of Frank Carrillo, engineer, on a charge of murder for the. shooting Aug. 23 of his neighbor, Pedro Badillo, Sheriff Ed Cooper today placed three bailiffs in the courtroom. The bailiffs were Instructed to make sure no spectator carried a weapon into the room. The bailiffs. Deputy Sheriff Jim Kilby. Deputy Cliff Tyler and Deputy Earl Riley, stationed themselves at points of vantage-about the courtroom and-remained standing throughout the concluding hours of the trial. No person was admitted unless a seat was available and all spectators were briefly examined as they entered the courtroom. Restless persons were evicted, and the trial neared its close In an orderly manner. After hearing Attorney Fred Noon, defense counsel, demand of the Jury of six women and six men that they either return a verdict for the death penalty or definitely clear his client by a verdict of not guilty. Prosecutor Oran N. Mulr, who had picked what he construed as numerous flaws in the defense testimony, urged the Jury to take Noon at his word and find Carrillo guilty of first degree murder. Carrillo, by first arming himself before Inviting Badillo, a deputy constable, "outside to talk it over" concerning a feud between the families of the two principals, had clearly showed a premeditation and intent to slay his neighbor, the prosecutor declared. Mulr pointed out to the jury what he described as Carrillo's confession of having apparently fired the first shot. The feud developed because one of Badillo's girls had used the car of a son of Carrillo, and Mrs. Carrillo objected, Muir stated. Visiting Judge Vaughn N. Thompson of Imperial county, presiding at the trial, was to begin instructing the jury at 1:30 o'clock, preparatory to relinquishing the case. His court has devoted all this week to the trial. ( San Diego Union ) 1929/10/26 - Pedro Badillo murder JURY DISAGREES CARILL0 TRIAL. Out 12 Hours; Case Will Come Before Court Next Tuesday for Resetting. After 12 hours spent behind locked doors with time out only for meals, a jury of five women and seven mem deciding the case of Frank Carillo, charged with the murder In Palm City Aug. 23 of his neighbor, Pedro Badillo, reported absolute disagreement at 10:35 last night. Judge Vaughn N . Thompson dismissed the Jurors and the case will come before Judge Marsh Tuesday for resetting. Carillo's case went on trial last Monday. Testimony showed that a bitter feeling had existed between the women members of the two families over the use of Carillo's automobile by one of Badillo's daughters. The shooting took place after the men argued for nearly 10 minutes. Both men were armed when they left thelr houses. according to testimony. Carlllo said he did not know who fired the first shot, while two of Badlllo's daughters testified that Carillo fired it. Carillo's plea was that of self-defense. ( San Diego Union ) 1929/12/13 - Pedro Badillo murder PREPARES FIGHT Y AGAINST DEARD APPLICATION FOR PROBATiON. Deputy District Attorney Oran N. Muir today was preparing to combat the application for probation made in superior court by Fred Edgar Deard. motorist convicted of manslaughter for the traffic death last July of Mrs. Davella Carothers, an aged woman. The probation hearing was set by Judge Lloyd E. Griffin for Dec. 31. Conclusion of the case marked the second felony conviction obtained by the able prosecutor In the course of 10 days. The first of the two most recent convictions was that of Frank Carrillo, Palm City engineer convicted of second-degree murder for having shot his neighbor, Pedro Badillo. Carrillo has yet to be sentenced. Judge Griffin remanded Deard to custody pending ultimate disposition of the case, although the defense demonstrated that the motorist had provided a total of $13,000 ball bonds. Bail of $10,000 had been required on the traffic charge of murder, while $3000 had been provided In a northern county for Deard's release on a statutory charge, now pending, it was explained. This was at Auburn, Cal. Mrs. Carothers was the mother of Mrs. A. C: Williams, who was to testify for the state. A tragic sidelight of the trial, which Prosecutor Muir was unable by legal restrictions to present to the Jury, was the fact that Mrs. Williams was finable to testify, having been called to Houston. Tex., whero her father was reported seriously Injured in an automobile accident. Other witnesses said Deard was driving without lights along El Cajon avenue, long after sunset, when his car collided with the Williams car. containing Mrs. Carothers. ( San Diego Union ) 1929/12/17 - Pedro Badillo murder SAN QUENTIN TERM FOR S. D. SLAYER. Frank Carrillo, of Palm City, must serve an indeterminate sentence in San Quentln state prison, for second degree murder of his neighbor, Pedro Badillo, Judge Spencer M. Marsh ruled yesterday. The court denied new trial, upholding Deputy District Attorney Oran N. Mulr's contention there was no reasonable ground for a retrial. The defense indicated the case would be appealed. Carrillo was granted a stay of execution to enable htm to arrange his business affairs In Tijuana and elsewhere in Mexico. A jury convicted Carrillo two weeks ago, finding him guilty of precipitating a quarrel with his neighbor. Carrillo and Badillo had "taken up" a quarrel of their women folk over use by the girls of one family of the automobile belonging to the son of the other family. The two men engaged In an Impromptu pistol duel before their homes and in sight of their families. ( San Diego Union ) Palm City 1930 Pamphlet
Download PDF of 16-page pamphlet promoting the area, issued by the Palm City District Chamber of Commerce, written by Col. M. O. Bigelow, photos of field of spinach, potatoes from Stewart Ranch, of Bailey J. Russell, of Palm City Oil Well, of C. W. Stream home Spanish type bungalow, of Wm. J. Cavanaugh home, of James N. Crofton home, of Wirt G. Bowman home, of J. C. Boyce bungalow home, of lettuce on Oscar Lehner ranch. During high water year of 1927, the Strand road was open and "milk express never missed a delivery." The Palm City area has a dozen dairies, total of 800 Holstein and Guernsey cows, daily delivery of 2500 gals. milk. Agri carloads shipped 1928-1929: celery 1100, tomatoes 250, cauliflower 200. ( Palm City Vertical File, San Diego History Center. )
Palm City 1930-20141930 - The Palm City area has a dozen dairies, total of 800 Holstein and Guernsey cows, daily delivery of 2500 gals. milk. ( Palm City Vertical File, San Diego Historical Society. )1930/01/23 - Introducing James Crofton. Back In 1915. if one chanced to be walking along the streets of San Diego, he might nave noticed a young man dressed in Jockey silks riding a horse and calling out. "Horse racing today at Tijuana, at 2 o'clock." Perhaps if this act escaped observation a second act might have been noticed. Thls was a young man blackened up and dressed as a Mexican. This young man would call, "Visit old Mexico today. Well, the two young men were only one. James Nugent Crofton was both of 'em. He did the first part of this act and then made a rapid change for the second perforraance. And maybe yon tntnir that the boys and girls who listened to didn't drop over to the spot he was ballyhooing. Just look at the records. Jim Crofton will be 34 in a month or so. He is the general manager of the Agua Caliente racetrack and right hand man to Wirt Bowman, president. He not only boosted for the old Tijuana track but he raced Maud Bacon, Shortstop, Lobelia, Veteran, Katherine Rankin and other runners there. Crofton has had a varied and interesting career. He was with Barnum & Bailey's circus. He was the announcer at the world's fair in San Francisco and held many other Jobs. in 1922 Crofton induced his friend Wirt Bowman to come to Tijuana. Last year these two men. with Baron Long and Jim Coffroth, put the coin in the new racetrack. Crofton is one of the hardest working officials in the world. When the new track was being bulit. he was up at daylight and was not through until in the middle of the night. He wore his old clothes, listened to carpenters, laborers and gave them an idea here and a suggestion there and stuck it out an through the labor trouble during the construction of the new plant. He's a fine fellow and is extremely popular with everyone connected with racing below the border. "Agua Caliente win be a sub-tropical paradise within a year or two," he predicted. And don't think it won't be. ( San Diego Union, ) 1930/11/07 - San Ysidro 20 Years Old This Week Says Local Man. L. Judd, secretary and collector of the San Ysidro Irrigation District, recalled the fact that San Ysidro started on its twenty-first year of existence last Wednesday. Records of the colony which began here at that time have been preserved and In looking over the papers Mr. Judd found that the San Ysidro hotel was the only building here at the time. Old timers named in the papers, who are still living in this vicinity, include Lee Tavin, O. W. Porter and Mrs. Mary Holister. The first name settled near Palm City more than 40 years ago, while the last two have been residents of San Ysidro for two score years. A review of the colony, which since that time has been made into a live community, will be given in the forth coming issue of the Border Press. ( San Ysidro Border Press, Nov. 7, 1930 ) 1931 - Grande Vista Airport Robert Jacquot leased land in Palm City for an airport (date uncertain), bought a Fairchild 22 monoplane to train students and demonstrate for sales, and started the Grande Vista School of Aviation. Oldtimer H.E. Cowhick remember getting Jacquot's signature in his logbook after flying lessons from the small field at what i now Orchid Way and Reef Drive. Palm City Airport, al 0 Grande Vista Airport, appears in the 1938 San Diego City Directory for the last time, but the San Diego flying Club leased the field in February 1938. It had three hort runway, and three hangar, [0 handle their two Taylor Cub and a Porterfield cabin monoplane. Rolly Tyce won a spot landing contest in June. C. . Flagg rebuilt h' new airplane there that ummer. The hangars had the field name on the roof and the club name on the out .de walh. The San Diego Flying Club remained at Grande Vista until the government forced all local civilian pilots to ground their airplane in December 1941. ( "South Bay Airfields," Family, Friends, and Homes, 1991, pp. 506-507. ) 1931 - Silver Strand Dairy in Palm City 1931-33 ( The San Diego Union, ) 1931/06/12 - (photo) HOME OF WIRT G. BOWMAN, PALM CITY (photo) HOME OF WILLIAM J. CAVANAUGH, PALM CITY (photo) HOME OF C. W. STREAM, PALM CITY ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1932/10/20 - Palm City Chamber Elects New Officers The Palm City Chamber of Commerce elected the following officers tor the coming year: dhmles W>J Stream, president; Charles A. Hotchkiss, first rice-president: A. M. Floetsch. second viee-presideni; J. C. Boice, treasurer; Delia Bailey, secretary. Alfred L. Joyner: MrsGrace Koran. 1. Ellis. S* atoMernesng . Ray Johnson, directors. Aftec business meeting the South : Bay (Jlee C'ub sang "The Builder" -i and Andrew Acona played duet. called "Fhsyel Duett." Charles W. Stream, candidate for tits Stele , Assembly, and William A. HarperStete Senator from the Fortieth Dir I riot, made campaign tnlk* Mr. Rowers. Assemblyman from the TS*» district, was scheduled to attend tits * meeting and talk on flood* was unable to be present becau** he erse ealled in Sacramento. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1932/11/25 - Ed Cartwright, chauffeur for Wirt Bowman, injured when SD&A train hit his car at Palm City, he was taking two CV girls home, Phyllis and Bonnie Owsley, who had been visiting Georgia Cavanaugh, grand-daughter of Wirt Bowman, the girls were classmates at the CV school. ( Chula Vista Star, Nov. 25, 1932. ) 1932/12/01 - Nestor News: Mrs. George Downs has received word that her brother, Earl Killingworth, formerly of Palm City, has been instantly killed in an automobile accident in Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hotchkiss and son Albert of Monument have visited by Mr. HotchkIkes' mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Hotchkiss, his sister Mrs. Clara Zuck and his niece Ruth Zuck all of Riverside. CalifK Ml* toother will renin I it In Monument flfor a short time. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1933/03/23 - Palm City: Mrs. W. L. Moore has returned from March Field, Riverside, where she visited her son-in-law and daughter, Capt. and Mrs. Miles Kresge. Mrs. Mary Chesbro received, word from Mrs. Charles Wright, formerly of this district, saying that neither she nor any of her family had been Injured in the earthquake. Mr. and Mrs. C. Boice of Long Beach are visiting Mrs. Boice's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samdhal. They are fortunate that they were not in Long Beach at the time of the earthquake. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Patterson, Dr. and. Mrs. Robert H. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meredith and Mrs. George A. Maywood were guests at a dinner dance at the New Palace Hotel in San Diego, March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Finney and family of Idaho have moved on the Hull ranch in Monument. They have leased six acres of land and Intend to farm it. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1933/10/13 - Palm City Woman's Club having its 18th anniv, was founded Oct. 13, 1933 ( Chula Vista Star, Sept. 20, 1951. ) 1934 ca - Accession Number CCHU_160 Title Chula Vista Couple Near Otay Ranch Creator Unknown Date Created 1934 ca Subject (Topic) Oil well drilling rigs; Oil wells; People; Automobiles Form/Genre Photograph Physical Description 1 black and white photographic print; 6.5 x 9.5 in. Subject (Place) Otay Ranch- Chula Vista, California Description Chula Vista couple near Otay Ranch with oil derrick in the background. [looks like the Palm City derrick behind car] Filename 260.jpg ( Historical Photos Digital Collection, ) 1934/03/09 - Title Oil Derrick Creator Unknown Date Created circa early 1900s Subject (Topic) Oil well drilling rigs; Oil wells Type Image Form/Genre Photograph Physical Description 1 black and white photographic print; 2.75 x 4.5 in. Subject (Place) Palm City, San Diego County, California Description View of an oil derrick used in early oil exploration in the South Bay region. ( San Diego Union ) 1934/03/16 - ceremony was one mile south of Palm City, attended by 4000 people. The 15-man crew will drill for the next 90 days at cost of $1000 per day. The derrick is the tallest ever erected in the county, rigged to drill down 6000 ft. ( Chula Vista Star, Mar. 16, 1934. ) 1934/03/30 - Saratoga oil well no. 1 south of Palm City has been cemented off at 367 ft., drilling to resume Sunday, visitors still welcome. ( Chula Vista Star, Mar. 30, 1934. ) 1934/06/08 - Mrs. Wirt Bowman, 54 died at her Linda Vista home in Palm City of heart disease, married for 38 years, before was Magdalena Bernaldo of Sonora, Mexico, moved to U. S. after marrieg to Wirt, she was Democratic national committeewoman and promoter of Agua Caliente and Tijuana ( Chla Vista Star, June 8, 1934. ) 1934/06/08 - Mrs. Wirt Bowman Dies in Palm City. Stricken By Heart Disease In Absence Of Family - Mrs. Wirt Bowman, 54, wife of the democratic national chairman from Arizona and pioneer promoter of Tijuana and Agua Caliente, died Wednesday about 5 p. m. at her home, Linda Vista, in Palm City. Heart trouble caused her sudden death. A nurse called Wednesday morning was the only one present at the time of her death. Pulmoters were used for 45 minutes in an effort to revive her. Wirt Bowman who had been in San Francisco since Monday on business arrived Thursday morning about 2 o'clock. A daughter, Mrs. Matilde Russell, Phoenix, Ariz., arrived about 1 o'elock the same morning. The Bowmans have made their home in Palm City 'since 1926. Mrs Bowman has traveled extensively in the United States and Mexico, making friends wherever she went. She is also well known on both sides of the border for her charities. She is survived by her widower and by three daughters, Mrs. Edna D. Cavanaugh and Betty Jean Bowman of Palm City and Mrs. Matilde Russell of Phoenix. Funeral services were held yesterday at the Bowman home in Palm City. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1934/11/18 - Highway 101 built 1933-34 in south bay -- Acc to 1934 article (with headlines "New National City-San Ysidro Highway Open to Autos"), highway opened last week [ Nov. 1934 ], realigned and widened from NC to San Ysidro, thru Palm City orange grove, three new bridges, two over Sweetwater, one over Otay; all old sharp turns been eliminated ( The San Diego Union; Date: 11-18-1934; Page: 16 ) 1935/01/04 - Holderness No. 1 oil well of SD Gas & Petroleum in Tijuana River bottom caused other wildcatters - a rig has been set up on the George Downs ranch near Palm City with foreman J. J. Stephens, has 500 acres under lease ( Chula Vista Star, Jan. 4, 1935. ) 1935/04/12 - Funeral Service For Palm City Resident Walter R. Smith. A goodly company of friends and neighbors paid their last tribute to a gallant, unselfish a n d loyal friend, Saturday afternoon when Walter R. Smith of Palm City was laid t o rest in Glen Abbey Memorial park. Mr. Smith made friends wherever he came in contact with those who accept friendship and cherish it. He won men from all stations of life with his generous and cheerful manner, always eager t o help and cheer someone, else along the way. He was seriously injured in an automobile accident being h i t by a speeding car on the highway three and on§-half years ago and at that time spent more than a year a t the Paradise Valley seni-l tarium, where he endeared himself j to young and old alike by his appreciative attitude. Mr. Smith was born 68 years ago in Indiana and at the age of 17 came to California on account of ill health. He spent many months in the mountains, camping in the open and eventually regained his heatlh. For the past ten years he has lived near the Mexican border in the vicinity of the Monument school. His love for flowers and children was shown daily as he visited about on errands of mercy. A little poem found among his treasues revealed his life more clearly than anything a friend might say of him: "O pluck from thorny paths a need o r two, b y some friendlv deed that we may do; or to point above the clouds to heaven's shining blue, we can do i t if we try, you and I." Elder J . A. Burden officiated a t the funeral service. Miss Kathryn Johnson, president of the graduating class of1935, P. V. S., saner three hymns. 'Nurses who attended him at the P. V. S. during his illness were his nail bearers; Arthur Olson, L e e PJCrnham, Evert and Arnold Tinker, -Paul Taylor and Dunbar Smith. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1935/11/22 - Mrs. Kretsinger age 91 has resided in SD since 1887, remembers crossing the bay in a skiff before the Hotel del was built. ( The San Diego Union, ) 1936/03/20 - (ad) Stop and Visit with your old buddies at the with you DUG OUT formerly Palm City Cafe Choice Wine& Beer on draught PALM CITY, CALIFORNIA ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1938/03/04 - BLUEBIRD CAFE LIQUOR U(HBE TAKEN: BOARD REFUSES PRESS DETAIIS Proprietor Says Complaint Levied Was On Selling Beer To Intoxicated Man; Counter Dusty A brilliant example of the great work that the state department of equalization is doing to protect the morals of Palm City is shown in the closing of the Bluebird Cafe on last Saturday night. According to Anna Stewart who is one of the proprietors of the erstwhile Bluebird Cafe the complaint levied against her consisted principally of the accusation of selling a bottie of beer to a man who was already xmAer the liquor. In addition to this unusual and especially heinous fraction of the law she goes on to state that she was accused of selling beer in an unsanitary manner, that the counter was actually dusty. If the latter was true the Border Press wishes to point out the obvious‹ that she could not have been selling much beer. The last statement, however, we have every reason to feel is false. The proprietors of the Bluebird were prompt in paying their biHs, and no business does that unless it is operating at a profit. A representative of this paper called the San Diego office of the board of equalization to check on the nature of the complaint filed in tins case. He was politely informed, however, that it could not he given even to the press except r in the most general terms. The d terms were as follows: that alco. holic . beverages had been sold to e a person while in an intoxicated o condition, and that the cafe in question had been conducted in a e r e st . s x d st s a| e n a t r, e s o manner not fitting to the public good. After getting this helpful piece. of information an attorney was called to find out what could be done for obtaining a review of the case by a jury in a court of law.j The following information, was received: 1B order for the proprietors of the Bluebird Cafe to have a trial before a jury it would be .necessary for them, in addition to engaging counsel, to pay each day of the trial the sum of three dollars for each juror. In other words for the, proprietors in this case to have the privilege of trial by jury, a privilege generally believed to be accorded to everyone in this country, it would be first necessary for them to put up the sum of $36 a day throughout the extent of the trial-In the attorney's opinion such a trial would last for probably eight or nine days, thus necessitating an amount in cash of over $300 for this ONE item. In fairness to the law it should be pointed out that if the ease were won by the persons bringing suit t n this money would be refunded. For the information of those who r; would be interested Anna Stewart d| and E. H. Bailey state that they e j expect to open a restai -| roost modern kind in F l the course of the next few ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1938/04/22 - PALM CITY NEWS Mrs. Ted Schlitz of Culver City was a visitor at her ranch last Monday. She will be remembered as the former Marion Spooner. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hartley and four sons of San Diego are spending the week at the Holcomb place. Mr. and Mrs. John Hull and son Oris left Monday morning for a motor trip to Death Valley, and vicinity. They plan to be gone a week. During their absence, Mrs. Hull's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Adams of San Diego, are staying at the Hull place. Mrs. Agnes Ballard spent Saturday and Sunday with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ballard of San Ysidro. Mrs. Robert Jacquot arid her sons were busy last week cutting willows in Tijuana valley. With the willows, they are planning to build a rustic arbor at their restaurant, El Monterey, south of Harborside, to be used for outdoor service for their patrons during the summer. Lawrence Smith, president of the Auto Trade Association, entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Way of Way's Market at his home at 4138 44th street early this week. Buddy Poor, Bobby Bowman and Russell Bowman spent two nights camping in the Sweetwater River bottom early this week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reuther last week purchase 60 acres of land from Ignatz Rottman. The 60 acres adjoins the south section of Reuther's place. Assemblyman'' Charles Stream was a visitor in San Ysidro Tuesday. Mrs. Clarence Nelson Brown and daughter Luella of Long Beach visited last week in the G. Richard Maloney home. The Women's Missionary council of the Pentecostal Tabernacle met Wednesday at the home of Oscar Lelevier. Mrs. W. H. Hamilton is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. G. Richard Maloney. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1938/04/22 - Palm City Personals Mrs. Emil Bruhlmeier of Monument and her two little daughters Leonora and Emily, are leaving by train Saturday for, Wisconsin. They are going to visit Mrs. Bruhlmeier's mother of Mount Hored, Wis. Miss Marion Jones of the Southwest junior high school faculty purchased a new Plymouth car Monday aftginoon. Mr. and MM Earl Shefflin and little daughtei Etheline Dolores, are new-comcM'to Tijuana valley, they came-Jwfe three weeks ago from Blueyple. Mr. Shefflin is building a home for his family on the property that his father R. T. Shefflin is leasing from H. S. Johnson. It was 82 degrees in the shade at Nestor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hull and son Oris of Monument returned last Thursday from a 1,200 mile drive to Death VaJ|ey and Boulder dam. They averaged 18 miles to a gallon of gasoline wtih their recently purchased Lincoln Zephyr. Mrs. L. E. Wishman of Des Moines, la., visited with her aunt Mrs. Agnes Ballard last Sunday. Mrs. Wishman motored down from Los Angeles with her friends Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf. Donnie Myers, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Myers, celebrated his 4th birthday April 14. Among the little guests who attended his party were Misses Leonora and Emily Bruhlmeier. The Brannon well drilling equipment completed a well for Tud Phinney last week on the ground he is leasing from M. Williams. Water was reached when the well was drilled to the depth of 85 feet. Miss Prisciiia Sands of San Diego spent two days jlast week visiting her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Nelson of Palm City. She also attended the beach party of the Epworth league of the Nestor M. E. church at Imperial Beach. Arthur Reuther and Lester Jackson have been busy this week putting a new fence around the 60 acres of land Reuther purchased two weeks ago from I. Rottman of Harborside. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Harrison were visitors at the F. A. Berry home in Nestor last Thursday evening, if III Mrs. C. A. Hotchkiss and son Albert, moved into their newly completed home in lmperial Beach Gardens last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ballard and son Steven moved from Sail Ysidro to Palm City last Friday. They are residing in George Tracy's house. Mrs. Charles Cook of Coronado Avenue, Nestor, is the new post mistress at the Palm City office. The ladies of t » Women's Missionary met at fp>F u 1 1 Gospel tabernacle in SanfpS0 Thursday. This was a distllfe meeting and very profitable aftj°y°u s - ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1938/04/29 - PALM CITY NEWS: Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan have moved in back of the Lobster Inn, and Miss Katherine Haydep has moved in with them. Sarah Rightenour of Palm City is to be given on Monday evening of May second by Rev. and Mrs. Richard Moloney at their home. Miss Rightenour Is to become the bride of George Buck in the early summer. The affair will also honor Miss Helen Ballard of San Ysidro, recently feted bride-elect, whose birthday is the same date. The Portillo brothers, Joe, Carlos, and Jim, are setting out ten acres of tomato plants this week on the ground they have under lease in Tijuana valley. They purchased the plants at Carlsbad. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1938/06/26 - Shell Oil district depot fire in Palm City was the worst gasoline blaze in county history. ( San Diego Union, June 26, 1938, clipping, Palm City Vertical File, San Diego Historical Society. ) 1938/08/19 - Ricks Opens New Business In Palm City. On Saturday the Palm City feed store is to open next door to the former Bluebird cafe, and on the following Monday the Bluebird cafe will re-open as a restaurant. Both businesses are under the ownership of R. G. Ricks who for the past two years has been working as an engineer for the San Diego Ice and Cold Storage company. Ricks came to San Diego county two years ago from New York ana promptly settled in Palm City with his wife and two children. In conjunction with the feed, store and restaurant the Shell Oil station is to be re-opened under the management of Roy Martin. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1939/05/05 - Ray Cavell has sold his Las Palmas home near Palm City to Ben Hulse ( Chula Vista Star, May 5, 1939. ) 1940/04 - Iwashita, F. S. & family - Natl at Palm City - owner (1940 Census ED 37-63) 1940/04 - Yamamoto, James (b. in California, owner) & family incl father Frank and mother Yukima - Palm City (1940 Census ED 37-63 ) 1940/08/11 - Ponies Galloped in S.D. Hills 25,000 Years Ago, Fossils Show. It has just been established that somewhere between 25,000 and 100,000 years ago horses did gallop over the hills of San Diego. Fossil teeth of one of them were found by W. E. Rambeau, Palm City, and taken to the Natural History museum, Balboa Park, for identification. He was blasting a well one mile east of Imperial Beach and found the teeth in hard sandstone, 10 feet below the surface. It was in so far as the museum staff knows, the first time that proof has been obtained that the prehlstoric horse roamed this region TEETH GIVE PROOF "There is definite evidence of the geological process on the teeth," Clinton G. Abbott, director , said yesterday. "They are beyond doubt fossil teeth. We believe this establishes the fact that horses of the Pleistocene period did gallop over San Diego hills. "Of course we have supposed..all along that they did, as fossil bones have been found in Los Angeles areas. We also have seen the fossil teeth of the equus occidentalis that were found somewhere in Borego desert, but had no way of knowing for sure whether they were found in San Diego or Imperial county." The "equus occidentalis" is the scientists way of saying western horse, when he means the western steeds that appeared probably 100,000 years ago, and disappeared from the American scene probably 25,000 years ago. There were no horses when the Spaniards first came to this continent, and no living n a tiv e had heard stories of them. The ones now in the Americas were reintroduced from Europe, ALSO FOUND IN TEXAS Some of the finest fossils of these horses of long ago have been found in Texas, proving that horses' hoofs pounded across the great plains of that state long before the cowboy added drama to the scene. The prehistoric horse fossil in the Natural History museum, on exhibit there for 20 years, was found 20 feet below the surface, near Silverton Bristow county. If the other bones had been found with the teeth discovered by Ram beau, the complete fossil would have looked like the one already on display here. Abbott said. The first 'horses differed from those n'ow here only in one essential‹they had powerfully developed jaw bones. "They lived off tough brush," said the museum director, "whereas our horses now cat soft grass and hay. ( San Diego Union ) 1940/09/06 SY and Palm City slot machines - Bamboo Inn near IB, Turf Cafe in SY, Art's and Flo's east of Palm City Deputies Seize Slot Machines. Four slot machines were seized by deputy sheriffs at South Bay cafes Wednesday night and were placed in the sheriffs property room. Operators of the cafes disclaimed ownership. It was announced that any one claiming them will be charged with owning them illegally and if no one claims them, a court order for their destruction will be asked, Bert Strand, undersheriff, announced. The machines were taken, one from each, from Jim's cafe, Palm City; Bamboo Inn between Palm City and Imperial Beach; Art's and Flo's, east of Palm City, and Turf cafe, San Ysidro. Deputies working the north coast region reported that on Wednesday night they found no illegal machines at Hotel Del Mar, Del Mar. Sunday night, stated reports published; in The Union, four machines were operating there. Races were on at Del Mar then and the town and hotel were filled with visitors. Wednesday night the races were over and the crowds were gone. (The San Diego Union,) 1940/11/09 - Susan E. Kretsinger, 94, died at home 1236 Cleveland Ave, resided here since 1888, native of Kansas, has son William L. Kretsinger and 3 sisters, Mrs. Margaret Sherman, Mrs Sallie Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Cloyd Smith all of SD. ( The San Diego Union, ) 1940/11/29 - Charles Stream was elected first president of the Palm City CofC when it was organized 1928, has celebrated its 11th annual oyster dinner, first served by Mrs. Stream in 1930, this year with 85 persons served 7 gals of oysters ordered by Stream from east coast, dancing to Val Dage's 7-piece orchestra. ( Chula Vista Star, Nov. 29, 1940. ) 1942 - There was a fire station in this Hilltop Village defense housing project and the California Department of Forestry moved its Palm City station to the Hilltop station. The Palm City Fire Suppression station was built in late 1938/9 and was a tent station with a garage and shower room, but no outhouse. Firemen had to use the toilet in the Palm City pool hall next door. ( Green-Barnes interview June 23, 2010. ) 1943/04/02 - T. C. Dorr of Nestor has sold his turkey farm to Dick Fisher of Palm City and have purchased the Chambers home on Elder street in CV. "The Dorr ranch has been one of the best known for fine turkeys in this section of the county." ( Chula Vista Star, Apr. 2, 1943 ) 1943/08/20 - Govt to build a 3rd rec center in CV, at hilltop and J St, for Hilltop Circle village defense project, will have offices, medical quarters, maintenance quarters, game and play rooms, and auditorium 35 x 21 ft. The other centers are at park Way adjacent to civi bowl, and Vista Square at National and G st. -- Aug. 27 - Another rec center will be built in Palm City, land donated by Robert Egger, will be ball park and library. ( Chula Vista Star, Aug. 20, 1943. ) 1946/05/03 - Ted's Drive-in opens May 4, owned by Ted and L. M. Gerringer, on National Ave west of Otay and east of Palm City. ( The Star-News, May 3, 1946. ) 1946/09/10 - Church May Buy Quonset Hut. PALM CITY. Sept. 9 (Special) ‹ Purchase of a war surplus Quonset hut for use as a temporary Catholic church in Palm City will be discussed next Monday at 7:30 p.m. at a meeting of the South Bay Catholic group at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egger near Nestor. C. H. Jackson, president of the group, said a site for the new church has been selected at H and McGregor sts. in Palm City. The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, bishop of the San Diego diocese, has approved the site and promised to assign a priest to the area within a month, Jackson reported. The new church will serve Catholic residents of the South Bay area, including-Palm City, Imperial Beach and Nestor. ( San Diego Union ) 1946/10/04 - Benj Killingsworth shot boy in Palm City stealing watermelons. -- Joe Rindone listed in Whos Who ( The Star-News, Oct. 4, 1946. ) 1947/01/30 - Bishop Officiates At Impressive Church Dedication Charles F. Buddy at St. Charles Catholic church in Palm City; construction began last Nov. 26. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1947/06/12 - (photo) ad for Triangle Log Cabin Cafe, Aleck Preftis, prop., Palm Ave at the Triangle Corners, IB ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1947/07/31 - Family Gathers For First Re-Union. at home of Roy Earls at 10th and Coronado in Palm City, honoring Joseph S. Earls, father of 15 children ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1948/01/02 - Edward Sisemore opens Chevron station in Palm City ( Chula Vista Star, Jan. 2, 1948. ) 1948/04/23 - Jerry Stone will open Hayloft on 101 at the Otay curve, located in the new Gonzales building, and filled with western style, music by Chuck Woodrum and his Desert Suns. -- 3 miles south at the Palm City-Coronado Y ( Chula Vista Star, April 23, 1948. ) 1948/06/18 - Palm City residents protested route of new highway through their community ( Chula Vista Star, June 18, 1948. ) 1949 - Wolfe's Airpark Wolfe set up his small civilian airport just south of the Otay River on the mesa almost at the east end of Palm Avenue. Now, residential streets named for famed aviators like Doolittle, Byrd, and Lindbergh crisscross the dirt once occupied by busy airplanes. By E.L. Leiser. ( "South Bay Airfields," Family, Friends, and Homes, 1991, pp. 506-507. ) 1949/05/13 - Frank Whitelock is owner of an auto court in Palm City, now plans a "super-model" 80 trailer park between Palm City and Nestor. "The new park will be completely landscaped in the most modern style and will extend over a tract of land fronting on 101 and also on the new highway 101." Whitelock said he "plans to make his new trailer park one of the showplaces of the Southland." He is helped by his father-in-law J. A. Munson. ( Chula Vista Star, May 13, 1949. ) 1949/06/10 - Richard David Bruton of 1633 Dahlia Street in Palm City had 60th wedding anniv. June 6, fmily reunion at son Oscar home in Palm City. They were born in Texas, and Lydia will be 74, had 14 children, have lived here since 1916. ( Chula Vista Star, June 10, 1949. ) 1949/06/24 - effort to incorporate the city of Del Fiel between Palm City and IB ( Chula Vista Star, June 24, 1949. ) 1949/06/26 Norcross shopping center New Shopping Center Built In South Bay. IMPERIAL BEACH, June 25 (Special) ‹ Development of a new shopping center in the South Bay area has been started with the completion of the new Palm Theater and store building on Palm Ave, between Imperial Beach and Palm City. The theater opened Friday night. Other shops and stores will be opening soon in the adjoining building, which provides spaces for six businesses, Including a drug store, variety store, dross and gift shop, a real estate office and other small shops. Palm Theater was originally planned for Palm City and construction of the building was nearlng completion when the a State Highway Department last November Informed the owner, Clemon E. Norcross, that the building later would be condemned because the site would obe needed for a highway right-of-way, Norcross then chose a site at 863 Palm Ave,, near the junction of Silver Strand highway and Palm Ave,, and changed his plans to include an adjoining building for stores and shops. The shell of the other building still stands in Palm City although the steel roof structure and other materials were salvaged for the new building. Associated with Norcross In the new development, reported to represent an investment of $125,000 Including land costs, are his father, Andrew J, Norcross, and his brother-ln-law, John E, Frier, (The San Diego Union, ) 1949/11/04 - (photo) Hayloft Cafe and Ballroom ad - The South Bay's Finest Fun Spot With the Western Atmosphere" - Dance with Ralph Riley and his Western Swingsters Fri and Sat nights - Bud Estes, manager (under new management) - on Highway 101 at Palm City-San Ysidro Y ( Chula Vista Star, Nov. 4, 1949. ) 1950/03/02 - Mrs. Stream died, bought ranch in Palm City 1914, moved to CV 11 yrs ago, was first elected to state leg in 1932, despite the Democratic landslide that year, retired 1947. ( Chula Vista Star, March 2, 1950. ) 1950/07/03 - Palm City, Nestor, Imperial Beach, compliments of the Palm City District Chamber of Commerce. THE SOUTH BAY AREA which inludes Palm City, Nestor and Imperial Beach is one of the fastest developing residential areas in Southern California. It is at present (1949) an unincorporated area in which many attractive homes are being built. Situated on the Coast and flanked to the east by the mountains, it has an unexcelled climate‹not too hot‹not too cold. Bajhtng and surf fishing along miles of sand beaches may be enjoyed by all. Picnics and campfires on the sands are popular evening events. The area is but a short drive from the mountain recreational areas. If one enjoys the races, it is but 30 miles from the American race track at Del Mar and the famous Agua Caliente track is but three miles south of the Border. One of the advantages of this area is its proximity to such outstanding features as Historic Spanish Missions, the Palomar Observatory, Balboa Park with its world famous San Diego zoo, and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography at La Jollla may live away from the congestion of a large city and v^t enjoy all the cultural and business attractions which are offered by a arge metropolis. gardens. Many carloads of winter celery are shipped. Beans tomatoes, early cucumbers and such vegetables are grown in quantity. An attractive Civic Center, the result of much coordinated teamwork among the residents speaks for the civic mindedness of the people. Among the local organizations are, the Chamber of Commerce Coordinating Council, Parent-Teachers Association, Business and Professional Women's Club, Women's Club, Imperial Beach Business Men's Club, and several civic groups which meet at frequent intervals to discuss and take action on current affairs. There are several parks in this area; namely the Imperial Beach County Park; the Silver Strand State Park and the Montgomery Park‹the site of man's first flight by airplane. The Imperial Beach recreational area has a lifeguard on duty the year around. Employment is found in many fields of work. The aircraft industry with plants in San Diego and Chula Vista employ many residents of this area. Many are employed by the government at North Island and at the local Naval Air base at Ream Field. Many agricultural workers are employed in the fields apjd dairies. One local merchant has built a large deep freeze plant in which individual lockers may be rented reasonably. The area has had an unprecedented growth and its future promises the same rapid development for many years to come. ( Chamber of Commerce Pamphlet, Imperial Beach Vertical File, San Diego Public Library ) 1950/08/10 - Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. will open new dial central office at 1288 Palm Ave as part of a $400,000 expansion, will add the "Hamilton: prefix to IB and Palm City area 1200 telephones ( Chula Vista Star, Aug.10, 1950. ) 1951/08/09 - Pat O'Brien to appear at the 4th annual St. Charles bazaar on Sunday at Eggers' Park in Palm City, to raised money to pay off debt of building the parochial school. ( Chula Vista Star, Aug. 9, 1951. ) 1952/04/24 - new multimillion dollar highway open to Palm City of Montgomery Freeway free way to Montgomery Freeway through Chula Vista was officially open to traffic yesterday as far south as Palm city this marks the completion of a little more than 75% of the project from 8th Ave. in a small city S. State Hwy. commission announced they now have funds available to extend the highway 2 miles south of the Palm city underpants to a point that will eliminate the often referred to death corner south of Mr. the new Montgomery Highway now offers divided four-lane traffic from the city sell Palm city north through Chula Vista patient in Chula Vista there are turnoffs at E St. G St. H St. and else ( Star-News, April 24, 1952. ) 1952/08/18 (PHOTO) Clem Muller, of Imperial Valley, and Julius Hofer, of Palm City, harmonize on Swiss yodel while Suzi Ernst listens. All three know a genuine Alpine yodel when they hear one’Äîand no wonder they were all born in Switzerland. Swiss Yodel in Palm City Tyrol. PALM CITY. The Swiss had an outing at Egger Park yesterday. there was enough authentic Alpine wrestling, yodeling and dancing to warm the heart of any transplanted Tyrolean. The occasion was the third annual Swiss Swing and Alpine Festival held by the San Diego County Swiss Club, and it attract ed several hundred persons of Swiss descent from throughout California.. One of the chief attractions was Schwingen, or Swiss-style' wrestling, with 22 brawny young men grappling in a sawdust ring for prizes and a kiss from six pretty crown girls. The wrestlers wear special oreeches on which they take their holds, trying to throw their opponent and pin his shoulders to the ground. In other sections of the gaily decorated park there was dancing to native music, stone-pushing contests for the athletically inclined and a cheese-sticking game in which blindfolded contestants tried to hit a bull's eye with a pointed stick. The prize was a few pounds of cheese’ Swiss cheese, of course. Pius von Flue, of Los Angeles, gave an exhibition of flag-throwing, and a barbeque lunch was served, followed by schueblig, a Swiss sausage, in the late afternoon. And as the day wore on and the men grew more mellow, yo dels rang out with increasing frequency. By nightfall the yodel ing duos and quartets were having a field day. Dr. Walter Schmidt, Swiss consul-general in Los Angeles, made a short talk after being intro-duced by John Kastlunger, president of the "San Diego County Swiss Club. Native costumes worn by many of those present added to the atmosphere. There was only one depart urn from realism: the beer was brewed in San Diego. (San Diego Union) 1953/06/18 - Richard Cole is the new scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 211, Palm City. The group meets in Jenkins' Barn. Scouts who enjoyed a recent overnight trip are : Freddie Jenkins, Delbert King, Freddie Bracksdale, Raymond Perez, and Richard King. ( San Ysidro Border Press, ) 1955/01/13 - new drive-in at 13th and Palm in Palm City by Lee Morgan, whose wife Nellie Foley was born on the old Foley residence on the whole block that was for 33 yrs a chicken ranch ( Chula Vista Star-News, Jan. 13, 1955. ) 1955/02/24 - -- "Plan 2,000-car Drive-In Theatre Near Palm City" - "The Perry H. Goodwin Company this week announced that Wade Allen and Associates of Phoenix will build a 2,000 car drive-in theatre between National avenue and Montgomery Freeway on Main street from the new theatre. The drive-in, said to be of the most modern construction and design, will be complete with a children's play park to accomodate the youngsters while Mom and Dad are watching the movie. The drive-in will be built on a 17-acre site leased for a 25-year period from Robert and Emma Eggar, prominent Palm City residents. it was reported earlier that Eggers had saved a portion of the frontage with plans to build a shopping center. The builders predicted this week that the new theatre would be open some time in late May." (3774) -- Harbor Drive-In expansion announced of $80,000 to be complete about April 15 acc to owner Tom Huntington - increase from 700 to 1100 cars, 2 new box offices, 4 new entrances, new 120-foot screen to replace the 60-foot screen for wide-screen pictures. international Rotary Club 50th anniv. 1915-55. ( Chula Vista Star-News, Feb. 24, 1955. ) 1955/02/24 - 2000 car drive-in to be built near Palm City, on 17 acres leased from Robert Egger -- Tom Hungtington is remodeling his Harbor drive-in , will expand from 700 to 1100 car capacity, 120-foot wide vision screen being installed to replace the 60-foot screen ( Chula Vista Star-News, Feb. 24, 1955. ) 1955/04/28 - Highway 75 in IB and Palm City officially opened ( Chula Vista Star-News, April 28, 1955. ) 1955/06/22 - Newspaper story Feb. 24 announced "Plan 2,000-car Drive-In Theatre Near Palm City" - "The Perry H. Goodwin Company this week announced that Wade Allen and Associates of Phoenix will build a 2,000 car drive-in theatre between National avenue and Montgomery Freeway on Main street from the new theatre. The drive-in, said to be of the most modern construction and design, will be complete with a children's play park to accomodate the youngsters while Mom and Dad are watching the movie. The drive-in will be built on a 17-acre site leased for a 25-year period from Robert and Emma Eggar, prominent Palm City residents. it was reported earlier that Eggers had saved a portion of the frontage with plans to build a shopping center." ( Chula Vista Star-News, 1955/02/24 ) 1957/01/13 - Rains Improve Celery Prospects. PALM CITY‹Celery growers in the South Bay area have revised their crop estimates sharply upward since last week's rains drenched the fields. Prior to showers, that began Jan. 3, the celery harvest was small, forcing market prices up to a peak of 55 a case. The area's 55 growers were confronted with drying wells, muddy reservoirs and mounting irrigation bills for 1,400 acres ing Co. here, said. Nitrogen-filled and salt-free rain water, however, has improved, prospects for a good yield and is putting more moisture into stalks. PRICE INCREASES "In 10 days we'll know if there's a chance to match the celery harvest w e made .last year," Harold Osborne, manager of the Golden West Packing Co. here, said. Osborne said his first crate of celery was shipped Dec. 3 and was marketed for S3. The price was $4.50 in late December and reached $5 during the first dry days of January. He said prices since have declined to $4 -for the average crate, which contains 24 to 30 celery bunches. '. "Not many growers were able to take advatage of those $4.50 and $5 prices, Osborne said. "Without rain, the celery just wasn't ready to go to market." Harry Roche, deputy county agriculture commissioner, predicted the rain will increase celery yields from one carload an acre to about two carloads. He said growers could expect about 800 crates an acre instead of the previously predicted 650. Crates weigh about 60 pounds. CELERY ACREAGE "Celery still is a three million dollar crop in San Diego County," Roche said. "An average of 35 carloads a day has been shipped in the last week by 12 packers, mainly in the South Bay." Osborne and his packing firm partner, Emil Ghio of Point Loma, grow a large share of the South Bay celery. Osborne also teams with his son-in-law, Frank Moss, in the operation of Osborne Farms, Inc. They grow vegetalbles in the TiJuana Valley, including 80 acres of celery. Ghio, in a partnership with Robert Egger, has 55 acres of Palm City celery and 100 acres on Otay Mesa "Costs, lack of water and other troubles ended most of the celery production in the north county," Osborne said. "We cut our operations from 275 to 235 acres. Now we ship about 500 carloads of celery a year‹all our own." ( The San Diego Union ) 1957/03/07 - R. Dale Evans, 81, died 1957, held open house for victims of 1916 flood, came here 1887 from Kansas at age 14, became rancher in Palm City area, was special deputy sheriff for many years, wife Gertrude came here 1902 and were married 1905 in home of Mrs. Evans father the late C. L. Smith of Palm City, son Harry Evans of CV. They lived at 2420 Palm Ave in Palm City ( Chula Vista Star-News, Mar. 7, 1957. ) 1957/03/11 - names of 23 residents of Nestor and Palm City and San Ysidro seeking annexation to San Diego. Louise Andrews of 2501 Monument Road leads the petitioners. Includes George G. Downs of 2802 Palm Ave., Frank DeLisi of 1610 Palm Ave., and Jesse Poor of 2461 Palm Ave., and M. Yamagati who lives at 405 Naples St but owns extensive land holdings in the area. ( Chula Vista Star-News, Mar. 11, 1957. ) 1957/03/11 - George G. Downs of 2802 Palm Ave., ( Chula Vista Star-News, Mar. 11, 1957. ) 1957/03/11 - Frank DeLisi of 1610 Palm Ave., ( Chula Vista Star-News, Mar. 11, 1957. ) 1957/03/11 - Jesse Poor of 2461 Palm Ave., ( Chula Vista Star-News, Mar. 11, 1957. ) 1957/04/18 - Bob Eggers, with his atty Paul Engstrand, objected to story that he sold 19 acres to Palm City. ( Chula Vista Star-News, Apr. 18, 1957. ) 1957/09/01 - Mrs. Ada Moore of Palm City exhibited "La Punta" at CV Art Guild exhibition of the historical landmarks at the Guild Penthouse Gallery on 3rd ave. Ruth Watson has labored over one painting of Mrs. Moore's home in Palm City, a Queen Anne Architectural showplace where Mrs. Moore has lived for the past 43 yrs. -- [ could be Kretsinger house ] ( Chula Vista Star-News, Sept. 1, 1957. ) 1957/09/13 - South Bay Community Park at Coronado avenue and 17th street east of Imperial Beach yesterday was re-dedlcated as Robert Egger Athletic Field in honor of its donor. Mr. and Mrs. Egger of Palm City were guests of honor as was Mrs. Dorothy E. Harbin, who was secretary of the South Bay Coordinating Council when the park site originally was donated July 18, 1945. Five acres was donated by the Eggers to the county. The Board of Supervisors obtained a suplus building for the site. The community center has a kitchen, restrooms, a covered patio and a large room for social and civic meetings. A County well-baby clinic and a county branch library already use the building. The park is part of San Diego's 22-mile South Bay annexation. ( San Diego Union, Sept. 13, 1957 ) 1957/11/07 - Palm Bowl to be built in Palm City, 16 lanes and restaurant and cocktail lounge and nursery, owner Nickolas A. Kromydas. The two Kromydas brothers, Nickolaus and Milton, have operated Krome Cabinet Mfg. and Suppy Co. in CV and Palm City for the past 12 years. Nickolaus and Emanuel Kromydas, son and father, are CV residents. -- 1930 United States Federal Census about Emanuel Kromydas Name: Emanuel Kromydas Home in 1930: Queens, Queens, New York View Map Age: 36 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1894 Birthplace: Turkey Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's Name: Pelagia Kromydas Race: White Household Members: Emanuel Kromydas 36 Pelagia Kromydas 34 Alex Nicholas Kromydas 11 Milhiadeias Kromydas 5 6/12 James Kromydas 30 Peter Kromydas 27 -- 1944 city directory: Kromydas Edw h649 Chula Vista -- 1950 city directory: Kromydas Nicholas A (Deana) cbt mkr h62 Madison av ( Chula Vista Star-News, Nov. 7, 1957. ) 1957/12/14 Trucker Held In Hay Sales. - A truck driver, charged with falsely representing quantities of hay sold to Palm City customers, was arraigned yesterday before Municipal Court Judge Smith. Smith setapreliminary hearing J a n . 10 charging Charles Edward Forsvthe. 44, of Paramount, Calif., with two counts of grand theft, totaling $662.63. The district attorney's complaint was signed Thursday by Herbert J. McDade. countysealer of weights and measures. McDade alleges Forsythe sold hay in late July to Joseph Zumstein of 140519th St. and Julius Hofer of 1229 19th, both of Palm City. Zumstein claims resulted in a loss of $220.68. Hofer claims a loss of ^l-Jxc Forsythe is free on SLoOO bail (San Diego Union) 1958/05/08 - Palm Bowl to open at 1962 Palm Ave, Palm City, bowling alley with 16 lanes ( Chula Vista Star-News, May 8, 1958. ) 1958/06/05 - Palm Bowl at 1862 Palm Ave in Palm City ( Chula Vista Star-News, June 5, 1958. ) 1958/10/16 - Robert Egger of 1701 19th St has taken out a permit to drill for oil on a 10-acre parcel in Palm City. Other wells had been dug years earlier at what is now NAAS Ream Field, another in the Tijuana valley, and another southeast of San Ysidro. ( Chula Vista Star-News, Oct. 16, 1958. ) 1959/06/25 - Palm Dairy at 1296 National Ave in Nestor will have its 1st anniv this week, acc to owners John G. Vacchetta and I. G. Piper. The Palm City area has a dozen dairies, total of 800 Holstein and Guernsey cows, daily delivery of 2500 gals. milk. -- [ this is at Broadway and Palomar ] ( Chula Vista Star 6/25/1959 ) 1959/10/29 - Oct. 29 - well located 700 ft. east of National Ave. and just north of Palm Ave in Palm City. ( Chula Vista Star-News, Oct. 15, 1959. ) 1963/05/26 - According to a 1963 newspaper story, a 12-year-old boy set fire to the tire dump in the canyon below the Rienstra Dairy, burned for 2 days, smoke seen 15 miles in all directions, on property of John Donica, owner of Freeway Tire Co., Palm City, where "mammoth pile of rubber had been dumped for past 10 years" on five acres. ( Chula Vista Star-News, May 26, 1963. ) 1964 - Reminiscent of the town is the Highland 3,000,000 gallon steel distributing tank of the California American Water Company built in 1964 - a replacement of an earlier reservoir which first carried Otay water to Coronado. ( "San Diego Notes," compiled by Irene Phillips, California Room, San Diego Public Library. ) 1964/07/02 - A. R. Dean, 86, founded the Palm City Assembly of God Church on land he bought in 1941, and for next 10 yrs was known as the Palm City Pentecostal Mission at 916 Hollister St. ( Chula Vista Star-News, July 2, 1964. ) 1964/07/02 - Rev. A. R. Dean in 1941 bought the land for the Palm City Assembly of God church at 916 Hollister St for $650; the church then was known as the Palm City Pentecostal Mission; his son Rev. Lelie Dean was pastor of the mission when it opened in 1939; the present church bldg was built in 1956, 3 years after the Sunday School annex; he is now 86 and retired, attends Sweetwater Assembly of God near his Lincoln Acres home ( Chula Vista Star-News, July 2, 1964. ) 1968/04/25 - (photo) article on page D-1 on sci-fi writer Harry Harrison, lives in Palm City ( Chula Vista Star-News, Apr. 25, 1968. ) 1969/01/01 - Howard Ranch With the coming of racing south of the border Marvin Allen added a long-lasting contribution with his San Ysidro Stock Farm. Allen, who had been a gambling operator in Nevada, turned to breeding with zeal and money. He reportedly spent $100,000 to build a water system, bringing it out of the Tijuana riverbed, for the ranch. Allen was an original partner in the old Tijuana track. Later Allen's ranch was bought by Jack P. Atkin, an Englishman who became book ringmaster at Tijuana, then unofficial general manager and later managed Tanforan and Coffroth during the option betting meeting. The wry,' meticulously dressed little man built up his Pasadena Stable and itud, as he renamed the San Ysidro Stock Farm, and eventually it was purchased by C. S. (Seabiscuit) Howard of San Francisco, Buick distributor for the western states. Howard pensioned several of his favorite campaigners at his San Ysidro Farm. Seabiscuit, who became world's top money-winner in 1940, was quartered at the ranch before winning the 1938 Caliente Handicap. Famous Noor, Irish-bred horse bought from the Aga Khan, was brought by Howard to San Ysidro to be trained for an American career that saw him four times defeat Calumet's Citation. James Parsons, a thoroughhorseman from Missouri, established the Hope Farm near San Ysidro in the old Tijuana era. It was famous for his "Seth" horses and still can be seen just off Montgomery freeway. Numerous smaller farms dotted the area, including the Melwood ranch, where stood the remarkably successful stallion, Bargello. Wally Zager, Cliff Clayton, Forrest Burkholder, D. C. Haskett and others still maintain modest breeding farms in the San Ysidro-Nestor-Palm City area. ( The San Diego Union ) 1973/01/21 - Farming In the South Bay area looks more and more bleak as the years go by. Rising costs for water and land , plant not . . yet been disease which has remedied , and competition from Mexican growers are among the pressing problems of South Bay farmers . EMIL GHIO, owner of Golden West Packing Company in Palm City, has seen his acreage dwindle from 700 to 450 acres because of inflated water costs. "Our water comes from the Colorado and is filtered through the Otay Municipal Water District," he said. "It used to be that 90 percent of our water was obtained through local wells but now about 10 percent comes from wells . "In this area we pay $109 per acre-foot of water whereas the San Jauquin Valley pays $30 and the Imperial Valley pays less than $10 for the same amount of water," he continued. "The reason for this is that we are at the end of the Colorado River line for water. " GHIO SAID that the South Bay area abas a good reputation for celery and matoes because of the mild weather "What has happened in the last 10 to 5 years is that the population has . creased in the area and the demand r land has also increased," he said. "Fifteen to 20 years ago we used to have ,500 acres in the Chula Vista district €growing celery and this year we're down 500 acres. Fifteen to 20 years ago we sed to have lemon growers in the area Dl,but now there are none ." ! JOE OWASHI, president of the Chula Vista Vegetable Growers Association lince its inception in 1965, reinforced ... statements with some statistics. In 1965, our membership consisted of 15 growers and in 1973 we have 40 nembers," he said. "Each year we are 'Iosing farmers. " t' Owashi feels that the problem of iminishing numbers of farmers is not iJ.ndigenous to this area . "In 1970 there were three million tl armers in the United States and the )rojection for 1980 is that there will be pproximately two million ," he said . "In the last 10 years there has been an average of 6,000 farmers quitting per ye~r in California. Some of them have retired, but most of them have gone broke ." THE TREND in farming has changed to where the small farmer can't market his product successfully because the big retail stores don't want to buy from a number of different farmers , according to the association president. " There are two cooperative associations in the area which are working to solve this problem for the small farmer," he said. "These are the South Bay Farmers Cooperative Association and the Veri-Able Cooperative Association." The biggest task for the South Bay farmer, Owashi feels , is a disease which attacks the tomato crop. The name for this blight is the 'fusarium crown rot" disease and an extensive research program has been devised to combat it. THE CALIFORNIA Fresh Market Tomato Research Program has been established and growers pay one-half cent per box of tomatoes for the research. The Universities of California at Davis and Riverside receive the money and are conducting the research. In a research report this disease has been described as a "soil fungus widely distributed in the warmer areas of the state. Once present, it remains permanently , and can cause severe losses through death of the plants." Another report says, "The disease is common and frequently severe in San Diego County and may perhaps. be explained by the fact that at least one tomato crop is grown on the same land each year and that it is often rotated with peppers, also a susceptible crop. "We have named the new disease, 'fusarium crown rot' because the crown is very susceptible to infection and is frequently attacked in the fiel? T~e disease has been observed extensively m San Diego County .... " RESEARCHERS FEEL that it isn ' t economically feasible to try to directly attack the disease so most of the effort is being spent in developing a tomato seed which will tolerate the disease . The report continues, "Since infected seed would be the primary means by which the fungus is introduced into uncontaminated land, and much of the 01 U.S. seed is produced in Mexico where q1 we have positively identified the Mtr presence of the disease , the possibility of seed transmission and its control will h, be thoroughly explored ...." THE FRESH market tomato crop is harvested in this area from late May to December . Economically , fresh-market tomatoes rank 'fourth in value of the vegetable crops grown in California and account for one-third the total value of fresh-market tomatoes in the United States. San Diego County produces an annual crop in excess of $20-million. A new tomato seed has been developed and is called a hybrid between an H-ll type and an Ace-type variety . "This seed has shown much promise in this area," said Owashi. "We are trying to breed seeds that will yield heavier , have better size and quality and will resist disease . I t takes several years to determine the absolute effectiveness of these seeds. Over the past year, however , this hybrid has proved very promising." COMPETITION FROM Mexican tomato growers has become of prime concern to growers in the South Bay area , A report by the California tomato subcommittee at the end of 1971 said "We have witnessed an increase in the importation of Mexican tomatoes from 7 773 carloads in 1962 to 17,806 carloads i~1970. "This increase is due largely to the fact that the Mexicans, over the years, have extended their marketing cut-off date from about May 1 through almost the entire month of July . Without some marketing restrictions concerning.t~e importation of Mexican tomatoes, It IS impossible for our domestic fresh tomato industry to survive." "We are constantly in meetings with the Mexican growers at the state level, " said Owashi. "We are trying to arrange a working agreement with them, but it's only in the talking stage now. We are hoping to produce a volunteer program whereby there will be a cutoff. d~te sometime in the spring on the shlppmg of Mexican tomatoes." ( Chula Vista Star-News, 1973. ) 1973/01/21 - EMIL GHIO, owner of Golden West Packing Company in Palm City, has seen his acreage dwindle from 700 to 450 acres because of inflated water costs. "Our water comes from the Colorado and is filtered through the Otay Municipal Water District," he said. "It used to be that 90 percent of our water was obtained through local wells but about 10 percent now comes from wells . "In this area we pay $109 per acre foot of water whereas the San Jauquin Valley pays $30 and the Imperial Valley pays less than $10 for the same amount f water," he continued. "The reason ,for this is that we are at the end of the Colorado River line for water. " GHIO SAID that the South Bay area has a good reputation for celery and tomatoes because of the mild weather here. "What has happened in the last 10 to 15 years is that the population has increased in the area and the demand for land has also increased," he said. "Fifteen to 20 years ago we used to have 1,500 acres in the Chula Vista district growing celery and this year we're down 500 acres. Fifteen to 20 years ago we used to have lemon growers in the area but now there are none." ( Chula Vista Star-News, 1973. ) 1976/01/08 - Bus Breese of Chula Vista is 62 years old. That doesn't mean he's an old man - he can punch your lights out. It does mean he's a teenager, a few times over. It's fair to call him an old teenager because he has no trouble relating to the 20-or- so real teenagers he teaches to box at the Palm City Youth Development Center, a few old buildings just across from Silver Wing Park on Coronado. BOXING? Now there's a piece of America which has given way to karate and kung-fu in the last couple years. But not with Bus Breese, of course, and not with these kids. " I like boxing," says Bill Medina, the 25-year-old director of the county- funded center. " Several kids asked me if we could start boxing last year. So we started collecting wood and built this ring.:' ( Chula Vista Star-News, 1976. ) 1977/04/10 - Palm City residents blast city over Palm Avenue widening project (article) ( The Imperial Beach Star-News, ) 1980/10/23 - (photo) Sara Krupit, a director of Palm City Youth Center's Youth for Progress Program, looks on as (from left) Alberto Guerrero, Rodrigo Sanchez and Fernando Cabrera check out the center's new mural. Five teenagers from different barrios cooperated in the project, which took them 85 hours to paint. They were directed by Juan Laguna, a teacher from San Diego State. Krupit said the mural project was meant to promote unity between youths from various barrios. ( Imperial Beach Star-News ) 1987/11 - (photo) Palm City Historical Days pioneers identified. Thanks to Ida Patterson Lynaugh for her help in the identity of the people in the photograph. Left to Right, Newell Peavey, father of Hollis Peavey who still resides in the Nestor area. Lottie Couts, Aunt of Ida Couts, The Couts family owned the adobe house since the marriage William Couts to Maria Antonia Argue!lo. James and Angela Patterson, parents of Ida Lynaugh. Ida is the aunt to Jack La Porte an early Chula Vista police officer Next gentleman we have the name of Mr. Stream and its our guess the woman next to him is Mrs Stream. ( Chula Vista Historical Society Bulletin, ) 1989/06 - CHULA VISTA TELEPHONE SERVICE. The CV Exchange estab'd Sept. 30, 1916. During 1908 the CV Home Telephone Co. estab'd a CV exchange that was discont's in 1910 and served after that from NC. The Sunset Company served Chula Vista from NC until 1916 In 1920 Chula Vista had 280 stations, in 1930 it had 769, in 1940 it had 1012, in 1945 it had 2,385, in 1947 it had 3,370, In 1949 it had 5,142 stations, in 1950 it had 6,112 in 1951 it had 8,147, in 1952 it had 10,022 stations. Palm City Historical Has been a part of the Chula Vista Exchange since the exchange was established. Early directories show some Palm City listings: J.W. Hartshorn Palm Hill Ranch Sept. 1904; W.G. Evans Palm Ave. 1909; Palm Station 1906; General Store Palm Station, H.S. Sternberger 1913 San Ysidro Historical San Ysidro Exchange established October7,1929 with 95 stations. In 1930 they had 107 stations. Prior to 1929 it was part of the Chula Vista Exchange. Little Landers Inc. San Ysidro May 1911 Other Early Listings W.B. Evans (Weldon Evans, Custom Officer) Nestor Sept. 1904; Edward Holderness blacksmith Nestor 1903; Robert Armstrong physician Nestor 1903; W.B. Vaughan grocer Nestor 1903 ( Chula Vista Historical Society Bulletin, ) 2014/07/15 - 874 Hollister - Palm City Mobile Park on beacon site = 1st mentioned 1962; sold 1968/04/07 by William E. Foister to Benjamin F. Smith ( San Diego Union ) The Swiss
1931 - Robert Egger (1901-78) was born abt 1901 in Switzerland, was living in San Diego in the 1930 census with Peter Novakovich 39, Harvey Smith 44, Gustaf Huppard 53, Joe Mello 27. His wife Emma Egger (1899-1974) came to San Diego 1931, and were living at 1701 Saturn in 1974. They ran a dairy farm, helped found the Swiss Club of San Diego County in 1939, donated land for the church and church school, for Marian HS and adjoining city park. South Bay Comunity Park at Coronado and 17th was re-dedicated Sept. 12, 1957, as Robert Egger Athletic Field. Park was originally donated July 18, 1945, on 5 acres donated by Eggers to the county. The park is part of San Diego's 22-mile South Bay annexation. The Robert Egger, Sr. South Bay Recreation Center is located at 1885 Coronado Avenue, San Diego, CA 92154. The site for the very first Schwingfest of the Swiss Club, held in 1949, was Egger's Park. The Club purchased the land that Swiss Park currently sits upon from Bob Egger in 1953, and built the current great hall in 1957. They are survived by 2 sons Walter Egger and Robert Egger, Jr., and daughter Mary Odermatt, and Emma's sister Bertha Leimgruber, all of San Diego. -- Household Members: Robert Egger 29; Peter Novakovich 39; Harvey Smith 44; Gustaf Huppard 53; Joe Mello 27. ( 1930 U. S. Census ) 1932 - John August Kastlunger, 66, (Aug. 23, 1938-Sept. 9, 2004) was born in San Diego and was a machinist for Rohr Industries. He was a member of the International Association of Machinists of San Diego and the Swiss Club. Survivors include his companion, Walterina Jendro; daughters, Kathy Hettich and Margret Yaptangco of Chula Vista; son, Martin Kastlunger, sister, Vreni Scheiber of Nicolaus; brother, Rudy Kastlunger of San Diego; and five grandchildren. CENSUS: -- Father: Johann Kastlunger (1904 1967) -- Birth Oct 4, 1904 in Sarnen, Switzerland -- Arrival New York, Nov. 25, 1928, from Bremen Germany port -- Married Apr. 22, 1935 in San Diego -- Naturalized Sep. 23, 1939 in San Diego -- Occupation: Dairy foreman at Egger Dairy 1932-43 -- Occupation: self-employed dairyman in San Diego 1943-1955 -- Stroke and paralysis 1955 in San Diego -- Death May 22, 1967 in Imperial Beach, San Diego, California. CENSUS: -- Mother:Franziska Wolfensberger (1905 1988) -- Birth May 30, 1905 in Immersee, Switzerland -- Arrival New York Nov. 30, 1930 -- Occupation in San Diego 1932-35 - Cook for Forward family, founders of Safeway in San Diego. NOTE: In June of 1929, Mat Heller sold Heller's Stores to the MacMarr chain, which subsequently [1931] was absorbed by Safeway. in 1910, Lenore was married to James D. Forward ( San Diego Union-Tribune September 15, 2004. Also the Jendro/Kastlunger Family Tree, ) 1936/04/06 Swiss Club Birthday Party Holtville. The Imperial Valley Swiss club will celebrate the 10th anniversary of its organization with an all-day festival Sunday at the clubhouse northwest of Holtville. Visitors from many southern California communities are expected to attend. The program will begin at 10 o'clock with a selection by ihe Swiss band, following which wrestling bouts, swinging matches, shooting on the new rifle range and other competitive sports will continue throughout the day. Dancing will be held in the clubhouse during afternoon and evening. Officers of the Swiss club are, Julius Hofer president; Paul Egger, vice-president; Theodore Ming, secretary, E. Odermatt, treasurer; Walter Nanni financial secretary, Ed Von Ah, property warden. Rifle officers are PauI Egger, president: Kuhn vice-president; G. Wirsch, cashier: Fred Press and John Durrer, field inspectors; Karl Cing property warden, Theodore Ming, secretary. Schultz is director of the Swiss band, Strahm is president of the music group; Clem Mueller, treasurer; Walter Nanni, property director, and John Durrer heads the wrestling section; Leo Zumstein is vice president; Louis Stockalper, treasurer; Joe Zumstein, property warden, and Joseph Mueller, secretary. Judges for the swinging matches are John Sulver of Monrovia, John Durrer of Holtville and Louis Stockalper of El Centro. (San Diego Union, Apr. 6, 1936.) 1938 - Some of Imperial Valley's early Swiss immigrants were Julius and Rosely Hofer. The Hofers were among the charter members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Holtville. The family owned a dairy south of Holtville before moving to San Diego County. They had three children: Ella, Julius Jr. and Walter. Although I was very young when my parents occasionally visited the Hofers in San Diego, I remember their cordial welcome. Mrs. Hofer always cooked for the men who milked the cows at their dairy, and was known for serving delicious meals. They were quick to assist newcomers from Switzerland. Their bunkhouse always had an extra bed for someone in need, a practice followed by many Swiss farmers and dairymen. Julius Hofer served as president of the Imperial Valley Swiss Club for five years, from 1934 to 1938. Eric Hofer, 28, a native of San Diego, is the great-grandson of Julius and Rosely Hofer. Eric is owner of the Imperial Steakhouse at the Airporter Inn in Imperial. The restaurant has a Western atmosphere with a few Swiss touches. Scattered among the Western art, branding irons and horseshoes are Swiss cow bells. ( written by Dora Depaoli, Imperial Valley Press, March 11, 2009. )
1939 - Dairy farms were prominent in the area where immigrant families from Switzerland settled. The Zumstein family and Julius and Rosalie Hofer had dairies on 19th Street (now Saturn Boulevard). Robert and Emma Egger's dairy was on 19th Street and Leon Avenue, and into the Tijuana River Valley. John and Frances Kastlunger had a dairy on Hollister Street in the south side of the Otay River Valley. Another Swiss family had a dairy on the north side of the Otay River Valley. Other Swiss families had dairies on Dairy Mart Road and in Otay. All of the local dairies shipped their milk to the Dairy Mart processing plant in San Ysidro. The Swiss families that settled in the community established the San Diego County Swiss Club in 1939. The Swiss Club is located at the western side of Interstate 5 off-ramp at the Main Street, Chula Vista. The building and park are rented to the public for weddings and other events. My husband, Paul Pluss, was one of the young Swiss immigrants who came to California and worked on the dairies. He worked for Bob Egger growing silage for the cows at Brown Field and on 19th Street where Mervin's Department Store and Home Depot are located today (Palm Avenue and Saturn Boulevard). ( My Life And Times In Imperial Beach by Marilyn Teyssier Pluss, for the 50th Anniversary of the City of Imperial Beach in 2006 ) 1939 - The San Diego County Swiss Club officially formed as a group in 1939. The SDCSD's first president was Paul Aeschlimann. Members of the Swiss Club Board at that time were Paul Aeschlimann (President), Robert Egger, Sr. (Vice President), Theodore Blattler (Treasurer), Walter Suter (Recording Secretary), Leo Arnold (Corresponding Secretary), John Kastlunger (Director) and John Christen (Director). The site for the very first Schwingfest, held in 1949, was Egger's Park. Since then, San Diego has seven times been the host city for the West Coast Swiss Wrestling Association Championship Schwingfest. Alois Stockalper was President when the Club purchased the land that our Park currently sits upon from Bob Egger in 1953. Then in 1957, pulling resources together, the Club built a great hall. At the inauguration everyone could proudly say, "At last we have our own hall." The beautiful hall, presently used, was built in 1970 due to the expansion of the freeway. ( Swiss Club, ) 1940 - Rudolph George "Rudi" Stockalper Birth 2 Nov 1932 in Imperial, California Death 8 Apr 1999 in Ramona, San Diego, California, United States of America Residence 1940 1 Apr Age: 7 San Diego, San Diego, California, United States Arrival 1948 26 Oct Age: 15 New York, New York Death 1999 8 Apr Age: 66 Ramona, San Diego, California, Parents: Alois Stockalper 1903 1985 and Elsa Kathriner 1916 2000 ( ) 1940 - Alois Stockalper Birth 15 Jun 1903 in Grengiols; Rar, Wallis, Schweiz Death Oct 1985 in Ramona, San Diego, California Departure 1922 Jun Age: 19 Antwerpen Residence 1935-1993 Ramona, CA Residence 1940 1 Apr San Diego, San Diego, California, United States Arrival 1948 26 Oct Age: 45 New York, New York Death 1985 Oct Age: 82 Ramona, San Diego, California, Spouse: Elsa Kathriner 1916 2000 Chidren: Private Private Private Rudolph George "Rudi" Stockalper 1932 1999 ( ) 1946 - The South Bay Recreation Center Gymnasium at 885 Coronado Avenue is dedicated to the memory of Robert Egger Sr., a dairy farmer, who in 1946 donated the land upon which the park now stands, to ensure the community would have park facilities at that location. Egger died in 1978 after living in and serving the South Bay community for 58 years. ( South Bay Recreation Center, 1885 Coronado Avenue, San Diego, CA 92154 ) 1951/08/23 - Hildegard performed at St. Charles bazaar at Egger park, spoke at one point in Swiss to the audience, has gained widespread fame for her French songs. Pat O'Brien was unable to appear. ( Chula Vista Star, Aug. 23, 1951. ) 1952/08/18 - Clem Muller, of Imperial Valley, and Julius Hofer, of Palm City, harmonize on Swiss yodel while Suzi Ernst listens. All three know a genuine Alpine yodel when they hear one’Äîand no wonder they were all born in Switzerland. Swiss Yodel in Palm City Tyrol. PALM CITY. The Swiss had an outing at Egger Park yesterday. there was enough authentic Alpine wrestling, yodeling and dancing to warm the heart of any transplanted Tyrolean. The occasion was the third annual Swiss Swing and Alpine Festival held by the San Diego County Swiss Club, and it attract ed several hundred persons of Swiss descent from throughout California.. One of the chief attractions was Schwingen, or Swiss-style' wrestling, with 22 brawny young men grappling in a sawdust ring for prizes and a kiss from six pretty crown girls. The wrestlers wear special oreeches on which they take their holds, trying to throw their opponent and pin his shoulders to the ground. In other sections of the gaily decorated park there was dancing to native music, stone-pushing contests for the athletically inclined and a cheese-sticking game in which blindfolded contestants tried to hit a bull's eye with a pointed stick. The prize was a few pounds of cheese’ Swiss cheese, of course. Pius von Flue, of Los Angeles, gave an exhibition of flag-throwing, and a barbeque lunch was served, followed by schueblig, a Swiss sausage, in the late afternoon. And as the day wore on and the men grew more mellow, yo dels rang out with increasing frequency. By nightfall the yodel ing duos and quartets were having a field day. Dr. Walter Schmidt, Swiss consul-general in Los Angeles, made a short talk after being intro-duced by John Kastlunger, president of the "San Diego County Swiss Club. Native costumes worn by many of those present added to the atmosphere. There was only one depart urn from realism: the beer was brewed in San Diego. (San Diego Union)
1953/01/15 - 1953/08/20 - 4th annual Swiss Festival at Eggers Park in Palm City Aug. 23, with prizes for wrestling, the San Diego County Swiss Club Fourth Annual Swing and Alpine Festival ( Chula Vista Star, Aug. 20, 1953. ) 1953/08/27 - Swiss Park festival attended by record crowd, watch swiss wrestling where contestants wear special breeches on which they take a hole with one hand, that leaves a foot and a hand to trip up the other fellow. ( Chula Vista Star, Aug. 27, 1953. ) 1957/05/30 - June is Dairy Month, full page ad - this is probably the first dairy month. In the South Bay are 26 producers and 4 producer-distributors earn income of $3m, 4803 cows milked daily and produce 336,000 glasses milk per day, 70,000 gallons a day, 30% of county total. Story on growth of Cloyed Dairy in last 10 years since Gordon Cromer and Garth Knapp bought the Ralph Cloyed Dairy in 1947, then the Moran Ranch in 1948 across Highland Ave, a second drive-in milk store built in 1954 at Broadway and C on the western boundary of the dairy farm. Leo Sumstein of Bonita bought dairy 3 months ago, has 100 registerd Brown Swiss cows, mild distributed through Dairy Mart. -- headlines p. 2D: "Big Share of County Milk Supply Produced Here."( Chula Vista Star-News, May 30, 1957. ) 1957/09/13 - "Park Named After Donor In South Bay" South Bay Comunity Park at Coronado and 17th was re-dedicated yesterday (Sept. 12) as Robert Egger Athletic Field. Park was originally donated July 18, 1945, on 5 acres donated by Eggers to the county. The park is part of San Diego's 22-mile South Bay annexation. ( San Diego Union, Sept. 13,1957 ) 1965/07/23 - Hans Schoenbachler is manager of Swiss Park club at 2001 Main street, stopped teen dances because police would not issue permits. ( Chula Vista Star-News, July 23, 1965. ) 1966 - Swiss Farms Dairy formed in early 1966 by Robert and Walter Egger and George Schurig to market dairy products, owned by SDIC Corp. Swiss Farms milk production has risen from 6000 gals per month 2 yrs ago to 140,000 gals, and the creamery plant had recent $40,000 expansion. EGGERS And SCHURIG MILKING 800 COWS PER DAy, AND WERE AMONG THE COUNTY'S NINE TOP MILK PRODUCERS. (Chula Vista Star 8/08/1968) -- 1966-01-14 Swiss Farms Dairy ad The San Diego Union; Date: 01-14-1966; Page: 15; ( Chula Vista Star 8/08/1968 ) 1966/07/10 - Prizes awarded at 4-H and Furture Farmers cattle shows at San Diego County Fair: Cathi Stockalper, Nestor, a first prize and senior and grand champion; Carol Duston, Chula Vista, second; Dawn Brennan, Bonita, third; Dawn Ella Croshier, Imperial Beach, first; Terry Henderson, Chula Vista, first; Fred C. Autio, Imperial Beach, first, and Butch Stockalper, Nestor, third. In FFA contest, Arie Del Hoog won senior and grand champion awards and five blue ribbons. ( IB Star-News July 10, 1966 ) 1968/06/30 - R&G Farms of IB is 20% owner of Swiss Farms Dairy, Kaj Gormsen of Belgium is president; also Don McHenry was an organizer, owns Food City market in IB ( The San Diego Union, ) 1968/08/08 - Rebele column on Swiss Farms dairy, started 2 and 1/2 years ago by Robert and Walter Egger and George Schurig, hired Don McHenry as VP who had owned Food City Market in IB; have 170 retailers in SD and Imperial counties, 80 of whom own shares in SDIC Corp that shares 80% of Swiss Farms profits. The company owns 800 cows. ( Chula Vista Star-News, Aug. 8, 1968. ) 1974/10/19 - "Egger funeral rites set" Emma Egger, 75, died Thursday, mass at St. Charles Roman Catholic Church, Imperial Beach, and burial in Holy Cross Cemetery, lived at 1701 Saturn, county resident for 43 yrs [1931], husband Robert Egger & Emma were natives of Switzerland, organized the county Swiss Club [in 1939], donated land for the church and church school, for Marian HS and adjoining city park. Two sons Walter Egger and Robert Egger, Jr., and daughter Mary Odermatt, and sister Bertha Leimgruber, all of San Diego.egger ( San Diego Tribune, Oct. 19, 1974. ) 1975/10/09 Funeral Planned For Walter R. Hofer. Private family services and burial will be at 11:30 a.m. today in Glen Abbev Memorial Park for Walter R. Hofer, 46, of 2041 Coronado Ave., owner of Hofer & Sons Cattle Ranch in Descanso. Humphrey Chula Vista Mortuary is in charge of arrangements. Hofer, who died Monday in his home, was a native of El Centro and a county resident for 25 years. [came here ca 1950 ] He was an Army veteran of World War II and a member of the San Diego County Swiss Club. Survivors include a son, Walter Jr. of San Diego; a daughter, Heidi M. Hofer of Lakeside; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hofer Sr.; a brother, Julius Hofer Jr., all of San Diego, and a sister. The family suggests contributions to the Walter Hofer Memorial Fund at the Pilgrim Lutheran Church. (San Diego Union) 1981/08/20 - Maragret R. Stockalper was a sister of George Gabbard of CV, daughter of Douglas B. Gabbard ( IB Star-News Aug. 20, 1981 ) 1982/04/22 - SB dairies dwindle from 15 to one. Walter Egger glanced toward the sky as rain clouds gathered overhead and then shifted his gaze out across the green alfalfa fields of his 180-aere South San Diego dairy farm. "It looks like we might be in for some rain," he said, smiling. "I'm always praying for rain." Egger, 46, noted that increased water costs have contributed to forcing many South Bay dairy farmers out of business in recent years. In fact, during the past decade, about seven or eight diary farms here ‹ including large operations like Dairy Mart Farms, Golden Arrow and Alfa Dene ‹ have shut down ‹ according to San Diego County Department of Agriculture statistics. Last June, there were just two dairies operating In the South Bay. Since then however , one dairy owner . Bill Kreinbring ‹ who twice daily milked 500 cows at his Monument Rd. facility‹has ceased production. Now only Egger's dairy on the corner of Leon Ave. and 19th St. in South San Diego remains. According to Herbert Weisheit, a dairy specialist with the county Department of Agriculture, the dairy industry In San Diego County hit its high water mark during the early 1950s. By the mid-fifties there were at least 15 dairies flourishing between Chula Vista and the border, he said. In those days there were 122 dairies in the county. Today, that number has dwindled to 32. South Bay dairies have been forced to suspend milk production or relocate to rural areas primarily because of increased demands tor housing, increased health restrictions, soaring land taxes and skyrocketing operation costs, Weisheit said. Egger recalled that in the 1940s his father, Bob Egger Sr., owned over 1,000 acres of grazing land bounded by Palm Ave. on the north and 15th St. in Imperial Beach to the west. The Holstein and Swiss Brown cows he raised grew fat on fields sewn in alfalfa. In the early 1960s though, as other demands for land took priority, the senior Egger was forced to sell off large portions to keep up with increased tax assessments. A large section of his land was purchased by the Navy and then leased back to the dairy for 15 years, Walter Egger said. The lease has long since expired, but under new arrangement, Egger said, he pays the Navy $6,000 a year to rent 150 acres for grazing. SOUTH BAY'S dairy farmers, Egger said, are more fortunate than most. He was able to grow from 30% to 40% of the alfalfa necewaryto feed his herd, Others had to ralse their milking stock in more confined spaces, necewitatlng the JaSC Tralfalfa fioroouuidesourcaa. Since feed comprises more than half tha cost involved In milk production,Egger, by growing a portion of his alfalfa has been able to stay in business. ( The Imperial Beach Star-News, ) 1984/06/28 South Bay Swiss keep their traditions alive.
1994/04/14 - Before freeways, warehouses and parking lots, the South Bay was a center for Swiss dairy farmers. One such farmer, Robert Egger, decided that there should be a club to which his fellow expatriates could come to preserve their language and culture. Nowadays, Swiss Park is home to Quinceaneras, weddings and company picnics. The members of the San Diego Swiss Club still get together to talk about the old country, but when they're not around, the hall is rented out to other groups in need of a meeting place. "Mixing cultures is what this country is all about," says Mary Odermatt, daughter of Swiss Club founder Egger. But, she adds, "keeping together the homeland spirit" is the purpose of the club. Portions of what is now Palm City, Nestor, San Ysidro, Otay Mesa and Chula Vista were once grazing land. The Dairy Mart Farm in San Ysidro was a large creamery that was supplied in large part by the Swiss farmers of the South Bay. Tradition in Switzerland dictates that the oldest son inherits the farm after his parents die. Because of the country's small size, there isn't much land available for farming. Weather and geographic conditions limited the growing season to a few months. Younger sons and daughters were left to search for their own farmland. The search drove many of them to look overseas, including San Diego's South Bay. When the Swiss settlers arrived in the area, they soon recognized the rich soil and grazing land in the Tijuana River Valley. Club founder Egger, who owned more than 500 acres of prime South Bay property, sold the site for Swiss Park to the Swiss Club at a moderate price, his daughter said. The site originally was known as Egger Park. The club's original building and an acre of land had to be sold to the state in 1968 to make way for the expansion of Interstate 5. The recreation hall which stands today was built in 1970. The Swiss Club of San Diego County has been meeting as a group since 1939, when it had a membership of about 60. Nowadays, there are about 200 members. Offspring of the club's founders, as well as recent arrivals, keep the tradition going. Cultural events throughout the year include Swiss-style wrestling matches, concerts with songs in all four of Switzerland's languages, and the highlight of the year -- celebrating Switzerland's independence day on Aug. 1. "We get lots of calls starting about mid-July," Odermatt says. "That's when the Swiss people living here start to miss their country." Elsbeth Leary, 37, a native of Kilchberg, Switzerland, came to San Diego four years ago. Now, she's a member of the club's choir, which performs on special occasions. Fred Heimers has been a member of the Swiss Club since the 1940s. He describes its members as happy and harmonious. ( San Diego Union-Tribune, Apr. 14, 1994. ) 1998/05/13 - Julius Hofer Jr., 74, dairy farmer, rancher. Imperial Valley heat drove Julius Hofer Jr. and his family to De Anza Cove on the San Diego coast in 1940. But the soaring temperatures didn't drive them out of the cattle and dairy business. For a year, the Hofers operated a small dairy on rented land near what today is Mission Bay. Eventually, the Hofers moved their dairy to South San Diego, where Julius Jr. operated it for three decades as it grew to more than 400 head of cattle. Julius Hofer Jr. died Thursday at Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center. He was 74. Mr. Hofer retired from the dairy business in the 1970s and became a cattle rancher. He loved entertaining family and friends at Rancho Alegria, a 462-acre spread that he owned in the mountains between Descanso and Julian. The son of Swiss immigrants, Mr. Hofer was born and raised in the Imperial Valley. After moving to South San Diego, the Hofers were among many Swiss farmers in the South Bay who supplied milk to Dairy Mart Farms, a major creamery in San Ysidro for which Dairy Mart Road was named. The South Bay's Swiss heritage is reflected in the San Diego Swiss Club and Swiss Park, where cultural events, including Swiss-style wrestling, are scheduled year-round. Mr. Hofer was active for years in the San Diego Swiss Club and attended Swiss functions from coast to coast, family members said. Until 1992, Mr. Hofer rented homes on his 40 acres of South San Diego dairy land near the Mexican border. He was dismayed when charges of undocumented immigration and drug trafficking led government officials to demolish two of the homes. "If you rent a house out to someone, you don't want to be their baby sitter," Mr. Hofer told the San Diego Tribune. "They figured I should have known (about the smuggling). I guess they thought I was supposed to control the border." Mr. Hofer is survived by his wife, Marge; two daughters, Gloria McCandliss of South San Diego and Betty Sandoval of Bonita; a son Ernie of Bonita; a sister, Ella Sulzer of Duarte; 11 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Services are scheduled for 11:30 a.m. today at Glen Abbey Mortuary Chapel. ( San Diego Union-Tribune, May 13, 1998 ) 1998/10/31 Hopefuls seek end to water district 3 vow to dissolve agency if they win. A slate of candidates running for election to the Tijuana River Valley County Water District board wants to liquidate this tiny water authority because it believes the agency has become irrelevant and costly. The slate: community activist David Gomez, his wife, incumbent Jeanie Gomez, and Martha Alicia Navarrete, a Nestor resident has signed pledges to immediately dissolve the water district. If all three candidates are successful, they will have a majority on the five-member board. Talk of doing away with the 52-year-old district has become the dominant theme of this election. Two current board members, and at least one incumbent seeking re-election, reject the notion of closing down operations. "David (Gomez) is a political loose cannon," said water board candidate Nick Inzunza. "It is ludicrous for him to talk of getting rid of the district which represents about 15,000 people." Unlike other county water districts, the Tijuana district sells no water. It exists to find and develop new water resources in the South Bay, and to advocate on such issues as flood control. With fewer than 6,500 registered voters, the district runs from the border north to Imperial Beach's Ream Field and east to Interstate 5.
2003/03/16 - Margaret Hofer, 78, of San Diego died Tuesday. She was born in Holtville and was a homemaker. She was a member of the San Diego County Swiss Club and the San Diego Swiss Ladies Society. Survivors include her daughters, Gloria McCandliss of San Diego and Betty Sandoval of Bonita; sons, Julius Hofer of Lemon Grove and Ernie Hofer of Chula Vista; brother, Joe Zumstein of San Diego; 11 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Services: 11 a.m. Tuesday, Glen Abbey Mortuary Chapel, 3838 Bonita Road, Bonita. -- McCandliss, Gayle's brother Charles was born November 12, 1948, at Long Beach, California, and he married Gloria Hofer of Chula Vista. [became Gloria McCandliss] They have two children: Todd, born November 15, 1975, and Michelle, born August 6, 1980. ( San Diego U-T, Mar. 16, 2003. ) Sources:
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