
The South Bay Historical Society does not yet have the physical space for museum exhibits. The following are online exhibits from our collection of photos and documents.
Aunt Emma's Pancake Restaurant
Border Field State Park
Christmas Traditions in the South Bay
Chula Vista Shopping Center
Coronado Cays and Silver Strand
Dock's in Chula Vista
Fageol Safety Bus
Farmworkers Strike 1971
Fire Engine "Old Goose"
Flood of 1916
Freeways of the South Bay
Grant House
Gunpowder Point History
Historic Sites in the South Bay
Hotels and Motels in the South Bay
Imperial Beach Historic Sites
Imperial Beach Lifeguard Service
Imperial Beach Scientist Eugene LaFond
Imperial Beach Sellers-Keever Park
Japanese in the Tijuana River Valley
La Punta
Lemon Industry of Chula Vista
Lorenzo Anderson house in Otay
May Day Celebrations in the South Bay
Military Bases in the South Bay
Miss California 1978
Montgomery High School 1968-1972
Museum of American Treasures
National City Heritage Square and Brick Row
Navy Album 1922-1923
Newspapers of the South Bay
North Island Naval Base
Oneonta in the South Bay
Otay Ranch
Otay Ranch of Stephen Birch
Otay Watch Factory
Palm City
Poultrymen of the South Bay
Prehistoric South Bay
Rainbow School of Dancing
Rexall Drug Store
Rohr Chronology
Russian Spring
Salt Works
Shelton Ranch House
Silver Dollar Cafe
Starlight Yule Parade 1964-1983
Sweetwater High School
Tent City to Imperial Beach
Tijuana River Valley Chronology
Tijuana River Valley Mining
Tijuana River Valley Sewage Treatment
Water Companies of the South Bay
Woodlawn Park
The communities of the South Bay today have been shaped by 3 great watersheds: the Sweetwater River and Dam, the Otay River and reservoirs, and the Tijuana River and Rodriguez reservoir.
This web page was created Dec. 4, 2013, and updated July 12, 2018, by Steve Schoenherr for the South Bay Historical Society | Copyright © 2018