1856 born Thomas Woodrow Wilson in Virginia - strong father Joseph, Presbyterian minister; loving mother Janet from intellectual family 1
Princeton class of 1879 - God, duty, justice - absolute values, not relativism
Johns Hopkins Ph.D. 1885; marriage to Ellen Axson, close-knit family of 3 daughters 1 - 2nd wife Edith Boling Galt 1915-24 - 2
Princeton teacher and president 1902-1910; arterial illness evident by 1906
electives, preceptors, eating clubs, grad school of Andrew Fleming West 1
Key Ideas:
Religion - "The Bible reveals men unto themselves, not as creatures in
bondage, not as men under human authority, but responsible through his own conscience to his Lord and Maker."
- "I will not cry 'peace' so long as there is sin and wrong in the world ... America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy scripture."
Morality - foreign policy must be "more concerned about human rights than about property rights." - "The force of America is the force of moral principle."
Democracy - "When properly directed, there is no people not fitted for self-government." - "Discipline - discipline generations deep." - U.S. to be the "preceptor to the world."
Mission - "America's mission was to realize an ideal of liberty, provide a model of democracy, vindicate moral principle, give examples of action and ideals of government, uphold the rights of man, work for humanity and the happiness of men everywhere, lead the thinking of the world, promote peace - in sum, to serve mankind and progress."
Progress - history is linear, not cyclical; is idealistic, not materialistic like Lenin or Debs 1
The Great War documentary series: Episode 6 "Collapse" argued "the U.S. was going to war to establish a new world order, to establish the principles of democracy." Episode 7 "Hatred and Hunger" described the revolution in Russia, Allied intervention, and Wilson in Paris.