This is a list of resources for the History 178 class in the Spring 2003 session. The course is taught by Dr. Steven Schoenherr. Contact Dr. Schoenherr by e-mail at

Social History 178

  1. This class was last taught in the Spring 2003 session.
  1. Prologue
  2. Centennial
  3. Agriculture
  4. Homestead Strike
  5. Gilded Age
  6. Robber Barons
  7. Neotechnic
  8. Edison
  9. Progressive Era
  10. Prisons
  11. World War I
  12. Ramparts We Watch
  13. New Era
  14. Depression
  15. World War II
  16. Cold War
  17. 1960s
  18. Culture Wars
  19. 1990s
  20. Environment
  21. Immigration