Why Columbus Significant?
- maritime community of skilled navigators
- Bristol fishermen, Cabot from Venice, Verranzano from Genoa
- had knowledge of Plato's Antilia, Vikings, St. Brendan, Marco Polo, Ptolemy
- made portulan charts, learned of Atlantic gyre
- joined with Martin and Vincente Pinzon at Palos
- Enterprise of the Indies
- Ferdinand and Isabella unified Spain, expelled Moors, Inquisition
- Franciscan monks, banker Luis de Santangel
- Edict of Expulsion March 31; last Jews left Aug. 2
- Spanish-born Pope Alexander VI line of demarcation - Tordesillas
- 4 voyages made - also Ojeda, de Lepe, Cabral
- printing press
- Santangel letter published 1493, Peter Martyr
- Vespucci, Waldseemuller, Mercator
- Columbian Exchange
- from Europe: sugar, pig, smallpox
- from America: potato, tobacco, quinine
- Slave trade begins
- discovered pathway
- Magellan, Urdaneta, Verranzano
- colonization
- La Navidad, Santo Domingo
- Balboa to Panama, de Leon to Florida 1513
- conquistadores and missionaries
- Hernando de Soto to the Miss. R. 1541
- Juan de Onate to New Mexico 1598
- missions, encomiendas, ranchos